
  1. 因此,本课题的研究可以在一定程度上填补学术空白。

    Therefore , the research of this topic can fill up academic blank to some extent .

  2. 因此,有关艺术全息学的理论目前还是一个学术空白点。

    Therefore , the study of the theory of holographic art is still an academic gap .

  3. 本文选取宁夏地区的市场作为研究对象,以期能填补关于此地区市场研究的学术空白。

    Choosing the Ningxia area as a study , I hope to fill in the academic gaps of market research .

  4. 本文是第一篇对中国判决理由的传统与现代转型进行专门研究的博士论文,试图从体系到内容填补该领域的学术空白。

    This doctorial dissertation is the first article which specialized in reasons of judgment between tradition and modern in China .

  5. 由于种种原因,对红河流域体育学的研究不够,在不少领域还存在着学术空白。

    Due to various reasons , on the Red River Valley sports science research is not enough , in many areas there are academic blank .

  6. 今后,有关泰戈尔的比较研究领域尚有诸多学术的空白需要后学者们继续耕耘。

    In the future , there are many academic gaps for scholars to fill in the field of comparative research of Tagore .

  7. 学术上的空白与实践的迅速发展是不协调的。

    The absence of science and the rapid development of practice are not harmonious .

  8. 至于行业专长对审计质量影响的研究,在国内学术界几乎是空白。

    Studies on how industry expertise impact audit quality are almost blank in the domestic academia .

  9. 尤其是对于维新派法律思想与近代西方保守主义思想的比较研究,目前学术界尚为空白。

    Especially , there has been no research about the comparison between the legal thought of the reformative school and the western conservatism in academic circles .

  10. 本文对工会协调劳动关系、促进企业和劳动者共赢进行了专门的研究,将填补国内关于工会协调劳动关系学术研究方面的空白。

    The special study conducted by the article on the State-owned enterprise trade union coordinating labor relations , promoting enterprises and the worker win for all will fill the blank of the coordinating labor relations scholarly research of home trade union .

  11. 但是,对于东北亚金融监管的协调与合作,目前学术界尚没有专题性的系统研究,本文的选题,旨在填补这一学术研究的空白。

    But there is no one that has a systematic study on the money and financial cooperation of Northeastern Asia .