
zì ǒu biàn yā qì
  • autotransformer;autoformer
  1. 应用PLC实现一台自耦变压器起动多台电动机技术

    Application of PLC in Starting Many Motors Using an Autotransformer

  2. 1000kV自耦变压器的开发设计

    Development and Design of 1000 kV Autotransformer

  3. 500kV变电站自耦变压器公共绕组运行工况分析

    Analysis of autotransformer common winding operational conditions in 500 kV substations

  4. 针对吸流变压器(BT)供电方式(或直接供电方式),和自耦变压器(AT)供电方式,本文设计了不同的系统结构。

    Different structures of cophase supply are designed due to booster transformer ( BT ) supply ( or direct supply ), and auto transformer ( AT ) supply .

  5. 500kV自耦变压器中性点装设小电抗的应用研究

    Application study of installing small reactors on neutral points of 500 kV autotransformers

  6. 500kV自耦变压器中性点经小电抗接地的过电压与绝缘配合分析

    Overvoltage and Insulation Coordination of 500 kV Autotransformer Neutral Grounding through Small Reactance

  7. 介绍在配电系统中一种新型的电压补偿器,即在自耦变压器中集成PWMAC-AC变换器(每相4个IGBT元件)。

    In this paper a new voltage compensator in electric distribution system is discussed , the design employs a PWM AC-AC converter ( 4 , IGBTs per-phase ) along with an auto-transformer .

  8. 西北电网330kV自耦变压器零序过流保护的配置及整定计算

    Study on Zero-Sequence Over-Current Protection Configuration and Setting Calculation for 330 kV Autotransformer of Northwest Power Network

  9. 3SO2风机启动用自耦变压器烧毁事故原因分析及处理对策

    Accident Cause Analysis of Burnt Autotransformer for Starting up 3 # SO_2 Fan and Its Remedial Measure

  10. 自耦变压器L1.L2的计算原则以及晶闸管二极管的选择等。

    E. , the determination of commutation capacitor C , the calculation of auto-transformer L_1 and L_2 , and the selection of SCRs and diodes , etc.

  11. 分析了240MVA/330kV自耦变压器轴向失稳的事故原因,提出了提高变压器抗短路能力的建议。

    The axial instability causes of 240MVA / 330kV auto transformer are analyzed in this paper , and some advices on improving the anti-short circuit ability are given as well .

  12. 1000kV自耦变压器因其电压等级的原因,中压线端调压方式很难实现。

    Voltage grade on the intermediate voltage line terminal of 1000 kV autotransformer is so high that regulating from intermediate voltage line terminal is not available .

  13. 自动调压范围设计为:输入170~260V时输出220±11V(可按用户要求重新调定);控制容量由小继电器触点容量及自耦变压器容量决定(一般为50~4500VA);

    The extent of voltage modulating is designed as 170 ~ 260 V for input and 220 ± 11 V for output ( this can be set again by user ), the capacity of device is determined by the capacity of touch point of small relay and self-coupling transfer .

  14. 自耦变压器零差保护二次接线正确性判断

    Judging the CT secondary circuit of zero-sequence differential current for autotransformer

  15. 一种12脉冲整流器用的新型自耦变压器分析

    Analysis of A Novel Multiphase Autotransformer of High-Power 12 Pulse Rectifier

  16. 电力系统暂态仿真中自耦变压器模型的研究

    Study of Model of Three-Phases Autotransformer in Electric System Transient Simulation

  17. 文中还介绍了全星形自耦变压器的继电保护整定特点和零序后备保护的计算技巧。

    It also introduces the skill of calculating zero-sequence backup protection .

  18. 三相异步电动机自耦变压器降压起动控制电路分析

    Voltage-Drop Starting Control Circuit Analysis of Three-Phase Asynchronous Motor Autotransformer

  19. 利用功率法推导移相自耦变压器阻抗

    Finding the impedance of phase-shifting auto-transformer with power analysis method

  20. 自耦变压器模型及其中性点电压分析

    Mathematical model of autotransformer and voltage analysis of its neutralator

  21. 单相旁柱线性调压自耦变压器的阻抗计算

    Impedance Calculation of Single-Phase Linear Regulation Auto-Transformer with By-Pass Limb

  22. 三绕组及自耦变压器暂态数字仿真的研究

    Research on Transient Digital Simulation of Three-winding Transformer and Autotransformer

  23. 而保护装置针对自耦变压器,还配置了零序差动保护。

    Protection devices is equipped with zero-sequence differential protection for the auto-transformer .

  24. 自耦变压器讲授方法探讨

    An Inquisition of Lecture Method in the Teaching of Autotransformer

  25. 电气化铁道AT供电用自耦变压器

    Auto - transformer for AT Power Supply of Electric Railway

  26. 直到她变成一个小点,中性点接地自耦变压器

    Until to my view She was but a spot ; neutral autotransformer

  27. 三绕组自耦变压器与普通变压器并列运行的研究与实施

    Study and Implementation on Parallel Operation of Three-Winding Autotransformer and General Transformer

  28. 全星形自耦变压器结构特殊。造成零序阻抗的特殊性。

    Autotransformers with all windings in Y-connection result in a Peculiar Zero-Sequence impedance .

  29. 电力自耦变压器二输出负载的数字实时仿真

    Real-time Digital Simulation of Two Output Normal-loaded Power Auto-transformer

  30. 双线电气化铁路自耦变压器式新型供电系统研究与探讨

    A new type of auto-transformer electric traction supply system for double-line electrified railways