
  • 网络Technical Cooperation Agreement
  1. 中国向阿尔及利亚捐助了300万美元,作为两国一项技术合作协议的一部分。

    China has donated US $ 3 million to Algeria as part of a scientific and technical cooperation agreement between the two countries .

  2. 他们已与abc公司签订了一份技术合作协议。

    They have signed an agreement of technical cooperation with the ABC company .

  3. 2004年10月,我国和欧盟签署了中国参与GALILEO计划的技术合作协议,投资2亿欧元,标志着我国航天事业在国际合作领域迈出走向欧洲化的第一大步。

    Our country subscribed the technological cooperation agreement of China 's participation into the Galileo scheming on October 2004 . China agreed to invest a total of 200 million euros , which signed a huge pace of national spaceflight project walk up to Europe in international cooperation field .

  4. 签署科学技术合作协议常常是希望形成更紧密的合作伙伴关系的国家迈出的第一步。

    Signing agreements on scientific and technological cooperation is often the first step for countries wanting to forge closer working relationships .

  5. 双方同意加强民用航空领域合作,确认愿扩大《中国民用航空局与美国联邦航空局民航技术合作协议备忘录》。

    The United States and China agreed to strengthen their cooperation on civil aviation , and confirmed their intent to expand the Memorandum of Agreement for Technical Cooperation in the field of Civil Aviation between the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America and the Civil Aviation Administration of China ( CAAC ) .

  6. 随着2004年7月6日《中国与海合会国家经济、贸易、投资和技术合作框架协议》的签署,中-海的FTA谈判也正式启动。

    As the subscription of the GCC-China FTA negotiation was formally startup .

  7. 此外,今年中美更新其关于科学及技术合作的双边协议。

    Moreover , China and the US this year renewed their bilateral agreements on scientific and technological cooperation .

  8. 这些措施有“保证燃料计划”,可使那些国家感到没必要投资于最敏感的核技术;还有核合作协议。

    These have included ideas for " fuel assurances ", so that countries do not feel the need to invest in the most sensitive fuel-making technologies , and also nuclear co-operation agreements .

  9. 公司拥有一大批国内外食用香精香料领域知名的技术专家,并与数家境内外专业机构、高等院校签有长年技术合作协议。

    We boasts a great number of renowned experts , both domestic and foreign , in the field of food flavor and fragrance .