
  1. 红外及相关技术在盐湖化学中的应用

    Applications of IR spectroscopy and related techniques in Salt Lake Chemistry

  2. 盐湖化学与化工现状及发展对策

    Development Countermeasure and Present Situation of Salt Lake Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ── Appended Document

  3. 盐湖化学的前沿

    Frontier of Salt Lake Chemistry

  4. 盐湖化学化工九·五战役设想

    Consideration of " the Ninth Five Year Plan 's " Campaign of Salt Lake Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

  5. 潜江盐湖地球化学特征及其沉积母源探讨

    Geochemical Characteristics in Qianjiang Salt Lake and Its Sedimentary Parent Source

  6. 青海盐湖水化学类型的多元统计分类法

    Methods of Multivariate Statistical Classification of Hydrochemical Type of Qinghai Salt Lake

  7. 阿拉善高原盐湖水化学特征的主成分分析研究

    Hydrochemical Characteristics in the Saline Lakes on the Alxa Plateau

  8. 柴达木盆地盐湖水化学特征

    The hydrochemical feature of salt lakes in the Qaidam Basin

  9. 盐湖水化学类型的人工神经网络判别方法

    Artificial Neural Network ( ANN ) Method for Predicting of Hydrochemical Types of Salt Lakes

  10. 青海可可西里东部盐湖水化学及沉积特征初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Hydrochemistry and Sedimentary Characteristics of Salt Lakes in Eastern Hoh Xil Region

  11. 依据判别分析分类技术建立了盐湖水化学类型的数学模型。

    According to discriminant classification techniques to establish the salt lake hydrochemical type of mathematical model .

  12. 应用主成分分析和判别分析分类技术研究了青海盐湖水化学类型。

    Application of principal component analysis and discriminant dassification techniques were studied hydrochemical types of Qinghai salt lake .

  13. 结果表明,青海盐湖水化学类型主要为硫酸镁盐型。

    The results showed that the main hydrochemical type of Qinghai salt lake is type of the magnesium sulfate .

  14. 研究盐湖卤水化学需氧量的测定,提出消除高干扰离子的方法,优化实验条件。

    Studying the determination of COD for salt lakes brine , we put forward a kind of method of dispelling high molestation ions and improve the experiment conditions .

  15. 本文从成盐元素与生命科学,与能源和材料科学,盐溶液化学和盐湖资源化学等方面对盐湖化学的前沿进行了探讨。

    In this paper , some important subjects and developing aspects , such as the salt-formation elements and life science , the salt-formation elements and their compounds , the salt solution chemistry , and the resource chemistry of salt lake etc. , have been discussed in detail .

  16. 青藏高原盐湖的水化学特征

    The hydrochemical characteristics of the saline lakes on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  17. 新疆盐湖卤水水化学特征研究

    Research on the hydrochemical feature of the brine of salt lakes in Xinjiang

  18. 综述了近20年来从事青藏高原新类型硼酸盐盐湖盐卤硼酸盐化学的研究进展。

    In this paper , advance in Chemistry of borate in salt lake brines which has been studied for many years , were reviewed .

  19. 其判别函数可以成功地对盐湖样品进行水化学类型的判别或预测。

    The discriminant function can successfully determine or predict hydrochemical type of salt lake samples .