
  • 网络amateur play
  1. 对爱美剧运动在话剧史上的意义进行肯定。

    First of all I confirm the meaning of the campaign in the history of drama .

  2. 爱美剧运动使学生演剧从自发到自觉,成为一场有目的、有理论、有组织的戏剧运动。

    The campaign made the student drama develop from spontaneous to conscious , into a purposeful , theoretical and organized drama campaign .

  3. 爱美剧运动承接了五四学习西方的良好传统,广泛借鉴外国戏剧理论。

    It inherited the fine tradition of learning from the West in the May 4th movement , drawing on a wide range of foreign drama theory .

  4. 五四期间关于新旧戏剧的激烈争论和文明新戏的惨败是爱美剧运动兴起的历史背景。

    Both the fierce debate over the old and the new drama during the May 4th period and the defeat of civilization drama are the historical backgrounds of the rise of movement .