
  1. 就奢侈品消费而言,西方消费者倾向于传统名牌,而中国消费者更为热衷于流行时尚。

    In terms of luxury consumption , consumers in Western countries prefer traditional brands while consumers in China are wilder about the fashionable fad .

  2. 通常人们印象中的老字号企业,是繁华街区中那些悬挂着古朴招牌的店铺,是某种传统名牌商品的生产厂家或产品。

    General impression on Chinese historical brands companies is a store located in the crowded street hanging up tablets . It refers to the factories producing traditional name brands or products .

  3. 中山大学是有优良办学传统的名牌大学。

    Sun Yat-sen university is a name-brand institution of higher education with fine traditions in teaching and learning .

  4. 布什家族和亚当斯家庭之间存在相似之处:有从政的传统,上名牌大学,娶女强人为妻。

    There are similarities between the two families : a tradition of public service , education at the nation 's elite colleges , marriage to formidable wives .