
  1. 糟糕的开端过后,传奇乐队XJAPAN以摇滚掀翻乌德勒支!

    After a bad start , legendary X JAPAN rocked Utrecht hard !

  2. 安德伍德的表演让我们回忆起了肯尼迪总统被刺杀的那天,也让我们想起了传奇乐队披头士。

    Underwood helps us remember the day John F. Kennedy was shot as well as the memory of legendary group The Beatles .

  3. 下面就是我们遴选出的十大最为传奇的摇滚乐队。

    Our top ten pick of the most amazing rock bands of all time are as follows :

  4. 充满传奇色彩的滚石乐队周一晚上在芝加哥联合中心举办了演唱会,乡村音乐巨星泰勒斯威夫特作为特邀嘉宾,和乐队主唱贾格尔一起动人地合唱了1965年的永恒经典《AsTearsGoBy》。

    The country superstar was the surprise guest of the legendary rockers ' concert at Chicago 's United Center Monday night , joining Mick Jagger for a touching duet of the Stones ' timeless 1965 classic As Tears Go By .

  5. 9月9日,这只传奇的爱尔兰摇滚乐队携最新唱片《天真之歌》出现在苹果发布会上,惊艳全场。

    The legendary Irish rock band has returned in stunning fashion with their latest LP , Songs of Innocence , following their performance at the Apple event on Sept 9 .