
  • 网络school aesthetic education
  1. 艺术教育是实施美育的重要内容、手段和途径,特别是在学校美育中,艺术教育占有突出的地位。

    Art is an important means to implement aesthetics . And art takes a peculiar position in the school aesthetic education .

  2. 美育的教育途径,应是家庭美育、“团队”美育、学校美育以及广泛的社会美育的综合工程;相互之间需协调互补,共同推进。

    The approach to aesthetic education consists of family aesthetic education , team aesthetic education school aesthetic education and social aesthetic education working in coordination .

  3. 必须重视和加强学校美育

    The Aesthetic Education in a School Must Be Valued and Strengthened

  4. 学校美育的内容及其实施

    The Content and Operation of School Aesthetic Education

  5. 论学校美育的心理健康功能

    On Psychological Health Function of School Esthetic Education

  6. 广东中等职业学校美育现状的分析

    Analysis of Problems of Teaching Aesthetics in Professional and Technological Schools in Guangdong Province

  7. 学校美育在提高民族素质中的作用

    Effect of art education on improving national quality

  8. 在当前的美育实践中,尤其要注意家庭美育中的亲职教育、学校美育中的艺术教育和社会美育中的人文环境创造。

    At present , attention should be paid to parents education , arts education and the creation of humane environments .

  9. 学校美育主要通过三种渠道来实施:通过和谐关系来美化和净化学生心灵和精神;

    School Aesthetic education is carried out in three ways : to prettify the inner world of the students through harmonious relationship ;

  10. 随着学校美育地位不断地提升,音乐教师的作用与地位亦深受重视。

    Along with the position of aesthetic education in school higher , both the function and status of music teachers are more recognition .

  11. 新中国成立后,我国的学校美育工作经历了几次大起大落,当前的现状仍令人忧虑。

    After the foundation of new China , the work of aesthetic education in schools experienced big ups and downs , and the current situation is still worrying .

  12. 年轻的学生们纷飞的思绪、澎湃的激情、丰富的想象力都是生命中最优秀的特质,这些特质正好与美育的特质相契合,因此加强学校美育势在必行。

    The active thinking , insurgent passion and rich imagination of young students are the best qualities in their lives , which are corresponded to those of aesthetic education .

  13. 并结合多种艺术活动、艺术实践提升艺术教育在学校美育、德育中的重要作用,促进和谐校园的构建。

    Combined with a variety of arts activities , arts practice , arts education in schools to enhance aesthetic education , moral education an important role in promoting harmonious campus .

  14. 审美化生物教学属于审美化学科课程,是学校美育课程系统的组成部分,是进行审美教育的重要途径。

    Aesthetic biology teaching which belongs to the courses of aesthetic subjects is an important component within the system of aesthetic courses in schools and an important channel to the implementation of aesthetic education .

  15. 重视和加强学校美育的重要性和紧迫性,当前学校美育中存在的问题,忽视学校美育造成的后果,对重视和加强美育的几点思考。

    On the importance and urgency of valuing and strengthening school aesthetic education , its existing problems and its consequences caused by the neglect of school aesthetic education and some considerations of valuing and strengthening school aesthetic education .

  16. 在学校美育建设上,有两个问题是亟待解决的,一是在思想上充分认识美育对于素质教育的意义,二是在教育实践中如何实施美育。

    There are , in the construction of morality education in schools , two pressing issues : one is the full realization of the importance of morality education to quality education , the other is how to implement morality education in instruction practice .

  17. 切实加强学校美育工作,是当前全面推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展和健康成长的一项迫切任务,学校艺术教育是学校实施美育的主要途径和内容。

    Strengthen school aesthetic education work , is the ' comprehensive promotion of quality education , and promote the all-round development of students and the healthy growth of an urgent task . School art education is the school implement aesthetic education the main way and content .

  18. 艺术教育是学校实施美育教育的重要手段,是全面推进素质教育,贯彻党的教育方针,全面落实科教兴国战略的重要举措。没有艺术教育的教育是不完全的教育;

    Art education is an important means of aesthetic education at school .

  19. 校园音乐文化作为校园文化中不可或缺的重要部分,是学校实施美育最重要的内容和途径。

    The indispensable musical culture is the most important content and way to carry out beauty education .

  20. 艺术教育是美育最重要的组成部分,也是学校实施美育的主要形式和有效途径。

    Art education is not only the key part of aesthetics education but also the main and effective way for universities to carry out such education .

  21. 20世纪前后,随着西方音乐的传入和新式学堂的建立,学校音乐美育逐步受到人们的关注。

    Before and after the 20th century , with the introduction of Western music and the establishment of new schools , the school gradually by the people of music and aesthetic concerns .

  22. 学校是实施美育教育的最主要基地。

    The school is the most important base for implementing aesthetic education .

  23. 目前,学校教育对美育越来越重视,而语文教学在对学生进行审美教育方面具有得天独厚的条件和优势。

    The school education system is attaching more and more importance to aesthetic education nowadays , and the teaching of Chinese has advantages and superiority in the aesthetic education .

  24. 教育部推行《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》,贯彻德智体美全面发展的教育方针,推动学校体育和美育的改革与发展。

    Ministry of Education for the implementation of the " 2003-2007 Action Plan for Invigorating Education ", implementing the comprehensive development of virtue , wisdom , education policy , promoting school sport and aesthetic education reform and development .

  25. 为了进一步推动学校体育和美育的改革与发展,全国各地在《体育与健康课程标准》的指导下,大力推行体育、艺术2+1项目。

    To further reform and develop schools ' sports and the esthetic education , " Sports , Art 2 + 1 Project " is put forward nationally under the guidance of new course standard of physical education and health .

  26. 当代学校体育与学校美育的关系

    On the relationship between modern school sports and school aesthetic education

  27. 迄今为止,我国学校教育中的美育仍是薄弱环节。应根据不同类型高等院校的要求,完善高校美育课程体系。

    Up to now , Aesthetic education in China is still a weak link , and we will consummate it according to different requests of different kinds of colleges and universities .

  28. 通过研究的结果与分析得出结论:1.校园集体舞美育功能宣传的不到位,学校体育教学中美育目标的偏离。

    Through research and analysis of the results concluded that : 1 . Campus advocacy group dance aesthetic function is not in place , the school physical education in the aesthetic goal of the deviation . 2 .

  29. 本研究的目的在于摸清美育理论对学校实践(课程)影响的脉络以及局限,澄清对有关美育的模糊认识以期对学校美育实践和课程改革提出一点建议。

    The purpose of this study is that , firstly , it may draw a outline of the influence of aesthetic education theory on practices and its limitations ;