
  • 网络salt product
  1. 测量不确定度及在盐产品检测中的应用

    The Measurement of Uncertainty and Its Application in Salt Product Detection

  2. 方法以苦味酸作为选择性沉淀剂,结合有机溶剂结晶方法沉淀SAM盐产品。

    Methods Picric acid was used to precipitate SAM from the cell extracts selectively . Organic solvents were adopted to precipitate SAM 's salt products .

  3. 现今,盐产品已有14000多种。

    Today , there are over 14,000 kinds of salt products .

  4. 用微波加热法测定盐产品中水不溶物含量。

    Water-insoluble matters in salt products are determined with microwave heating method .

  5. 扩大镁盐产品应用领域。

    The application area of magnesium salt 's products has been enlarged .

  6. 我国盐产品品种及分析检验

    Description of Varieties and Analysis Methods of Salt Products

  7. 无机盐产品出口前景初探

    A preliminary prospect on export of inorganic salts

  8. 我们是达彼思阿佩克思整合营销传播,正在从事一项关于盐产品的市场调研。

    And we are now engaged in a marketing research of salt related products .

  9. 简述了10种(类)钙盐产品的工业生产方法,并绘出了工艺流程示意图;

    Commercial production methods and basic flowsheets of 10 calcium salt were briefly discussed .

  10. 大力发展具有贵州特色的无机盐产品

    Developing Energetically Inorganic Chemicals of Guizhou Features

  11. 本文研究了三种不同的丁酸盐产品在产蛋鸡日粮中的应用效果。

    Effects of three kinds of butyrate salts were studied by adding in layer diets .

  12. 钡盐产品的研究开发和展望

    Exploitation and Prospect of Barium Salt Products

  13. 固相萃取富集-火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定盐产品中微量镉

    Determination of Trace Cd in Salt Products with Solid Phase Extraction Enrichment Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  14. 实验结果表明,最终得到的阴离子型金属盐产品,可望作为低泡型洗涤剂而开发利用。

    The result of experiment show that the anionic products can be exploited as low-foaming detergent .

  15. 介绍了国内外主要钡盐产品的研究开发动向,阐述了主要钡盐产品的应用前景。

    In this paper are reviewed R & D trends and applications of barium salt products .

  16. 酸浸法是利用高岭土生产铝盐产品及其深加工产品的基本方法。

    Acid leaching method is the essential way to produce aluminate and so on by the utilization of Kaolinite .

  17. 指出关于新型钛酸盐产品的制备、新性能的发现及寻求新的应用领域是一项值得深入研究的课题。

    It is pointed out that the preparation of novel structured titanates , the discovery of novel properties and new application fields are worth studying deeply .

  18. 本文对化学试剂厂从事钼盐产品专业厂的105名职工详细询问了病史,并进行了眼科全面检查。

    We inquired about the history of disease and carried out the ophthalmologic examination for 105 workers exposed to the molybdenum ( Mo ) salt products in the chemical reagent factory .

  19. 用除盐产品清洁靴子周围的盐线,或者混合同样比例的醋和水,用软布擦在靴子上,然后清洗,晾干,抛光。

    Clean salt lines around your boots with a desalting product , or mix equal parts vinegar and water , dab it on the boots with a rag , then rinse , dry , and buff .

  20. 以烷基酚和氢氧化钙等为原料,在引入特定促进剂及一定压力条件下,通过对中和及羧基化反应条件的优化考察,合成了一种碱值达到98.9mgKOH/g的中性烷基水杨酸盐产品。

    Alkylphenol and calcium hydroxide were used as raw material , and a special accelerant was applied under certain pressure . The reaction conditions of neutralization and carboxylation were investigated and optimized to obtain a neutral calcium alkylsalicylate having TBN of 98.9 mgKOH / g.

  21. 介绍了钡锶盐产品的发展现状及行业特点,指出了该行业存在的主要问题,建议:①采用减量原则充分认识钡、锶矿资源管理的重要性;

    The current development and industrial features of barium salt and strontium salt industries were introduced , with some problems pointed out . It 's suggested that : ① understanding the importance of the management of barium and strontium mineral resources in the view of the principle of reduction ;

  22. 贵金属催化时,加入铅、铋等助催化剂,并以活性炭为载体,碱性条件下于50~90℃反应2~6h,得到盐型产品。

    For the noble metal catalyst , the oxidation reaction was carried under 50 - 90 ℃ for 2 - 6 h adding Pb , Bi as cocatalyst , using active carbon as carrier and the result was salt - type product .

  23. 研究了市场产品部分水解聚丙烯酰胺ST50及实验室合成的耐温抗盐聚丙烯酰胺产品C09在石英砂表面吸附前后的浓度、黏度损耗。

    Concentration consumption and viscosity consumption of commercial HPAM ST50 and HPAM C09 synthesized in the laboratory by absorption on quartz sand was studied .

  24. 碳酸锂产品是重要的盐化工产品。

    Product of carbonic acid lithium is product of main saline chemical industry .

  25. 烷基水杨酸盐系列产品的研制

    Development of alkylsalicylate series products

  26. 实验所得雪花盐结晶产品片晶结构好、堆积密度小。

    The snow salt with better snowflakes structure and less stacking density is got in this research .

  27. 用湿法酸溶浸取、置换、氧化法除杂,研究从工业废锌渣中回收和提纯锌盐系列产品的工艺原理及其理论依据。

    It introduces the process principles of extracting zincate from industrial zinc slag with the methods of acid soak , replacement , oxidation and etc.

  28. 碳酸钙是自然界广泛存在的一种很普通的非金属材料,也是一种传统的无机盐化工产品。

    Calcium carbonate is a very common nonmetal material that exists in nature widely , and is a traditional inorganic salt product of chemical industry .

  29. 本文根据我省化学矿山资源丰富的特点,提出发展具有我省特色的无机盐化工产品的品种和政策。

    On the basis of the features of rich mineral resource , the varieties and policies about developing inorganic chemicals with local features are put forward .

  30. 环境成本管理能为企业带来良好的经济效益,符合国内外环境管理要求的盐化工产品会更受欢迎。

    The environmental costs management can bring the good economic efficiency for the enterprise , will conform to the domestic and foreign environmental management request salt product of chemical industry to receive welcome .