
fěn cì
  • acne;pimple
粉刺 [fěn cì]
  • [acne] 病名。又名痤疮,是一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性疾患,一般是由于雄性激素的分泌量增多,使皮脂腺肥大,皮脂分泌增多和毛囊皮脂腺导管角化栓塞,在细菌作用下引起毛囊周围炎性反应

  1. 粉刺在怀孕3个月后往往会自动消失。

    Acne often clears up after the first three months of pregnancy .

  2. 学生们经常发现在考前和考试期间他们的粉刺会严重起来。

    Students often find that their acne flares up before and during exams .

  3. 粉刺会给青少年带来无尽的烦恼。

    Spots can be the bane of a teenager 's life .

  4. 虽然粉刺多发于青少年时期,但也可能在刚进入童年时期就出现。

    Although it is predominantly a teenage problem , acne can occur in early childhood

  5. 千万不要挤黑头、小肿块或粉刺。

    Never squeeze blackheads , spots or pimples .

  6. 他满脸粉刺。

    His face was covered with pimples .

  7. 他满脸红斑,像是起了很严重的粉刺。

    His face was covered in red blotches , seemingly a nasty case of acne .

  8. 灰尘堵塞毛孔,从而生出粉刺。

    Dirt clogs the pores , causing spots

  9. 这种疗法有许多令人非常不舒服的副作用,包括发胖、粉刺、皮疹和头痛。

    The treatment has a whole host of extremely unpleasant side-effects including weight gain , acne , skin rashes and headaches

  10. 阿达帕林的作用是可以阻止粉刺的变化。

    The action of adapalene combats the changes that take place in acne .

  11. 医生可用药丸或药膏治疗粉刺

    Doctors can treat acne with pills or creams .

  12. 粉刺型占优势,其表达率高于非粉刺型(P<0.05)。

    The expression rate of comedo type was higher than that of non comedo type s ( P < 0 05 ) .

  13. 其它设备具有与皮肤科医生一样的美容疗效,如PaloVia皮肤紧致仪(SkinRenewingLaser)使用“点阵式光热分解作用技术”来消除粉刺。

    Others offer the same technology as your dermatologist , such as the PaloVia Skin Renewing Laser , which uses " fractional photothermolysis " to combat acne .

  14. 我曾用售价229英镑的Tria蓝光治疗仪(BlueLightTherapy)消除粉刺,尽管仪器上的安全使用警示让我略微有些不安。

    I tried the Tria Blue Light Therapy for acne (· 229 ), even though the warnings that accompanied the device had made me a little anxious .

  15. EIC与粉刺状坏死的检测有临床应用价值。

    The evaluation of EIC and comedo necrosis is useful in clinical work .

  16. 方法:以4-氨基吡啶(4-AP)诱发小鼠舔体反应为指标,观察显臣粉刺净酊的抗过敏止痒作用。

    Methods : 4 - aminopyridine ( 4-AP ) ( 1 mg · kg-1 ) was used to induce a licking response in mice . The antiallergic and antipruritic effects were observed .

  17. 线样分支状钙化易出现在粉刺型(7/9)高核级(6/9)DCIS中;

    The comedo subtype ( 7 / 9 ) and the high grade nuclei of DCIS ( 6 / 9 ), correlating with poor prognosis , were more likely to be accompanied by linear and branching calcification .

  18. 方法按照WHO标准将导管原位癌分成粉刺型和非粉刺型两组,对两组间ER、PR、HER-2、Cathepsin-D、P53蛋白的表达以及癌细胞微浸润、淋巴结受累等指标进行卡方检验。

    Methods : Based on WHO criteria , 314 cases are divided into two groups : comedo type and non - comedo type DCIS groups . The different expressions of ER 、 PR 、 HER-2 、 Cathepsin-D and the rate of microinvasion 、 lymph-node involved were analyzed by immunohistochemistry method .

  19. 维塔·派德拉奇(VitaPedrazzi)曾是伦敦哈罗德百货分管时装的经理,如今住在开曼群岛,她说,她曾经是美容狂人,就算出去倒垃圾也要化妆,部分是由于对自己的粉刺感到害羞。

    Vita Pedrazzi , a former fashion manager at Harrods in London who now lives in the Canary Islands , said she used to be the sort of beauty obsessive who would slap on makeup to take out the trash , in part because of her sheepishness over her acne .

  20. 结果消粉刺美容皂对完整皮肤未引起急性毒性反应;

    Results Anti acne cosmetic soap had no acute toxicity reaction .

  21. 寻常性痤疮患者粉刺与脓疱皮损中细菌的分离研究

    A study on isolation of bacteria from the lesion of acne

  22. 那个男孩脸上长着许多粉刺。

    The boy has a lot of pimples on his face .

  23. 在美国,粉刺是最常见的皮肤病。

    Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States .

  24. 在大型的晚会之前我变得紧张并且(脸上)出现粉刺。

    I get nervous before big parties and then I get pimples .

  25. 神话和童话周围粉刺没有帮助。

    The myths and fairy tales surrounding acne didn 't help either .

  26. 首先,我们来看看如何照片中的粉刺。

    First , we 'll see how to remove acne from photos .

  27. 与其他粉刺净颜系列产品搭配使用,效果更佳。

    Concomitant use with other acne clear series will better the effect .

  28. 蓝光:对抗暗疮,痤疮,黑头粉刺,敏感。

    Blur : Against pimples , acne , blackhead , sensitive skin .

  29. 用手挤粉刺对皮肤有害。

    It 's harmful to the skin if you squeeze the pimples .

  30. 我可以用什麽来去除粉刺呢?

    What can I use to clear up the blemishes ?