
  • 网络Silt;silty soil;Qel
  1. MBR工艺出水在粉土介质中的污染物转化规律研究

    Research on pollution transformation rule of MBR effluent in silt medium

  2. CPT参数判别饱和粉土液化方法研究

    Study on the method of the saturated silt liquefaction by CPT Parameters

  3. ⅠB随着粉土含量的增加而增大,即粉土质砂的应变软化程度随着粉土含量的增加而增加;

    Its content is : I. I_B increases with silt content .

  4. 粉土地基的液化区一般在地表下10m以内;

    As for silt deposits , liquefaction region is from soil surface down to 10m .

  5. 通过扫描电镜(SEM)对区内风干样品的微观结构进行了观察研究,和各段路基填土所具有的工程性质进行对比,证实了粉土的工程性质与其微结构存在着十分密切的联系。

    Through scanning electron microscope ( SEM ), micro-structure of the air dried sample is researched of observing to verify project nature of the silt and its micro-structure have close connection very further .

  6. 通过对杭州湾海底浅层粉土动强度的研究,发现动强度指标内摩擦角Cd为静强度的39.7%左右,同时动强度与固结比Kc、振动频率f关系密切。

    Through research on dynamic strength characteristics of silt in shallow layers of Hangzhou bay , we find that the inter frictional angle of dynamic strength is about 39.7 % on static strength 's.

  7. 对京九线路基粉土用GDS三轴仪进行固结不排水剪试验,研究不同围压、含水量、压实度下压实粉土样的应力-应变关系。

    Based on the CU triaxial tests on compacted silt from the Beijing to Kowloon railway subgrade , the stress-strain relationship analysis is made on the silt under different cell pressures , water contents and degrees of compaction .

  8. 由一个新参数Nh,来区分不同的软土(砂、粉土和粘土)分别位于新分类图上不同的部位。

    Different kinds of soils , such as sand , silty soils and clays , are found to be located in different parts of the chart . Based on this chart , a new parameter , Nh , is established to distinguish the different kinds of soils .

  9. 检测结果表明,挤入淤泥和粉土中的纯砂砾柱平均直径达到55~82cm,28d龄期时水泥砂砾灌浆体取芯的抗压强度达到4.3~11.4MPa。

    The inspection results indicated that the uniform diameter of pure sand-gravel columns in mud and silt reached 55 ~ 82 cm , and the boring core sample strength of grouting column reached 4.3 ~ 11.4 MPa at the age of 28 d.

  10. 固结比对饱和粉土液化影响的初步探讨

    Approach to Influence of Consolidation Ratio on Liquefaction of Saturated Silt

  11. 同时对粉土在波浪作用下的破坏机制进行了探讨。

    At the same time , the disruptive mechanism was discussed .

  12. 取样扰动对饱和粉土动力特性的影响

    Sample 's disturbance effects on dynamic properties of saturated silty soil

  13. 粉土地基下桶形基础沉贯试验研究及工程应用

    Bucket Foundation Penetration Test Study and Its Application in the Engineering

  14. 稳定低液限粉土路面底基层的施工研究

    Study on Construction of the Stabilized Low-Liquid-Limit Silt Soil Road Subbase

  15. 邯郸市饱和粉土地震液化判别与差异分析

    Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of the Saturated Silty Soil in Handan

  16. 随着含水量的增加,粉土的强度衰减非常快。

    The strength attenuates rapidly with the increase of water content .

  17. 天津地区饱和粉土地震液化的试验研究

    Experimental study of earthquake liquefaction of saturated silt in Tianjin area

  18. 浅谈公路低液限粉土路基施工技术

    On construction technology of low liquid limit silt roadbed of highway

  19. 粉土底基层加固及施工技术研究

    The Research of Stabilized Silty Soil and Construction Method for Sub-base

  20. 粉土对砂不稳定性影响的试验研究

    Study on the effect of fines on the instability of sand

  21. 高压沼气对浅部砂质粉土工程性质的影响

    Research on Influence of High-pressure Marsh Gas on Sandy Silt Engineering

  22. 饱和粉土液化和应变特性试验研究

    Experimental study on liquefaction and strain properties of saturated silt

  23. 疲劳模型评价海底粉土不稳定性的应用

    Application of Fatigue Model in Evaluating Stability of Seafloor Silt

  24. 冻结粉土的动静蠕变特征比较

    Comparison between dynamic and static creep characteristics of frozen silt

  25. 同时提出了粉土孔压数值模型。

    The authors proposed the model of pore pressure of the silt .

  26. 强夯加固饱和粉土施工工艺研究

    Study of Construction Technique of Dynamic Consolidation on Saturated Silt

  27. 一种新的碎石桩法处理液化粉土地基的设计方法

    A new design method for gravel pile treatment in liquescent silt ground

  28. 石家庄市及周围地区饱和粉土特征

    The characteristics of saturated silt in and around Shijiazhuang City

  29. 粉土地区公路基层结构设计研究

    Study on Structural Design of Highway Basic Level in Mealy Soil Area

  30. 饱和粉土的孔压和液化特性研究

    Study on Pore Pressure and Liquefaction Behavior of Saturated Silt