
  • 网络traditional ceramics
  1. 锆在传统陶瓷工业领域的应用现状及发展前景

    The Present Application and Developing Prospect of Zirconia in the Traditional Ceramics Industry

  2. 孟加拉传统陶瓷的现状

    The Present Situation of Bangladeshi Traditional Ceramics

  3. 本论文采用传统陶瓷制备工艺,根据相图规则,分别设计、制备了几个稀土掺杂的ZnO基压敏电阻材料。

    In this paper , via a conventional ceramic process , several rare-earth doped ZnO-based varistor materials were prepared .

  4. 宜兴紫砂工艺是我国民间一门优秀的传统陶瓷工艺美术。

    Yixing red pottery is an excellent part of Chinese traditional art ceramics .

  5. 传统陶瓷与现代陶艺的装饰变革

    The Decorative Evolution of Traditional and Modern Ceramics

  6. 新设计对传统陶瓷设计观念的冲击

    The shaking of the new design in ceramics

  7. 实验方法方面,详细描述了本论文所采用的传统陶瓷制备工艺技术。

    As for experimental process , the conventional ceramic processing techniques were particularly described .

  8. 从而彰显出一种区别于传统陶瓷的美感。

    In order to manifest the beauty of a kind different from the traditional ceramic .

  9. 中国传统陶瓷饮食用器的形式特征

    Formal Features of Traditional Chinese Ceramic Utensils

  10. 中国传统陶瓷捏塑作为一种艺术形态,在发展过程中显示出了自身所独有的特质。

    As an artistic form , traditional Chinese kneading ceramics art shows its own unique characteristics .

  11. 传统陶瓷的艺术化初探

    The Art On Traditional Ceramic

  12. 景德镇的传统陶瓷曾经在国际上是中国形象的代表。

    Jingdezhen Ceramic traditional Chinese image in the international community once was an integral part of China .

  13. 注凝成型工艺是一种将传统陶瓷成型工艺与高分子化学反应相结合的新型原位成型技术。

    Gelcasting process is a novel in-situ forming technology combining traditional forming process with macromolecule chemical reaction .

  14. 传统陶瓷的表面改性

    Surface modification of traditional ceramics

  15. 纳米复相陶瓷是一种新型复合材料,它的综合性能相对传统陶瓷有了很大的提高。

    Nanocomposite ceramics is a new composite , and its general performances are better than traditional ceramics .

  16. 先进陶瓷材料与传统陶瓷的区别在于其特殊性能和复杂的生产工艺要求。

    The advanced ceramics differs with the traditional ceramics in its special performance and sophisticated production technological requirements .

  17. 纳米与抗菌技术相互结合应用在陶瓷生产中,将极大地改善传统陶瓷的性能。

    The application ofthe combined technologyofnanoand antibacterium to ceramics production will largely improve the performance of traditional ceramics .

  18. 成型手法主要指直接成型与间接成型。在制作过程中,体现在对传统陶瓷肌理成型方法的拆解、对传统陶瓷成型方法的借用和体悟,然后重构而成。

    Formation is to part the traditional ceramics and to borrow its way of forming during production and system realize .

  19. 在分析了传统陶瓷行业的营销模式的基础上阐述了陶瓷企业建立电子商务系统的必要性。

    It expatiated on ceramic enterprise building the E-business to be essential base on analyzing marketing mode of traditional ceramic business .

  20. 制备了两种与传统陶瓷表面装饰的新技术(喷墨打印装饰技术)配套的新型墨水&黑色与黄色陶瓷表面装饰墨水。

    Preparation and physicochemical propreties of black and yellow surface decorate ceramic ink for jet-print forming has been investigated in this paper .

  21. 第二章主要讲述了传统陶瓷造型艺术,列举了不同时期的生活类的实用器具和陈列器具。

    The second chapter is mainly about the traditional ceramic art , lists the different periods of life practical apparatus and display apparatus .

  22. 对包裹色料的研制和开发将极大地丰富传统陶瓷色料的种类,具有广阔的应用前景。

    The research and development on the pigment of occlusion will greatly enrich the sorts of traditional ceramic occlusion , with wide applied prospects .

  23. 我们在继承传统陶瓷文化精髓的同时,勇于创新,积极开发符合时代审美精神的新产品。

    We have inherited the essence of traditional culture , meanwhile , we also develop new products which are accord with the modern taste .

  24. 纳米陶瓷改变了传统陶瓷的脆性,大幅度提高了材料的强度、硬度、韧性和超塑性。

    Incorporate the hardness , tenacity and strength that nano porcelain changes the brittleness of traditional porcelain , raises material substantially and exceed plasticity .

  25. 无论是在原始陶器造型、传统陶瓷造型、还是现代陶瓷造型,我们都能看到大量仿生陶瓷造型的身影。

    We can find a lot of imitation creature of ceramic design in the primitive pottery design , traditional ceramic design and modern ceramic design .

  26. 在禅的影响下,美国现代陶艺开始打破传统陶瓷艺术的实用性准则,成为陶艺家展现自我的一种情感表达。

    Under the influence of the Zen , modern ceramic artist began to break the practicality of traditional criteria , a ceramic artist show an emotional self-expression .

  27. 涂卡实验结果表明:传统陶瓷法工艺可以制备出适用于磁卡、票证等的钡铁氧体磁记录磁粉。

    The results of card-coating experiment indicate that the Ba-ferrite particles for magnetic recording made by ceramic techniques are suitable for magnetic cards , magnetic tickets , etc.

  28. 本文阐述了传统陶瓷艺术的语言特征,分析和提出泥、釉、火是陶艺本体语言基本的三元素。

    This article outlines the language features of traditional pottery , analysises and puts forward three basic elements of ceramic ontology language features : clay , glaze and fire .

  29. 最后,分析了纳米陶瓷的发展前景及对传统陶瓷学、陶瓷工艺的新挑战。

    Finally , the promising future of the development of nanometer crystalline ceramics and its role in the challenge to the traditional ceramics and ceramic technology are also discussed .

  30. 中国现代陶艺已经作为一种艺术门类从现代艺术中独立出来。随之,中国传统陶瓷艺术创作也融合了现代陶艺的创作理念。

    Chinese ceramics as a kind of art is separated from modern art , and then the artistic creation of Chinese traditional ceramic compromises the ideas of modern ceramic art .