
  1. 从宏观上讲,风格包括时代风格、民族风格、阶级风格;

    From a macroscopic point of view , it includes styles of age , nationality , class , literary schools and so on ;

  2. 从纯理论的角度来看,风格一词的涵义本身就没有严格而公认的科学界定&从大的方面讲,可包括时代风格、民族风格、阶级风格;

    Theoretically speaking , there is no scientific and universally accepted definition of style-from a macroscopic point of view , it includes styles of age , nationality , class , literary schools and so on ;

  3. 自定义用户界面,而有时分散实际上相当独特,有趣的,而且几乎适合的阶级和风格。

    The custom UI , while sometimes distracting is actually quite unique , interesting , and almost fitting for the class and style of play .