
yán yè
  • salt industry
盐业 [yán yè]
  • [salt industry] 盐的开采,加工和销售行业

盐业[yán yè]
  1. 此研究既延伸了SCOR模型的使用,又为四川盐业应急响能力的提高提供了参考,具有重要的应用价值。

    The study not only expanded the usage of SCOR , but also provided references to improve the emergency response capabilities of Sichuan salt industry .

  2. 针对应急情况下的四川盐业供应链SCOR模型的定义层、配置层、流程元素层分别提出应急建议及措施。

    In view of the definition layer , the configuration layer and the process element layer of the SCOR of Sichuan salt industry supply chain in the emergency situation , the emergency response proposals and measures were proposed respectively .

  3. 浅谈中国加入WTO与湖北盐业

    Talk about China Accede to WTO and Salt Business in Hubei Province

  4. 然后,设计了基于J2EE技术架构的地区级盐业公司的业务管理软件。

    Then it designs business management software for local-level salt enterprises based on J2EE technology framework .

  5. 基于VRML的盐业职工技能培训与考核系统

    The Skill Training and Testing System Based on VRML for Salter

  6. SH盐业公司物流管理研究

    Research on the Management of SH Salt - Trade Company 's Logistics

  7. 实践证明吹塑法生产盐用PVC薄膜技术可行,完全能满足盐业生产的需要。

    The results show that PVC film can be manufactured by blowing method , and it is satisfied with the salt prodution needs .

  8. McCarron医生则通过为盐业协会提供科学建议来获得报酬。

    Doctor McCarron is paid for offering scientific advice to the Salt Institute .

  9. 学者傅罗文(RowanK.Flad)在《古代中国的盐业生产和社会等级》(SaltProductionandSocialHierarchyinAncientChina)一书中写道,早在公元前685年,山东半岛的齐国就开始对盐业生产进行垄断,但这种制度或许出现得更早。

    A monopoly on salt production was introduced as early as 685 B.C. in the state of Qi on the Shandong Peninsula , though it may have existed even earlier than that , the scholar Rowan K. Flad writes in " Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China . "

  10. McCarron医生和Alderman医生都与美国盐业协会(盐类行业贸易组织)有关。

    Both Doctor McCarron and Doctor Alderman have connections to the Salt Institute , a trade group for the salt industry .

  11. 文章首先介绍了虚拟现实并阐述了虚拟现实对盐业职工培训的意义,接着介绍了虚拟现实建模语言VRML,最后以盐业职工培训过程中的盐池为例说明虚拟现实在实施过程。

    Firstly the article introduce virtual reality and its significance to the employee training in salt industry , then explains what VRML is and finally shows how to carry VR into execution in salt pond as a part of employees ' training .

  12. 优化配置盐矿资源强力开发盐业市场750kV敞开式变电站绝缘配置的优化


  13. 县级盐业批发企业创新发展的有益尝试&河南尉氏县食盐包乡买断经销机制的调查

    Beneficial Attempt at Innovation and Development of County-Level Salt Wholesale Enterprises

  14. 四川井盐业空间布局的历史演变

    The Historical Evolvement of Sichuan Well Salt Industry Productivity Space Position

  15. 欧洲近代盐业技术的改进

    The Evolution of Modern Capitalist Colonialism Salt Technological Improvement of Europe

  16. 虚拟现实及其在盐业职工培训中的应用

    Virtual Reality and Application in Employees ' Training of Salt Industry

  17. 这些,都为浙江盐业生产的发展提供了十分有利的条件。

    These provided favorable condition for the salt development of Zhejiang .

  18. 西夏的盐业是西夏历史中的重要组成部分之一。

    The salt industry is an important part of Xixia history .

  19. 宋代福建食盐的生产试论中国盐业垄断经营的法律规范问题

    On the Law Regulation of the Monopoly of Chinas Salt Industry

  20. 加强盐业法制建设和盐政执法的探讨

    Enhancing Constructions of the Legal System and Policy in Salt Business

  21. 盐业检验面临的挑战与学科管理

    The Challenges Facing Salt Industry Inspection and Subject Construction and Management

  22. 自贡市是我国重要的盐业、化工生产基地。

    Zigong is an important salt industry and chemical production base .

  23. 新中国成立前海南岛盐业小史

    Shortened Salt History of Hainan before the Foundation of New China

  24. 探讨浙江盐业经济的发展过程及其社会影响,很有意义。

    Studying its economic development and social infection is very important .

  25. 抗日战争时期云南盐业发展研究

    Research on the Development of Yunnan 's Salt Industry in Anti-Japanese

  26. 试论盐业企业的文化建设

    Brief Discussion on the Corporate Culture Construction of Salt Industry Enterprises

  27. 朱熹盐业管理改革思想初探

    On the Reform Thinking of Zhuxi 's Administration of Salt Trade

  28. 第一章是战时自贡盐业的环境。

    The first chapter is the wartime Zigong salt environment .

  29. 盐业管理形成一个比较完备的系统。

    The salt industry management forms a quite complete system .

  30. 盐业契约论(二)&盐业析产契约的法律思考

    On Salt Industry Contract & On Laws of Salt Industry Trade Contract