
fù jià shǐ
  • copilot
  1. 生命需要陪伴,我们都需要一个副驾驶。

    Life 's better with company , We all need a copilot .

  2. 驾驶员,副驾驶,算来遇难者有6个了。

    Pilot , copilot , brings our count to six .

  3. 我的副驾驶突然抓住了方向盘。

    My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel

  4. 副驾驶座位上的乘客:你能不能开慢点儿?我们很快就要超速5迈了。

    Guy riding shotgun : " Could you slow down a little ? We 're dangerously close to exceeding the speed limit by 5 mph . "

  5. Marc开车,我坐副驾驶的位置,eric和forest坐在后座上。

    Marc was driving , I was in the front passenger-side seat and Eric and Forest were in the back seat .

  6. 她在一辆蓝色GTR的副驾驶座上

    She 's riding shotgun in a blue GTR .

  7. 埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架客机周一被企图寻求庇护的副驾驶劫持,此事表明,尽管反恐努力持续多年,全球航空业仍然面临着一个安全不确定因素,那就是内部威胁。

    The hijacking Monday of an Ethiopian Airlines jetliner by a co-pilot seeking asylum illustrates a security wild card still facing global aviation despite years of efforts to combat terrorism : the inside threat .

  8. 与上海街头的大众(Volkswagen)出租车截然不同的是,TX4的前排将不设置副驾驶座,而是供乘客放置行李的开放平台,该款车的后排设有四个座位。

    A significant departure from the Volkswagen cabs on Shanghai streets , the TX4 features an open-access luggage platform where the front passenger seat would be , with four seats in the back . '

  9. 埃航702航班是从亚的斯亚贝巴飞往罗马的,在机长去卫生间的时候,副驾驶劫持了这架载有202人的波音(Boeing)767客机,并安全降落在日内瓦机场。

    The Boeing 767 , carrying 202 people , landed safely at Geneva airport after the co-pilot commandeered Ethiopian Flight 702 , en route from Addis Ababa to Rome , when the captain went to use the toilet .

  10. 法国检察官布里塞•罗班(BriceRobin)表示,根据驾驶舱语音记录无法解释副驾驶的行为。这名副驾驶名为安德烈亚斯•卢比茨(AndreasLubitz),德国人,今年27岁。

    Brice Robin , the Marseille prosecutor , said that based on the cockpit voice recordings there was no explanation for why the co-pilot - whom he named as German national Andreas Lubitz , 27 - behaved as he did .

  11. “阳光动力2号”项目的发起人、董事长和副驾驶贝特朗·皮卡尔(BertrandPiccard)在阳光动力电视的网络直播中表示,很可惜天气变恶劣了,尽管飞机一直飞得很好。

    Bertrand Piccard , Initiator , Chairman and Co-Pilot of Solar Impulse 2 , told the organizer 's live feed , Solar Impulse TV that it was unfortunate the weather turned bad when the flight was going very well .

  12. 我一直对Lyft敬而远之,不仅是因为那撇粉红色的胡子,也因为我听说,它鼓励乘客坐在副驾驶的位置上,和司机碰拳。

    I had avoided Lyft not only because of that pink mustache but because I had heard that you were encouraged to sit up front with drivers and give them fist-bumps .

  13. 在从亚的斯亚贝巴飞往罗马的航班ET-702上,当飞行员去洗手间时,副驾驶把自己反锁在驾驶舱内并宣布劫机。随后意大利和法国的战机紧急起飞,在各自的空域内进行护航。

    When the co-pilot on flight ET-702 from Addis Ababa to Rome locked himself in the cockpit while the pilot went to the bathroom and announced a hijacking , Italian and French fighter jets were scrambled to escort the plane through their respective airspaces .

  14. 但是,它们只能坐在副驾驶座位上。

    However , they can only ride in the passenger seat .

  15. 我在副驾驶座帮你把方向盘给我

    I 'm passenger-seat driving . Give me the wheel .

  16. 你们还需要一个副驾驶你还是个驾驶员?

    What I also said was that every pilot needs a copilot .

  17. 让病人坐在副驾驶座是违反规定的。

    It 's against the rules for patients to sit up front .

  18. 机长、副驾驶和所有机组人员都安然无恙。

    The captain , the co-pilot and all the crew are safe .

  19. 太空船随后坠毁,副驾驶死于此次事故。

    The craft 's co-pilot died in the subsequent crash .

  20. 我坐在副驾驶座位上弹来弹去。

    I 'm bouncing around in the shotgun seat .

  21. 这熊是不是坐在副驾驶座上?

    Was the bear sitting in the passenger seat ?

  22. 副驾驶:我们需要保住这个登陆点。

    Co-Pilot : We need to secure this LZ .

  23. 艾哈迈德从副驾驶位置下车并打开了后排车门。

    Achmed jumped out of the passenger side and opened the back door .

  24. 我坐在副驾驶位上。

    So I got in the passenger seat .

  25. 把副驾驶从飞机里弄出来。

    To pull the copilot from the flight .

  26. 唐法甘森,你平时的副驾驶呢?

    With your regular copilot , don faganson ?

  27. 坐在副驾驶的那位始终谨慎地观察前方道路。

    The fellow in the right-hand seat paid keen attention to the road ahead .

  28. 你还需要一个副驾驶,你还是个飞行员?

    You are going to need a copilot . You 're a pilot too ?

  29. 坐在我旁边的是副驾驶李霍默。

    With me is first officer Lee homer .

  30. 埃塞俄比亚航空公司一架客机的副驾驶于日内瓦被捕。

    The co-pilot of an Ethiopian airlines passenger jet is under arrest in Geneva .