
  1. 这家副食店在墙上端端正正挂着一张服务公约。

    There hangs straight on the wall of this grocery a service pledge .

  2. 但当你走进副食店买食品时,假设你曾那样做过

    But when you go in to the grocery store and you do grocery shopping , assuming you ever do that

  3. 他们找到一个小副食店,买了两包饼干。

    They found a small foodstore and bought two packs of biscuits .

  4. 自从超级市场出现后,许多小副食店已关闭。

    A lot of small grocers have gone out of business since the advent of the supermarkets .

  5. 这么一来,我们把房子全部抵押了,有几年冬天,我们要向副食店赊帐度日。

    As it was , our house was mortgaged to the hilt , and some winters the grocer carried us on his books .

  6. 为了让我的孩子喜欢上我,我会带他出去玩,就我们俩人,即便我只是去趟副食店我也带着她。

    I started taking my DD out for little outings , just the two of us , even if it was just to run to the grocery store .