
  • 网络Secondary line;diffusion line;miu miu;Marc by Marc Jacobs;Miumiu
  1. 几个配电变压器从电线杆上摔下来,副线及吊饰也垂下来

    Several distributor transformers had fallen from the poles , and secondary wires and service drops were down .

  2. 上世纪90年代初,带有标识的装束司空见惯,因为当时各大品牌都借助标识以推行特许经营制(尤以外国市场为甚)与销售副线品牌(diffusionlines)。

    The logo became all too ubiquitous in the early 90s when brands used the logo to prop up licenses , especially in foreign markets , and sell diffusion lines .

  3. 施魏策尔说,他邀请Suja与WholeFoods的产品团队合作创立了价格不那么昂贵的果汁和冰沙副线品牌SujaElements。

    Mr. Schweizer says he called on Suja to work with Whole Foods ' product team to create a secondary line of less expensive juices and smoothies .

  4. 高压贫胺液泵最小流量线副线的腐蚀

    Corrosion of Minimum Flow By-pass Line for High-pressure Lean Amine Pump

  5. 自此,故事的各条副线情节也全面展开。

    From there , the story branches off into various subplots .

  6. 改变余热锅炉结构,延长热副线阀使用寿命

    Transform the Structure of Waste-heat Boiler to Extend the Life of Side-line Valve

  7. 《林家铺子》的两条副线

    Two Side Clues of the store of the Lins

  8. 转化过程气体换热器的副线调节性能&温度的影响

    Adjusting performance of bypass of gas-gas heat exchanger in conversion section & Effect of temperature

  9. 主副线带开关的分支箱结构优化配网结构

    Optimizing Structure of Distribution Network Using Branch-boxing Structure with Switch of Main and Auxiliary Lines

  10. 崔导想要讲一个太过宏大的故事,以致影片的两条副线显得有些不协调。

    Cui 's got so much ambition in storytelling that the two subplots don 't sit comfortably within the movie .

  11. 焚硫炉火管废热锅炉的副线设计&兼论废热锅炉面积富裕系数

    Bypass design of fire tube waste heat boiler after sulphur furnace & simultaneous discussion on redundancy of waste heat boiler heating surface

  12. 关联度较高的品牌命名方式值得中国的服装品牌在进行副线品牌名时可作为借鉴。

    The ways of these high-related brands names are worthy of learning when Chinese garment brands plan to develop a bridge brand .

  13. 转化系统增加二、三、四段催化剂量,型号不变,增大换热器面积,并将调温副线进行了调整。

    More catalyst of the same type was packed in the second , third and fourth beds of converter , heat exchange area was raised and the bypass for temperature adjustment was revised in conversion section .

  14. 经过检测分析认为加氢裂化装置高压贫胺液泵最小流量控制阀副线的腐蚀开裂原因是胺液和硫化氢的应力腐蚀和湍流腐蚀,管线振动加剧了腐蚀。

    The test and analysis conclude that the cracking failure of minimum flow by-pass line of high-pressure lean amine pump in the hydrocracker are caused by sulfur stress corrosion and turbulent flow corrosion , which are aggravated by pipeline vibration .

  15. 国内外单螺杆压缩机的发展及其啮合副型线研究

    Development of Single Screw Compressor and Study on the Profile or its Engagement Pair

  16. 单螺杆压缩机啮合副型线研究的新进展

    Resent advances in the profile study of the engagement pair of a single-screw compressor

  17. 遗传算法应用于超低副瓣线阵天线方向图综合

    Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Pattern Synthesis of Ultra-Low Sidelobe Linear Array Antenna

  18. 在丝杠螺旋线误差测量原理的基础上,分析用手动三坐标测量机测量丝杠副螺旋线误差存在的问题。

    Based on the measuring principle of the screw bar helix error , the problems of measuring the screw bar helix error by using manual3D measuring machine are analyzed .

  19. 蜗杆副传动接触线载荷的研究

    Study on the contact line pressure of worm gear drivers

  20. 螺杆、星轮啮合副瞬时接触线分布参数的分析

    Analysis of Distributed Parameters of Instantaneous Contaction for Screw - Star Wheel Engagement Pair

  21. 单螺杆式水力机械螺杆和村套之间的摩擦阻力矩受诸多因素的影响,螺杆-衬套副的作用线(啮合线)难以用简单的计算式表达。

    The friction resistance moment acting on the screw and liner in single-screwed hydraulic machinery is affected by many factors .

  22. 证明了摆线齿锥齿轮副的啮合线是单叶双曲面上的一条曲线。

    It is demonstrated that the meshing line between two meshing epicycloidal bevel gears is a curve of uniparted hyperboloid .

  23. 分析表明,甚至在载波谱线低于副载波谱线时,该分析器也能把精密跟踪接收机引导到载波上而不致错锁。

    It is shown that our analyzer has the ability to guide the receiver to lock on the carrier even when the carrier amplitude is smaller than that of the subsidiary lines of subcarriers .

  24. 但在油润滑条件下,试验速度对钢-钢摩擦副的高温线接触和点接触摩擦因数的影响都比较显著,特别是在较高的试验速度时影响更为明显。

    The test speeds can clearly influence the friction coefficient of steel-steel pairs in the point contact and line contact condition under oil lubrication , but the same case can not be found under the dry lubrication .

  25. 通过对摆线齿锥齿轮的啮合进行理论分析,导出其加工中一对相应的产形面的矢量方程;进而推导出摆线齿锥齿轮副的啮合线方程;

    Through the analysis of gearing theory on epicycloidal bevel gears , the vector equations of the two generating surfaces were derived , the vector equations of the meshing line of this type of bevel gear were formed .

  26. 根据齿轮系统的振动运动,建立了在振动条件下齿轮副实际中心线方程和理论啮合线方程,分析论证了实际中心线和理论啮合线的运动及实际啮合线的形态。

    By analyzing the vibration movement of the gear system , the actual center-line equation and that of the theoretic meshing line were derived in their vibration condition , and their movements and the modality of the actual meshing line was analytically verified .

  27. 利用齿轮啮合原理推导了直线共轭内啮合齿轮副的啮合线方程和相对滑动系数的计算公式,研究了啮合过程中齿间相对滑动状态,综合分析了相对滑动系数的影响因素。

    The formulas about the relative sliding ratio and the engagement trail of beeline-tooth conjugate inner-gearing pair are worked out on the basis of the gear meshing principle . Based on the formulas , the factors that may influence the relative sliding ratio of beeline-tooth conjugate inner-gearing pair are analyzed .

  28. 西太平洋副热带高压脊线位置季节变化的实况分析和理论模拟

    Actual analysis and theoretical simulation about position of subtropical highs over Western Pacific

  29. 而青藏高原多雪时,太平洋副热带高压脊线要比少雪年位置偏南。

    And also the crest line of the subtropical high in Pacific Ocean moves to a further south position .

  30. 这种低频振荡可能起源于北太平洋中部夏威夷群岛附近,然后沿着副热带高压脊线附近向西传播到中国东南沿海。

    The 15-35-day oscillation of the 500 hPa North Pacific subtropical high might originate from around Hawaiian Islands , and then propagated westward along the vicinity of subtropical high ridgeline into the coast of southeastern China .