
jì shù zhí chēnɡ
  • technical titles;titles for technical personnel
  1. 这些知识分子不得不为晋升技术职称全力以赴。

    These intellectuals have to bend themselves to the promotion of their technical titles .

  2. 不同工作单位、不同技术职称的人员知晓率有显著性差异。

    There was significant difference in the awareness rate among different units and technical titles .

  3. 处理接受CPAP治疗患儿的自我信心评价与性别、学历、工作单位无关,与专业技术职称有负等级相关关系。

    The self-confidence of CPAP treatment of clinicians had no relationship with gender , education background and work units , but has negative rank correlation with professional titles .

  4. 美国的公司如何在中国的原料药厂建立审核机制?首先要雇佣一个有技术职称的中国人,他了解或者经过GMP培训。

    How can a company set up an auditing function in China ? The first step would be to hire a Chinese national with a technical degree who is knowledgeable in or could be trained in GMP regulations .

  5. 技术职称改革实践中的问题及若干建议

    Some problems and suggestions about the practice in technical post reform

  6. 专业技术职称评定综合决策模型的建立

    The Model of the Decision for Professional Persons , Title Judgment

  7. 村卫生室人员卫生技术职称情况更不容乐观。

    In the Village clinic can not be optimistic even more titles .

  8. 建立技术职称晋升规范;

    Formulating standards for the promotion of professional titles ;

  9. 他们的专业技术职称有教授、副教授、讲师和助教。

    Their academic titles vary-from professor , associate professor , lecturer to assistant .

  10. 护理专业技术职称任期考评工作的问题与对策

    Problem and Measure for Evaluation of Nursing Profession Levels

  11. 处方书写质量与技术职称关系评价

    On the Prescription Writing Quality and Professional Title

  12. 专业技术职称评定决策支持系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of The Decision Support System for Professional Persons ' Title Judgment

  13. 建立与技术职称相对应的卫生管理职称系列。

    Secondly , establish professional title of management in accordance with technical professional title .

  14. 那你现在的技术职称是什么?

    S your technical post title now ?

  15. 论我国安全工程(师)专业技术职称的建立

    About the Establishment of the Technical Title for Safety Engineering ( Engineer ) Speciality in China

  16. 中级以上专业技术职称,注册一级结构工程师优先考虑。

    To the Analysis of Thesis Quality in Books Intelligence Professional Title of a Technicals Evaluation ;

  17. 结果社区医护人员平均年龄34.6岁;中级以上技术职称占31.5%;

    RESULTS The average age of community doctors and nurses was 34.6,31.5 % staffwere middle professional title ;

  18. 公司现任副总经理刘小平为具有高级技术职称的主研人员。

    Company incumbent deputy general manager Liu Xiaoping for has the high-level technical title the host grinds the personnel .

  19. 同时也分析了女工下岗的文化技术职称、行业、健康等微观原因。

    Meanwhile , it also analyzes the micro reasons such as the women workers ' education , profession and health .

  20. 论述了在市场经济体制下建立安全工程(师)专业技术职称的必要性;

    The necessity for establishing the technical title for safety engineering ( engineer ) speciality under market economy is discussed .

  21. 不同性别、年龄、专业技术职称的科技特派员持续参与推广工作的意愿都有显著差异,但都不是影响科技特派员意愿的主要因素。

    Different gender , age and professional titles have to work a significant difference , but not the main factor .

  22. 高级技术职称及博士、硕士学位以上的高级技术人员占公司总人数的50%。

    Titles and advanced doctor , a master 's degree in advanced technical personnel more than the total number of50 % .

  23. 此外,人口统计学变量中的工龄、受教育程度、技术职称等级都在非主观故意型沉默维度上存在显著性差异。

    In addition , the demographic variables of length of service , education and job level have subjective effects on non-subjective silence .

  24. 在实施聘用制过程中要积极推动专业技术职称改革;

    In the course of implementing the appointment system , it is imperative to actively promote reform of professional and technical titles .

  25. 建议:合理配备护理人员编制,加强人才培训,形成护理队伍的合理技术职称结构,合理开发和利用护理人力资源。

    Suggestion : To improve the organization and to strengthen the trainings of nursing manpower , let it becomes well organized and developed .

  26. 专职科研人员具有不同的技术职称:研究员、副研究员、助理研究员和研究实习员。

    The full-time research workers are in different academic ranks : research fellow , associate research fellow , assistant research fellow and probationer .

  27. 军队医院也可以实行医务人员的制度,定技术职称,搞那么多行政职务干什么?

    Army hospitals , too , can have civilian medical personnel with professional titles . what 's the point of having so many administrative posts ?

  28. 第六条医师的医学专业技术职称和医学专业技术职务的评定、聘任,按照国家有关规定办理。

    Article Six The assessment and appointment of medical professional and technical titles and posts shall be in accordance with relevant provisions of the state .

  29. 而且调查显示,技术职称越低的护理人员,职业倦怠阳性率越高,临床护理人员的职业倦怠程度明显高于管理岗位的护理人员。

    Furthermore , the survey showed that the lower professional title the nurses had , the higher positive rate of professional weariness the nurses had .

  30. 目的:评价《处方管理办法(试行)》(简称《办法》)实施后处方质量与技术职称之间的关系。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the relation between prescription writing quality and professional titles after the implementation of the Prescription Regulatory Regime ( try out ) .