
zǔ jí
  • ancestral home;descent;original family home;the land of one's ancestors;domicile of origin
祖籍 [zǔ jí]
  • (1) [domicile of origin;ancestral home;original family home;land of one's ancestors] 祖先、祖辈的居住地

  • 本人祖籍湖南

  • (2) --亦称原籍

祖籍[zǔ jí]
  1. 正如你们所知,我的祖籍在广东省台山。

    As you know , my ancestral home is in Taishan in Guangdong province .

  2. 赵小兰于1953年出生在台北,祖籍上海嘉定。

    Zhao Xiaolan was born in1953 in Taibei , the ancestral home is Shanghai Jiading .

  3. 她祖籍是德国。

    She is of German descent .

  4. 祖籍湖北汉族鼻咽癌患者与HLA抗原相关的研究

    Study on correlation between nasopharyngeal carcinoma and HLA in Hubei

  5. “除非(祖籍国)政府能够改善工作条件,否则人们是不会回国的,”Plaza说。

    " People will not return unless the [ home ] government improves working conditions ," Plaza said .

  6. Ratha说,发展中国家应该调动这个相对稳定的人口的潜力,他们的收入一般高于祖籍国的GDP。

    Ratha says developing countries could tap this relatively stable population , which often has a higher income than their home country 's GDP .

  7. 目的:探讨25例鼻咽癌患者和50例正常祖籍湖北汉族居民HLA-A,HLA-B位点抗原分型。

    Objective : To study the HLA-A and HLA-B antigen type of 25 patients with NPC and 50 normal healthy individuals in Hubei province .

  8. 东村壁画冰激凌店(FrescoGelateria)的希腊裔店主用漂亮的淡羊乳酪无花果冰激凌来向自己的祖籍致敬,羊乳酪的松软以及份量刚刚好的蜂蜜和无花果让这款冰激凌有点甜,却不是很甜。

    The Greek owners of Fresco Gelateria , in the East Village , honor their roots with a beautifully light goat cheese fig gelato , with the fluffiness of goat cheese and just enough honey and fig to approach rather than fully embrace sweetness .

  9. 45万澳门居民中96%人祖籍是中国。

    Ninety-six per cent of the450000 inhabitants are of Chinese origin .

  10. 他祖籍浙江省宁波市。

    His ancestral home was in NingBo City , Zhejiang Province .

  11. 祖籍在诺曼底随着远征的军队而来

    From Normandy originally , came over with the Conqueror .

  12. 是的,我是华侨,祖籍是四川。

    Yes , I 'm an overseas Chinese , originally from Sichuan .

  13. 我出生在上海,父母祖籍广州。

    I was born in Shanghai but my parents are from Guangzhou .

  14. 我从来没跟我父亲谈过祖籍的问题。

    I never had a conversation with my father about his roots .

  15. 没有祖籍可循,他们都来自异国他乡

    There are no roots.They all came from someplace else .

  16. 我是白人,祖籍盎格鲁一撒克逊,异性恋者,一个婚姻美满的女性。

    I am a white , anglo-saxon , heterosexual , happily married female .

  17. 看到不同祖籍的人这么和谐地相处,真让人感到惬意。

    Seeing people of different nationalities live together harmoniously is a real pleasure .

  18. 如果你们有谁有那么一点点犹太祖籍。

    If any of you were even remotely jewish .

  19. 不少人因此回到祖籍老家和宗亲们重新建立起宗族关系。

    Many travel to their ancestral homelands to renew ties with their kin .

  20. 是的,我们英国人总是呆在祖籍。

    Charlie : Yes . We Brits tend to stay in our family homes .

  21. 我的祖籍是上海,但我的出生地是山东。

    My Father 's birthplace is Shanghai , and I was born in Shandong .

  22. 刘邦,祖籍也是今天的江苏省。

    The other was Liu Bang , who was also from present Jiangsu Province .

  23. 海外华侨华人与祖籍国关系60年述评

    Commentary on Relations Between Overseas Chinese and Their Ancestral Country in the Past Sixty Years

  24. 许多美国人祖籍在欧洲。

    Many Americans have roots in Europe .

  25. 她的祖籍在苏格兰。

    Her roots are in Scotland .

  26. 1954年生于上海安亭,祖籍江苏太仓。

    Was born in Anting , Shanghai in1954 , a native of Taicang , Jiangsu Province .

  27. 你的祖籍是英国吗?

    Are you of English descent ?

  28. 祖籍江西崇仁。

    Native of Chongren , Jiangxi .

  29. 非大陆的榜上富豪大约有一半人的祖籍在大陆广东和福建省。

    About half the non-mainland Chinese on the list have their origins in Guangdong and Fujian provinces .

  30. 而祖籍记忆正是华裔构建其族群认同的意识和文化基础。

    The memory of ancestral home is the very ideological and cultural basis of their ethnic identification .