
  • 网络Get it;fetched
  1. 这么好的酒,你从哪儿弄来的?

    The wine is really good . Where did you get it ?

  2. “你从哪儿弄来那些手表?是不是抢的?”“是的,昨晚我们抢劫了一家珠宝行。”

    " where did you get all these watches ? did you knock them over ?"" yes , we knocked over a jeweller 's shop last night . "

  3. 第一个问题是:"你从哪儿弄来的车钥匙?"

    The first question was : " Where did you get the car keys ? "

  4. 比尔:你从哪儿弄来的金表,乔?

    Bill : Where did you get that gold watch Jon ?

  5. 的确我从Goldstein那里弄来的

    It is ; I got it from Goldstein 's.

  6. 把rifki的棍子弄来,别吵醒他。

    Go and get rifki 's poker , but don 't wake him up .

  7. 那就是说冰是从酒店外弄来的。

    That means the ice didn 't come from the hotel .

  8. 马修想知道你从哪儿弄来的那个结婚蛋糕。

    Marshall wanted to know where you guys got that cake .

  9. 他们是怎么把你从佛罗里达州弄来的?

    How 'd they get you to go to Florida state ?

  10. 使我大惑不解的是他们究竟从哪儿弄来这钱。

    What beats me is where they get the money from .

  11. 你能把这家伙弄来吗?

    Could you get the guy to come by the house ?

  12. 我设法弄来点材料搭个棚子。

    I managed to scrounge the materials to build a shed .

  13. 别离开,我就去弄来。

    Don 't go away . I 'll just get it .

  14. 哪弄来的?买麦片送的吗?

    Where 'd you get that , in a cereal box ?

  15. 帕特:高迪,热水弄来没有?

    Pat : Gordy , did you get the hot water ?

  16. 说是他哥哥从什么笨警察那弄来的。

    He said his brother swiped it off some dumb-ass cop .

  17. 年轻男子们过去习惯于用长矛弄来牲畜。

    Young men used to try to rustle cattle with spears .

  18. 事实上你是从哪弄来这些大热外套的?

    Where did you actually find the much talked-about coat ?

  19. 如果有什么违法的东西,肯定是他们弄来的。

    You find anything illegal , they brought it in .

  20. 我不知道他们从哪里把这些人弄来的。

    I don 't know where they get these people .

  21. 你真该看看我弄来的这些性感的东西!

    You should see this sexy shit I got on .

  22. 你知道他们是从别处弄来的。

    You know they flew that tile in from somewhere .

  23. 我的床,从新德里弄来的。

    It 's my bed . I pick up in new delhi .

  24. 他们说别问这是从哪弄来的。

    They told us not ask where they got it .

  25. 问问那位大神能不能给我们弄来

    could you see if the big guy might get us

  26. 穿着从博物馆弄来的劣质维多利亚朝服�

    It 's dressed in a shoddy Victorian outfit from a museum .

  27. 你哪儿弄来的赌金?

    Where did you get money to place this bet ?

  28. 你从哪里弄来这东西的

    Where the hell did you even get this stuff ?

  29. 不要把匙子弄来弄去,快把早饭吃了。

    Stop messing with the spoon and finish your breakfast .

  30. “你打哪儿弄来这个的?”我问。

    " Where did you get this ?" I asked .