
  1. 鲜食甜玉米主要农艺性状对产量的效应

    Effect of main agronomic characters on yield of fresh-eating sweet maize

  2. 预处理甜高粱茎秆残渣的热解动力学研究人工喂入式鲜食甜玉米籽粒切脱机的研制

    Pyrolysis kinetics of pre-treated sweet sorghum bagasse Research and manufacture of electric manually fed sweet corn cutter

  3. 人工喂入式鲜食甜玉米籽粒切脱机的研制玉米收获机切碎部件的试验研究

    Research and manufacture of electric manually fed sweet corn cutter THE TEST ON CHOPPING CUTTER PARTS OF CORN HARVESTER

  4. 通过分析鲜食甜玉米的11个主要农艺性状与鲜穗产量的关系,为鲜食甜玉米高产品种选育的性状选择提供了理论依据。

    In order to provide reference for selecting characters of high yield fresh-eating sweet maize varieties , the correlation and path analysis among maize yield and 11 major agronomic characters were analyzed .

  5. 研究得到如下主要结果:1、浙江省自主选育和审定的鲜食甜玉米品种相对较多,适用加工甜玉米比例较低。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . There were many fresh sweet corn varieties , which were selected and validated in Zhejiang . However , the percentage of fresh sweet corn for food processing was low .