
  • 网络STEP;step function;unit step function
  1. 单位阶跃函数的Fourier变换只有一种正确结果

    Correct Fourier Transformation of the Step Function Is Unique

  2. 本文构造了技术直达列车编织计划(TFP)问题的阶跃函数模型。

    Presents a new formulation called step function model for the train formation plan ( TFP ) problem between marshalling stations .

  3. 最后分析了单位阶跃函数、单个脉冲函数、N个脉冲函数在有损介质中传播时电场强度的波形变化。

    The transient responses of electric intensity in a dissipative medium are also discussed for excitation of unit step function . one pulae and N - pulse .

  4. 在通常的脉冲控制系统中,当输入信号是阶跃函数时,系统的过渡过程至少在n个采样周期内才能完全结束(n是控制对象的阶数)。

    In ordinary sampled-data control systems the system response to a step input can reach its equilibrium state only within n or more sampling intervals ( n is the order of the controlled plant ) .

  5. 带有阶跃函数的GIM(1)预测模型及其应用

    The gim ( 1 ) forecasting model with a jump function and its application

  6. 利用线性反馈同步理论,将用多项式与阶跃函数构造的网格多涡卷混沌系统用于保密通信,设计了相应的驱动响应同步系统,理论分析计算线性反馈k的取值范围。

    The grid multi-scroll chaotic system which is constructed by polynomial and step function is introduced in secure communication by the linear feedback synchronous theory , a driving response synchronization system is designed . the scope of linear feedback k is analyzed and calculated in terms of theory .

  7. 通过保持非耗散介观LC电路的固有频率不变,而使电路参数作阶跃函数变化,就可将介观LC电路由初始的偶相干态制备到压缩偶相干态;

    By keeping the frequency of non dissipative mesoscopic LC circuit a constant and its parameter varying with the step function , the quantum state of the circuit evolves to a squeezed even coherent state from the initial even coherent state .

  8. 以非线性项满足Lipschitz条件的单连杆机器人系统为研究对象,采用自适应观测器方法对故障类型为阶跃函数类型的故障进行故障诊断,并进行稳定性分析。

    We put the link robot system model as research object , in which the nonlinear term of the one meet with Lipschitz condition . We use adaptive observer methods to diagnosis fault which is step function fault types , and stability is analyzed .

  9. 对模糊模型在每一采样点进行线性化,将描述非线性系统的T-S模型转化为线性时变的状态空间模型,并假设输入基函数为阶跃函数,推导出预测控制律的解析式。

    The fuzzy model was linearized at each sample point , and then T-S fuzzy model describing nonlinear systems was transformed into time-varying state space model . After the input basic function was assumed as the step function , the analytic solution of the predictive control law was established .

  10. 并且把能够充分体现间歇运动机构的质量捕获和质量逃离的Heaviside单位阶跃函数及其逻辑组合引入动量方程,得出了自动机构运动的一个明确表达式。

    The Heaviside unit step function and its logical groupings are introduced , which fully describe capturing mass and escaping mass in mechanisms with intermittent motion , and a clear formula giving equations of motion for the automatic machanism is obtained .

  11. 对δ函数的传统定义及由此引起的奇性展开讨论,说明了在经典意义下δ函数可以被看成是弱收敛函数序列的弱极限以及阶跃函数Heaviside函数的导数;

    Through discussing the conventional definition of δ function and the strange qualities thus induced , it is pointed out that δ function can be understood as the weak limit of weak convergent functions and the derivative of Heaviside function traditionally .

  12. 本文借助阶跃函数和斜坐标系,建立了组合抛物面屋盖的壳面方程,然后应用扁壳非线性理论和Navier法,导出了组合抛物面屋盖非线性分析的计算公式。

    In this paper , the curved surface equation of the composite paraboloid roof is established by means of step function and inclined coordinate . The calculating formulas of nonlinear analysis for the composite paraboloid roof are then derived from the nonlinear theory of shallow shell and the Navier method .

  13. 用单位阶跃函数研究分段线性电阻网络

    The Study of Piecewise - Linearization Resistive Networks Using Unit Step-Function

  14. 短轮伐期桉树林分树冠生长的阶跃函数模型

    The Unit Step Function Model for Crown Diameter of Short Rotation Eucalyptus

  15. 一般函数的单位阶跃函数表达式

    The Expression of Ordinary Function in the Form of Unit Step Function

  16. 阶跃函数的定义及其在零点的取值

    Discussion of Step Function and Its Value at Time Zero

  17. 详细分析了采用单位冲击函数和阶跃函数产生双指数脉冲的双口网络,给出了参数设计的原则。

    The design principle of RC two - port parameter is given .

  18. 基于阶跃函数的故障树最小割集算法

    Minimum Cut of Fault Tree Based on Step Function Algorithm

  19. 技术直达列车编组计划的阶跃函数模型及同构变换

    A Step Function Model of the Train Formation Plan and Its Equivalent Transformation

  20. 单位阶跃函数在梁影响线计算中应用

    Application of Unit-Step Functions in Calculating Beam Influence Lines

  21. 阶跃函数在信号分析中的应用

    The Application of Step Signal in Signal Analysis

  22. 也谈单位阶跃函数在一阶动态电路分析中的用法

    A Discussion on the Use of the Unit Step Function in Analyzing Fist-Order Circuits

  23. 阶跃函数理论的改进

    Improvement on the Theory of Step Function

  24. 定义磨光函数逼近阶跃函数的可操作的近似是第二步;

    The second step is to define the polish function to approach the step-up function ;

  25. 用单位阶跃函数求梁的变形和解连续梁的探讨

    The Discussion of Solution to Beam Deformation and Nonstatic Continuous Beam by Unit Step Function

  26. 利用阶跃函数表示响应的时间段给出了具有初始电压电容的戴维南等效电路。

    Thewenin s equivalent circuit of capacitor with initial voltage is given through step function representation .

  27. 因此通过类阶跃函数的设计可以有效的控制从动系统的振动。

    With the method the vibration of the following system can be controled according to the response-spectrums of the step-type functions .

  28. 阶跃函数在分析一阶电路暂态过程中十分重要。

    As one of the singular functions , a step function plays a very important role in the transient analysis of one-order circuits .

  29. 利用脉冲函数整体地表达出了小球所受的力,结合阶跃函数推导出了小球的运动方程

    With the pulse function completely shows that the forces that the pellet receives With step function deduces the equation of the pellet 's movement

  30. 在引入阶跃函数的前提下,提出了技术站分组列车编组计划的0-1规划模型。

    With utilization of the step function , the 0-1 programming model is constructed to optimize the train formation plan of multi-block trains at technical service stations .