
shēnɡ chénɡ yǔ fǎ
  • generative grammar
  1. 当代生成语法的X阶标理论是对结构主义的向心结构理论的扩充和发展,其最重要的创新之处在于认定所有的合格句法格式都是向心结构。句子也是一种向心结构。

    The X-Bar Theory of the Generative Grammar is an extension of the endocentric construction theory of structuralism in spirit .

  2. 该研究从心理语言学的角度,考察了约束C原则这种语言现象,并以生成语法的管辖约束理论为理论框架,讨论了考察结果;

    The present study examines the language phenomenon of Principle C from the perspective of psycholinguistics and discusses the findings in the theoretical framework of Government and Binding Theory of the generative grammar .

  3. 转换生成语法局限性更大。

    Transformational grammars are more restrictive .

  4. Bison用来生成语法分析器;Flex用来生成词汇分析器。

    Bison is used to generate parsers ; Flex is used to generate lexical analyzers .

  5. 转换生成语法框架下应用于VP省略现象的一种句法&语义分析方法浅谈转换生成语法理论在维吾尔语句法歧义中的运用

    A Syntactic-semantic Perspective to VP-ellipsis in the Transformational-Generative Framework ; Analyzing Ambiguity Sentences with Transformative-Generative Grammar in the Uygur Language

  6. 生成语法框架下的大量理论研究证明,Tough结构中补语提升的性质更接近NP-移位。

    A great amount of the theoretical research in the framework of the generative grammar proved the nature of complement raising in tough construction closer to the NP-movement instead of the WH-movement .

  7. 空语类是转换生成语法研究的一个重要课题,PRO和pro在空语类中占有重要位置,也是空语类中最具有争议性的话题之一。

    Empty Category is one of the important topics in transformational grammar , while both PRO and pro occupies the key position in Empty Category , which is one of the most controversial topics .

  8. Tsai(2003)从生成语法角度运用轻动词分析了汉语容纳句的句法、语义映射。

    From the perspective of a generative approach , Tsai ( 2003 ) employs light verb to account for the syntax-semantics mapping of Chinese flip-flop constructions .

  9. 通过对108位中国学生进行语法判断测试,并借助SPSS软件进行数据统计和分析,本文在生成语法框架下考察和分析了他们英语句法中零主语和零宾语的分布情况。

    Within the framework of generative grammar , this paper examines and analyzes the distribution of null subjects and null objects by conducting a grammaticality judgement test to 108 Chinese learners of English and making statistical analysis based on SPSS software .

  10. Langacker认知语法的神经视角探索生成语法与认知语法之比较

    Comparison between Generative Grammar and Cognitive Grammar

  11. 生成语法中关于PRO的研究基于对英语语料的分析,论证了PRO存在的证据和语法、语义功能,并总结了PRO的分布规律和允准条件。

    Based on analysis of English corpora , PRO studies in Generative Grammar have shown us the evidence of the existence of PRO and its functions in sentence in terms of grammar and meaning . So far the distribution rules and conditions of PRO have been generalized by the researchers .

  12. 第三章主要介绍了对于分析there存现句相关的生成语法理论,包括,格理论,x-bar,核查理论,合并,经济原则,并对最简方案的生成操作进行了比较详细的分析。

    The third chapter mainly deals with the relative theories of generative grammar used for analyzing there ES , including case theory , x-bar , checking theory , merge , economy principle , and the derivation method .

  13. 从句子层次研究回指时,本文运用转换生成语法中的c-command理论对句子内部使用的回指作了更进一步的说明,此外通过运用举例说明的方法研究回指在句子中的实现。

    In research of anaphora at sentence level , c-command theory from Transformational Grammar is applied to give deeper analysis . Plenty of typical examples are used to research the realization of anaphora .

  14. 英汉语存现句的生成语法研究

    Existential sentences in English and Chinese : towards a generative analysis

  15. 理论语言学研究与外语教学&生成语法理论在英语教学中的应用探索

    The Relevance of Theoretical Linguistics to the Teaching of Foreign Languages

  16. 生成语法中词汇语义与句法的界面研究

    Lexical Meaning and Syntax Interface in the Perspective of Generative Grammar

  17. 目前,控制现象是生成语法研究的热点。

    Recently control has become a hot topic in generative grammar .

  18. 转换生成语法对语言特点的描写

    TG Grammar 's Description of Some of the Features of Language

  19. 乔姆斯基转换生成语法在韩国40年回顾

    Forty Years ' Development of Chomsky 's T-G Grammar in Korea

  20. 生成语法框架内的维吾尔语句法

    A Study on Uyghur Syntax in the Frame of Generative Grammar

  21. 心理现实性:生成语法的理论假设和研究取向

    Psychological Reality : Theoretical Hypothesis and Research Orientation of Generative Grammar

  22. 生成语法50年:从科学重构的观点看

    Transformation and Generative Grammar : From the Perspective of Reconstruction Science

  23. 基于生成语法的大脑词库之内容与特性探析

    On the Contents and Characteristics of Mental Lexicon Based on Generative Grammar

  24. 英语主动表被动结构生成语法研究

    Generative Analysis of English Passive Voice Expressed by Active Voice

  25. 特殊疑问句一直是转换生成语法所研究的主要对象。

    Wh-question has been the main subject of the transformational generative grammar .

  26. 它的语言学理论基础是乔姆斯基的转换生成语法规则。

    Its linguistics theoretical basis is Chomsky 's transformational & generative grammar .

  27. 转换生成语法是重要的语言学流派。

    The Transformational-Generative Grammar is an important school of linguistics .

  28. 深层结构与表层结构:转换生成语法片论

    Deep Structure and Surface Structure : A Review of Trans formational-Generative Grammar

  29. 生成语法与笛卡尔天赋观念的再认识

    Transformational Generative Grammar and Descartes ' Theory of Innate Notions

  30. 浅谈转换生成语法理论在维吾尔语句法歧义中的运用

    Analyzing Ambiguity Sentences with Transformative-Generative Grammar in the Uygur Language