
  • 网络technical-economic effect;technical economical effect;technical and economic effect
  1. 放矿截止品位的选择和资源回收率、盈利及每年精矿产量密切相关,从而影响到综合技术经济效果。

    The selection of cut-off draw-grade is closely related to the resource reco-vory , profit and annual output of concentrate , thus it is concerned with the-composite , technical-economic effect .

  2. 本文通过试验给出了浓氨水泵柔性石墨轴封的技术经济效果评价,并对较满意的结果提出了理论上的分析。

    This article gives a commentary on technical economical effect of flexible graphite shaft seal of thick liquid ammonia pump on the basis of teste , and puts forward theoretical analysis on fairly satisfactory results .

  3. Fuzzy数学在农业技术经济效果分析中的应用

    The Application of the Fuzzy Mathematics to Economic Effect Analysis of Agricultural Technology

  4. LU乳胶漆除用于内墙外,用于多彩涂料的中涂料也具有很好的技术经济效果。

    Besides for inner wall the LU paint kas also good technical and economical effect for medial-coating of multicolor coating .

  5. 对毛竹不同经营类型的技术经济效果分析表明:不同松土深度的产值间具有极显著差异,松土以25cm为最好,纯收入高;

    Analysis on economic effect by different management indicated that output values with different depth of soil loosen had evident difference , the optimal depth was 25 cm .

  6. 毛竹施肥技术经济效果研究

    Study on economic benefit of fertilizer application in Phyllostachys pubescens Forest

  7. 循环水系统应用膜过滤中水的技术经济效果

    Effect Analysis of Membrane Filter Water in Circulating Cooling Water System

  8. 提高工业建筑设计方案技术经济效果的主要途径

    The main way of improving technical-economic results for industrial construction scheme

  9. 有色冶金节能技术经济效果分析

    Analysis of economic efficiency of energy conservation in non-ferrous metallurgy

  10. 信息供给问题的技术经济效果综合评价

    Integrated Evaluation of Technological and Economical Effects of Information Supply

  11. 掺合料用量对混凝土高性能化的技术经济效果影响研究

    Influence of Admixtures Content to the Technical-economical Effects of high Performance Concrete

  12. 硫酸在铝土矿正浮选精矿脱水工艺中应用的技术经济效果

    Application of sulphuric acid in dewatering process of bauxite positive flotation concentrate

  13. 正确应用材料标准,获得最佳技术经济效果

    Trough Proper Use of Material Standard to Gain Best Technical Economic Effects

  14. 论证铁路长途通信电缆标准化的技术经济效果

    On the techno-economic significance of standardization of telecommunication cable system in railways

  15. 低压电网无功补偿节电技术经济效果分析

    Analysis of Economic Results on Reactive Compensation Save Electricity for Low Voltage Network

  16. 铁路货车滚动轴承化的技术经济效果

    Technical and Economical Effect of Applying Rolling Bearings on All Railway Freight Cars

  17. 林业生产的技术经济效果

    The technic al - economic effect of forestry activities

  18. 马尾松丰产林生长和技术经济效果评价

    Growth of High-yield Forest of Pinus massoniana and Evaluation of Technical and Economic Efficiency

  19. 用产量模型进行技术经济效果分析的程序设计

    Program Design of Economic Effect Analysis of Agricultural Techniques by Using the Output Model

  20. 既有办公建筑节能改造技术经济效果分析研究

    Analysis of Technical and Economic Effects for Energy Efficiency Reconstruction of Existing Office Buildings

  21. 甜菜机械化栽培技术经济效果的分析

    The Economic Effect of the Mechanized Cultivating Sugarbeet

  22. 交-直-交传动内燃机车的技术经济效果

    Technical-Economical Effect of Diesel-Electric Locomotive with AC-DC-AC Drive

  23. 海南铁矿开采方案技术经济效果分析

    Technical and economic efficiencies of the mining scheme for Hainan iron mine : its analysis

  24. 毛竹主要营林措施技术经济效果分析

    Analysis on Technical and Economic Effect of Main Forestry Measures Adopted in Phyllostachys pubescens Grove

  25. 内部收益率法是技术经济效果的动态评价方法。

    The Internal Rate of Return is a dynamic evaluation of the economic and technical result .

  26. 试论农业技术经济效果

    On the economic effects of agrotechnique

  27. 在施工中,通过合理的施工组织,取得良好的技术经济效果。

    During construction , an appropriate construction has been implemented and gaind good technological economic results .

  28. 评价农业技术经济效果的方法,主要是比较法。

    The method of comparing the effects of various agrotechniques is the main method for evaluating its effects .

  29. 营林商品经济的发展,客观要求强调其技术经济效果;

    As the market economic developed in silvicuture , its ecomic benefit of technology must be relatively emphasized .

  30. 盐城沿海发展风力发电技术经济效果的初步分析

    The elementary analysis on the technical economic effect of developing wind power generation technology in the Yancheng Coastal