
  • 网络powder metallurgy products
  1. 粉末冶金产品生产成本计算系统的设计与实践

    Design and Realization of cost calculation system for powder metallurgy products

  2. 铜基粉末冶金产品质量的诊断分析

    A Diagnostic Analysis of the Quality of Acid Bronze Powder Metallurgy Products

  3. 冲床精整粉末冶金产品的专用机械手

    A special manipulator on punch used for sizing PM products

  4. 粉末冶金产品的快速开发与生产

    Rapid development and production of powder metallurgy products

  5. 粉末冶金产品缺陷与显微组织

    Relationship between microstructure and product defects

  6. 随着汽车产业的发展,市场对粉末冶金产品的需求越来越大,要求越来越高,对粉末冶金模具要求也越来越高,传统的模具设计方法不能适应市场的要求。

    The demand of powder metallurgy product is growing fast and the request of the accuracy of compacting die as well as the product quality is more and more high along with the development of the automobile industry .

  7. 通过对粉末冶金产品链块技术进步的介绍和摇架结构零件的经济效果分析,表明粉末冶金零件质量可靠,技术经济效益显著,从而说明粉末冶金工艺是开发生产纺机新产品的可靠方法。

    It is shown that PM parts are reliable in quality , remarkable in economic benefit and an effective way to develop textile machinery parts through the introduction of PM chain technology and economical analysis of machinery rocking parts .

  8. ◆快速成形制造、AD/AE/AM技术和设备等;粉末冶金新产品、材料、工艺、技术。

    Quick mouding and CAD / CAE / CAM techniques and equipment ; new products , materials , processes and techniques of powder metallurgy .

  9. 粉末冶金多台阶产品开发

    Development of stepped p / m products

  10. 介绍了粉末冶金技术及产品在探矿工程中的应用。回顾了硬质合金钻进的历史;

    The application of powder metallurgy technology in exploration engineering is summarized First , the cemented carbide drilling history is reviewed ;

  11. 粉末冶金成形过程产品质量的实时监控是实现粉末冶金自动化生产的关键技术。

    Inspection and control of the quality at real_time during P / M compacting process are necessary techniques for the automatization of powder metallurgy production .

  12. 文章概括介绍国外粉末冶金在轻工产品中的应用及发展动向。

    The Present paper describes the applications and developing trends of P / M products used in light industry in foreign countries and the situation of P / M industry producing these products .

  13. 粉末冶金制品在轻工产品中的应用

    Applications of p / m technology to light industry products

  14. 介绍了一个实用的金属粉末成形工艺和模具设计评价系统的结构和实现,解决了粉末冶金新产品设计阶段结束后尚需要评价实验的难题。

    Structure and realization of a practical evaluating system for metal power forming process and die design have been introduced with solution to difficulties of needing repetitious experiments to evaluate forming process and die design after the finish of design of new products of power metallurgy .