
  • 网络Ecological aesthetics;aesthetic visual ecology
  1. 这就是花婆信仰的生态审美生发原理之所在。

    This is the faith Hua-po ecological aesthetic hair in principle .

  2. 山西汾河流域城市建设的生态审美取向

    The Ecological Aesthetic Orientation of Shanxi Fenhe River 's City Construction

  3. 图书馆文化建设中的生态审美解读

    The analyzing and explaining about the ecology aesthetic of library culture construction

  4. 花婆崇拜与民族生态审美叙事

    Worship of Flower God and Ecological Aesthetic Taste of the Zhuang Nationality

  5. 这也是一个生态审美实践的话题。

    This is also an ecological aesthetic practice topic .

  6. 三,天人合一的生态审美追求。

    Third , the beauty unites ecology esthetic pursue .

  7. 人与自然平等相处,亲和友善。并且自然美与人文美并重的生态审美观。

    Ecological aesthetic conception about equal and companionable relationship between man and nature .

  8. 生态审美的真正内涵是生态地审美。

    The real connotation of ecological aesthetics is to " appreciate beauty ecologically " .

  9. 二,天人之分的生态审美意识。

    Second , division beauty ecology esthetic consciousness .

  10. 该书与传统审美迥然不同,呈现出生态审美的基本特征。

    Different from traditional aesthetics , this book demonstrated the basic features of ecological aesthetics .

  11. 现代艺术的生态审美批判

    On the Ecological Aesthetics in Modern Art

  12. 体道悟真&中国古代生态审美的基本精神

    Learning from Virtue and Awaking to Truth & The Core of Ecological Aesthetics in Ancient China

  13. 建筑生态审美观作为建筑艺术的一个分支,随建筑事业的发展而发展。

    Being a part of art of architecture , Architectural ecological aesthetics develops continuously with architectural development .

  14. 傣族的生态审美意识在各民族中独树一帜。

    The Dai people 's aesthetic consciousness of ecotype is much prominent among the peoples of China .

  15. 二者在审美主体与客体的统一中,都具备了生态审美的初步形态。

    The unities of subject and object in the two patterns are the preliminary ecological aesthetic form .

  16. 首先,此种生态审美观应该致力于对整体思维的肯定与运用。

    Firstly , this " Ecological Aesthetic Conception " should commit itself to affirm and use holistic view .

  17. 生态审美是自然的生命和人的生命体验的依存、互渗和参与。

    The ecological aesthetics is the interdependence , interaction and inter infiltration between natural life and human experience .

  18. 这一部分的创新之处在于:将生态审美场引入对贵州旅游环境的评价;

    This part of innovations in : ecological " aesthetic grounds ," the introduction of Guizhou tourism environment evaluation ;

  19. 本文将集中于实践美学人的自然化命题,阐述其中所蕴涵的生态审美意义。

    This paper will focus on The Naturalization of Humankind proposition of practical aesthetics , expound its ecological aesthetic significance .

  20. 其次,此种生态审美观应该是一种超越传统主客二分的介入型审美模式。

    Secondly , this " Ecological Aesthetic Conception " should transcend the subject-object dichotomy to an aesthetic " engagement " mode .

  21. 它有其自成体系的生态审美原则和具有“活力”“共生”“健康”等方面的特征。

    It is possessed of not only ecological aesthetic principles but also the characteristics of " livingness , intergrowth , healthiness " .

  22. 人与自然关系的寓言&帕特里克·怀特小说《人树》的生态审美

    An Allegory of Man and Nature & An Ecological Aesthetic Analysis of Patrick White 's Novel " The Tree of Man "

  23. 在生态审美领域,已经初步建立了生态美学的基本逻辑、审美理想和价值内涵。

    In the Ecological Aesthetics field , the basic logic , aesthetic ideals and valuable connotation of Ecological Aesthetics has been initially established .

  24. 一种动态和谐的生态审美存在&五四精神光照下中国现当代文学的诗性构想

    One Dynamic , Harmonious , Ecological and Aesthetical Existence & Poetical Construction in the Chinese Contemporary Literature in the Light of May Fourth Movement

  25. 生态审美是一个开放的具有包容性的审美系统,因此在它的内部,必然要求同一性与差异性共存。

    Ecological aesthetics is an open and inclusive aesthetic system , therefore , in its internal , it is necessary that identity and difference coexist .

  26. 苗族服饰的生态审美根性在于自然造化,其质料色彩、款式造型、纹饰图案等都与自然有着密切的联系。

    Miao dress ecological aesthetic root lies in nature , its material , color , style and decorative pattern etc is closely related with the nature .

  27. 马克思与恩格斯有关生态审美关系的分析与预见成为我们在新世纪思考与探索生态审美观的重要资源。

    The analyses and predictions of eco-aesthetic relationship by Marx and Engels are the resource for our thinking and exploring eco-aesthetic views in the new century .

  28. 摘要与相应的审美氛围、审美风范双向对生并走向整生的民族审美活动循环圈,构成民族生态审美场。

    The cycle of national aesthetic activities , together with the opposing aesthetic atmosphere and style , has formed the aesthetic field of national ecological beauty .

  29. 马克思、恩格斯早在19世纪中后期就对人与自然的生态审美关系有所论述。

    As early as the middle and late 19th century , Marx and Engels issued their argument with relation to the aesthetic relationship between man and nature .

  30. 介绍桥梁美学理论及美学设计的实现,结合生态审美的理念分析展望了桥梁美学设计的未来发展趋势。

    It introduces realization of bridge aesthetics theory and aesthetics design , it forecasts the future development trend of bridge aesthetics design combining with concept of ecological aesthetics .