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  • 网络Self emotion;self-feeling
  1. 他们注重个人内心感受自我情感的表达。

    They pay attention to personal feeling and self expression of emotion .

  2. 学习动机的自尊研究,主要探讨了学生的自我情感或自我价值感对其学习的影响;

    The research of self-esteem explored influence of affective self or feeling of self-worth on students learning .

  3. 贯穿西方抒情诗始终的基本情感是自我情感,虽然这种自我情感在不同历史时期的表现形式是不一样的。

    The basic emotion running through Western lyrics is self-emotion , which appears differently in different historical periods .

  4. 正是由于巴斯奎特始终坚持以自我情感为中心进行创作,从而使他的作品非常具有人类本原性。

    Basquiat always concentrated on the self-emotion when he was creating , so his works were very human primitive .

  5. 自我情感体验的强烈介入,使其情爱小说具有极强的历史感和现实感。

    They present very intensive sence of history and reality because the strong self emotion and experience is plunged into the romantics .

  6. 从艺术上,诗人运用对时间的艺术处理,达到净化自我情感,升华为艺术情感的境界。

    From artistic view point , the poet treats with time artistically so as to purify his personnel sensibility to artistic affection .

  7. 第4章开始分析王海鸰作品中体现的女性意识,而这种女性意识其实就是作者自我情感的宣泄与浓缩。

    Chapter 4 of Wang Hailing works began to reflect the female consciousness , and this is in fact female consciousness of emotional catharsis and self-enrichment .

  8. 赵元任对青少年时期成功习得英语的自我情感评价突显了兴趣,而这正是他在语言研究上取得成功的重要因素。

    As for the evaluation about his self-sentiment as a teenager , the writer highlighted interest which is an important factor of his great linguistic achievements .

  9. 从人我体验的角度看,旅游情感体验的内容包括对他人情感的体验和对自我情感的体验两大类。

    At the angle others and oneself , the content of tourist emotion experience includes two types : learn to others emotions and to oneself emotion .

  10. 我们往往认为自我情感因个人状况而异,但心理学研究者认为其有章可循。

    We tend to think of our emotions as having laws unto themselves , but one psychological researcher has suggested that our emotions do follow certain general rules .

  11. 调查结果发现,在自我情感方面,大多数青春期聋生对自己的身体形象、学业成就和个人能力等呈现更加重视的趋势;

    The results suggested that : mention of feeling to self , most deaf adolescents pay more attention to their self-body image , study achievement and self-capability than before ;

  12. 艺术学与人文学的学生,同那些学习心理学和政治学的学生一样,在开放性方面得分较高。这意味着他们好奇心强、想象丰富,并且善于表达自我情感。

    Arts and humanities students , as well as those studying psychology and politics scored highly for openness , meaning they were curious , imaginative and in touch with their inner feelings .

  13. “流行书风”不排除传统,注重个性发展和自我情感张扬,具有群体可接受性;

    The " spreads the calligraphy custom " not expel the tradition , it to make a point of the character to develop to make open , have the community accept-ability with ego emotion ;

  14. 前者是对来自他乡和故国情感的认识与反应,后者是对由此引起的自我情感的回味与反思。

    The former is the realizing and responding to the emotion which is born of an alien land and motherland , the latter is the after tasting and self-questioning to oneself emotion occurred from this .

  15. 作家通过创作活动来抒发自我情感,表达自我理想,阐释自我对世界和人生的体验与追求,因而他的创作个性决定了文学作品的审美风貌。

    Writers through creative activities to express feelings and express yourself self , self ideal to the world and life experience and the pursuit of his creation , thus determines character of aesthetic style literary works .

  16. 当代社会物质文明的高速发展奠定了时代的物质基础,物质上的富足使人们在产品使用功能的基础需求上更加注重自我情感的需求。

    The rapid development of material civilization of contemporary society laid the material foundation for the times , material wealth make people to pay more attention to emotional needs on the basis of products ' use function .

  17. 曾经在音乐的世界里尽情游走,而今她又执起画笔,在浸润着自我情感与人文关爱的绘画艺术中诗意地生活,怡然自得地穿梭在多种艺术形式中。

    She used to roaming around the world of music , and now she is picking up the painting brush , living the poetic life full of sentiment and loving humanism , wondering through various forms of art .

  18. 世纪初作家怀着屈原式的忧愤与感伤,在诗歌和小说中来表达现代性的体验、展开现代民族国家的想象和张扬现代个性意识和自我情感。

    The writers who cherished the sorrow and sadness like Qu Yuan expressed the experiences of modernity , the imagination about the modern nation-state and the modern individuality consciousness and the self - emotion in the poetry and the novel .

  19. 文人多以此为契点,投注自我之情感意绪。

    Many scholars point on this lease of their emotional meaning .

  20. 在传统题材里注入词人的自我主体情感。

    Adding ego corpus consciousness of lyricists into tradition theme .

  21. 另外,学生也要学会在不同学习环境下调节自我学习情感的能力。

    Secondly , the middle school students must learn how to adjust themselves in different learning context .

  22. 同时,艺术家自我思想情感的融入,大大增强了激励绘画语言的表现力度。

    Meanwhile , artists ' self-integration of thoughts and feelings greatly enhances the incentive intensity of performance of painting language .

  23. 三,有我之境,以自我的情感为出发点,来观察体会外界。

    Three , my condition , in order to self emotion as the starting point , to observe the experience external .

  24. 他应该避开自我、情感和错觉的浓浓迷雾,寻找寒冷冬日里一望无际的澄明碧空。

    Eschewing the heat-hazes of ego , emotion and illusion , he should seek the endless blue clarity of a frosty winter day .

  25. 打动是人生最美妙的觉得,它是一杯用自我的情感浸泡出来的聪慧茶,能够改动自我。

    Move is the most beautiful and good life feeling , it is with a cup of their own emotions soak out wisdom tea , can change the self .

  26. 李清照是中国文学史上创造力最强、艺术成就最高的女性作家,她以女性的身份,真挚大胆地表现对爱情的热烈追求,丰富生动地抒写自我的情感世界,比“男子作闺音”更为真切自然。

    Li Qingzhao is believed to be the most prolific and accoplished female poet in the history of Chinese literature . Her audacity in expressing the pursuit of true love and delicacy in the depiction of emotions reflect her intuition of being a female .

  27. 在人际关系越来越淡薄的现代社会里,人们更加注重自我的情感需求,以充分重视人的内心情感需求和精神需要为基础的情感化设计成为一种新的设计思潮。

    In nowadays the relationship between people becomes more and more apathetic . People pay more attention to their own emotional needs . And the emotional design based on the emotional needs and mental needs deep in their hearts becomes a new ideological trend of design .

  28. 她被自我怀疑和情感上的不安全感所困扰。

    She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity .

  29. 多因素Logistic回归分析表明:自我感知和情感功能同性别、家庭情况、痤疮轻重分级和学生与否相关性密切;

    Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that the major factors influencing self-perception and emotional role included sex , family condition , acne severity index and be a student .

  30. 学习动机、自信心、焦虑、自我意象等情感因素是影响大学生英语自主学习的重要因素。

    Affection is an important factor to influence college students ' autonomous learning .