
  1. 这个市场对各种高技术的玩具的反响很好。

    The market responds well to any kink of hi-tech executive toy .

  2. 主要产品函盖了一系列时尚的高质量,高技术的玩具和摇控模型。

    The product covers wide range of fashionable toys and RC models with state-level high technology and reliable quality .

  3. 感官评价技术在幼儿玩具设计中的应用研究

    Application Research on the Sensory Evaluation Technique in the Design of Early Childhood Toys

  4. 有科学博物馆。技术博物馆、玩具博物馆、历史博物馆、邮票博物馆,甚至是关于博物馆的博物馆。

    There are museums for science , technology , toys , history , stamps and even museum museums .

  5. 其特点是,它巧妙地将现代电子技术与传统玩具结合在一起,从而扩大了不倒翁玩具的欣赏范围。

    The utility model is characterized in that the modern electronic technology and the traditional toy are hung together slickly , and so enlarges the appreciation area of the tumbler toy .

  6. 基于逆向工程技术的布绒玩具CAD系统

    CAD system of staffed toys based on reverse engineering technique

  7. 集视频游戏和DVD技术于一体的玩具受孩子们的欢迎。

    The toys that incorporate video gaming and DVD technologies are popular with children .

  8. 质量技术两手硬广东玩具走向成熟

    Dedication to both quality and technology drives Guangdong toys mature

  9. 基于作业空间,利用计算机辅助技术对本塑胶玩具喷涂机械手的结构参数进行了分析,随后建立了优化模型,计算得到机械手结构参数的初步优化解。

    Based on the work space , analyzed the structure parameters of the manipulator make use of Computer Aided Technologies . Then an optimization model was established , and calculated , get the original optimized result .