
  1. 徽商在汉口的经营范围十分广泛,特别是盐、茶、典当、米粮等行业尤为活跃。

    The merchants of Huizhou in Hankou managed business extremely wide and active , especially in the fields of salt , tea , pawns rice , and so on .

  2. 对明朝的商法主要从国家管理机构对商业的管理来介绍,包括盐、茶专卖制、商税制度以及对外贸易制度,旨在突出中后期发生的变化,以及发生变化的原因。

    Ming commercial law , mainly from national regulatory bodies to introduce commercial management , Including salt , tea monopoly system , business tax system and trade system , To highlight the changes in late , and the reasons for change .

  3. 她误把盐放进茶里去了。

    She put salt into her tea by mistake .

  4. 你把盐放到我的茶里面了,你这个低能儿。

    You 've put salt in my tea , you moron .

  5. 金属盐沉淀法提取茶多酚影响因素的研究

    Research of Factors for Tea Polyphenols Extraction with Metal Salts as Precipitator

  6. 他错把盐放进了茶里。

    He put salt in the tea by mistake .

  7. 我错把盐放进了茶里。嘲笑犯错误的人是不礼貌的。

    He put salt in the tea by mistake . It 's not polite to laugh at the person who made a mistake .