- 网络Skilled;technician;skilled labor

Also , skilled artisans did not work by the clock , at a steady pace , but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time .
Some components would have to be bought in and we should have to recruit some skilled labour for the machine operations and semi-skilled workers for the assembly .
Skilled labors has high income , unskilled has low income .
The skilledusually earn more than the unskllled .
Many people think that only technology workers receive training preferences , but this is not the case .
Over the next two decades , the most pain will be felt by lesser-skilled workers most likely to lose their jobs to automation .
But all countries now need more than five-year plans ; they need 20-year , generation-long strategies to build the skills , infrastructure , and low-carbon economy of the twenty-first century .
The Research of Processing Equipment Manufacturing Process Management System Based on WEB
At the same time , the esterase technology and ISSR molecular markers of our country , and some wild strains of the cultivation poria cocos strains of germplasm characteristics and genetic diversity is analyzed .
Molecular biological techniques , such as isozymes electrophoresis , RFLP , RAPD , nucleic acid sequence analysis , micro-satellite DNA and probe hybridization , were applied in the studies of phylogeny in fruit flies since its commencement in 1980 's.
Exploration on Teaching Practising Programs of Senior Workers of Computer Software Technology
The demands of the measuring technology for tooling design and manufacturing are summarized .
The Application Situation and Prospect of Pure Water Hydraulic Drive Technology in Industry and Agriculture
they were skilled workers who thought that machines would devalue their specific jobs and their specific skills .
The paper detailedly introduces application technique and tool set-up mould of lincoln weld in steel reel pipe welding .
Rich-world companies looking to follow suit , " reshoring " jobs back home , are struggling to find enough skilled manufacturing workers ;
With the development of scientific technology and industrial & agricultural production in modern society , increasingly high demands have been proposed on power supply technology .
A Labour Agreement enables Australian employers to recruit a specified number of workers from overseas in response to identified or emerging labour market ( or skill ) shortages .
The INS / GPS integrated subsystem is studied in deep , then discuss the application of the multi-sensor data fuse in INS / GPS / SAR integrated navigation system .
In recent years , more and more color images have widely been used in scientific research , military technology , industrial and agricultural production , medicine , astronomy and meteorology , and other areas .
Teaching of senior workers of computer software technology is facing some difficulties , which are brought by the rapid renewal of computer softwares , various students sources , and shortage of feedback information from graduates .
Rich-world companies looking to follow suit , reshoring jobs back home , are struggling to find enough skilled manufacturing workers ; Foxconn could apply to Americans its extensive experience of training Chinese workers from scratch .
The fault location of transmission line is very important to industrial and agricultural production and the safe operation of power system , but the measure precision and reliability of the fault location device should be improved presently .
Here presents the current condition of study on the apply of laser heat treatment for tool and mould steel , the development trend of it , and the vast range of prospects of laser heat treatment technology used in tool and mould .
A new way improving benefits of ion implantation is demonstrated , i.e. not only the properties of tools and dies are improved , and their life-time is extended , but also the qualities of metallic products are significantly improved by ion implantation technique .
The change of trade routes had great impact on the economic transformation of Western Europe from Middle Ages to modern society . It influenced the transfer of the economic center of Western Europe , the transformation of commercial technology and the development of industry and agriculture .
The construction way mainly includes the selected location , the structure , the amount of space occupied , the room material , the artisan technology , the labor to limit , as well as affects its subjective and objective factor ; Detail characteristic including detail decoration and structural feature .
This paper introduces the development of two techniques of graph output with microcomputer IBM PC , image display on screen and graph drawing by dot matrix printer . PASCAL language is used in programming so as to make it convenient to interface with application program systems .
Application of GPR Image Analysis Technique to Hydraulic Concrete Structure Detection
Application of Cathodic Protection to Steel Structure in Sea Port Engineering