
  1. 管理自营店及经销商店面的形象。

    Manage the shop image of own stores and franchisees .

  2. 工商总局称,在阿里巴巴天猫平台上的品牌自营店中,抽检的7件商品中,有6件是正品;

    SAIC also said six of seven items from Alibaba 's Tmall.com , where brands host their own stores , were authentic ;

  3. 全聚德在北京和上海拥有十家自营店,以及61家特许经营店,其中有五家开在了香港、东京及缅甸等中国大陆以外的市场。

    Quanjude has 10 restaurants , including outlets in Beijing and Shanghai , and 61 franchise restaurants , five of which are outside the mainland in Hong Kong , Tokyo and Myanmar .

  4. 与此同时,随着MichaelKors产品在全球400个自营零售店以及在3700家百货店和专卖店销售,一些华尔街的分析人士和投资者越来越确信,MichaelKors扩张速度过快,折扣力度开始变大。

    Meanwhile , with Michael Kors products sold in its own 400 retail stores and in 3,700 department and specialty stores world-wide , some Wall Street analysts and investors are increasingly convinced Kors has expanded too fast and is starting to discount more .