
  • 网络stage theory
  1. 想象过程的五个阶段说

    On the Five Stages of the Processes of Imagination

  2. 我们有无数的过渡期,在过渡期间,我们要学习放手,向前一个阶段说再见。

    We have to go through countless transitions ; within we have to learn how to let things go , farewell to the last stage before experiencing the next .

  3. 研究课题的理论基础:创造性思维理论1、美国心理学家沃拉斯的四阶段说。

    This research is based on the following theories : Firstly , the creative thinking theory is based on : 1 . American psychologist J. Wallas 's theory of ' four stages ' .

  4. 但它的三阶段说也有现代合法性的某些特征。但它是一种实质正当性而非形式合法性。党国体制是主权在党的政体。

    But its Three-Stage Thought bears also certain characteristics of modern validity . A party state system is a political entity with the power on the party ; the party runs the government in behalf of the people .

  5. 提出可持续发展教育历史嬗变的五阶段说&思想萌芽阶段,借壳发展阶段,替代发展阶段,理论体系开始建构阶段,理论相对共识并付诸实践阶段。

    The developing history of Sustainable Development Education is devided into the evolution of five stages & sprout stage , backdoor stage , alternative development stage and theoretical system-in-the-beginning stage , the last stage means that relative consensus has been made on theory and how to go into practice .

  6. 复习阶段可以说是应战任何考试最艰巨的环节。

    The revision period is , arguably , the most difficult part of any exam process .

  7. 他认为德性的塑造要经过这两个阶段或者说是出于这两个原因。

    He thought the gain of the virtue must need the two stages , in other words , with the two reasons .

  8. 这是我在最后阶段准备说的,我会很快跳过。

    This is what I want to address in the last section that I 'm going to have to skip through very quickly .

  9. 拉康提出“镜像阶段”说,发展并“哲学化”了其中的主体问题,同时也使其中的悖论更为突出;

    Jacques Lacan presented a theory of " the Mirror Stage ", and made the paradoxical problems seemed more serious through developing the subject philosophically .

  10. 撰写本文的时候,该规范仍然处于W3C的工作草案阶段,就是说在成为推荐标准之前,还有一些路要走。

    At the time of this writing , it is still in the Working Draft stage at the W3C , which means it has some way to go yet before it becomes a Recommendation .

  11. 第二阶段时我说,“我会,我会继续。

    Step two was the moment I said , " I will . I will continue .

  12. 西蒙有很多的昵称,但在某些阶段,他说他像“特富龙人”。

    Simon had a number of nicknames , but at some stage he said he was like Teflon .

  13. 现阶段我能说的是,过去的十年是我人生中最美好的时光。

    All I can say at this stage is the last ten years have been the best of my life .

  14. 佐利克在非洲之行开始阶段就明确说,他此次访问的目的是倾听和学习。

    Zoellick made it clear at the start of his trip to Africa that he was there to listen and learn .

  15. 我不是说它目前的样子,或者目前的阶段,而是说整个贯穿时间的物体。

    I 'm not picking not just the current slice or the current stage of the car but the entire extended-through-time object .

  16. 这种讯问只是彼此相识的一个预备阶段,可以说,是在打破文化障碍。

    The interrogation is just a preliminary to getting to know each other ; a breaching of the cultural barrier , so to speak .

  17. 文献〔1-2〕提出了晶卤分异成因新观点(阶段性淡化说)的基本理论框架。

    References [ 1-2 ] advanced main points of a new theory about differential mechanism of the intercrystalline brine ( Desalination by Stage ) .

  18. 这场比赛的胜利使得红军顺利晋级了欧联杯正赛阶段,库伊特说红军将继续认真的对待每一场比赛。

    It means Liverpool have now progressed to the Europa League group stage and Kuyt insists it is a competition they are taking very seriously .

  19. 你的改造分三个阶段,奥勃良说,学习、理解、接受。

    ' There are three stages in your reintegration , ' said O'Brien . 'There is learning , there is understanding , and there is acceptance .

  20. 但是,反思性教学在中国还只是刚起步阶段,或者说真正实施反思性教学并获益的教师还是少之又少的。

    However , the reflective teaching in China is only in its starting stage , and the teachers who really carried out and benefited from reflective teaching are very few .

  21. 最近几年我国的电子商务随着互联网技术的高速发展逐步进入了成熟阶段,可以说电子商务已经进入我们生活的方方面面。

    In the recent years , the e-commerce of China with the rapid development of Internet technology is entering the maturity phase , we can say that e-commerce has entered our lives .

  22. 21世纪初期,中国对农村、农民、农业的发展进入一个新的发展阶段,或者说中国农村发展的新转向&统筹城乡。

    In the beginning of 21st century , it is a new development stage about the peasant , rural , agriculture in China or Chinese rural development getting into a new direction .

  23. 他还说,随着全球越来越多地区迈入城市化阶段据他说,到2025年发展中国家将有35亿人居住在城市中城市居民将会需要充满乐趣的宜居环境。

    Calthorpe argues that as more of the world moves into urban environments he says there will be 3.5 billion people living in developing world cities by 2025 they will want fun , livable urban places .

  24. 就目前世界经济形势而言,区域经济一体化是实现经济全球化的必然要经历的阶段,或者说,区域经济一体化组织是经济全球化的过渡状态。

    In terms of current world economy , regional economic integration is a necessary phase to realize the economic globalization . In another word , regional economic organization is a transition state in which the economic globalization runs .

  25. 然而,当人类心智发展到成熟阶段,或者说,当人逐渐从恐惧、残酷走向理性时,就似乎开始丢弃那些一直牢固地维系着社会稳定的东西。

    However , when the human mind developed to the mature stage , in other words , when people gradually moved from fear and cruelty toward rationality , they seem to begin to discard what have firmly maintained the social stability .

  26. 继文献〔3〕之后,本文对晶卤分异的又一复杂地区进行了深入解剖,为阶段性淡化说再次提供大量事实依据,具有一定的理论和经济意义。

    This paper studies carefully more complicated differentiation of intercrystalline brine in other area of the lake and pro-vides a great deal of fact basis of argument for Desalination by Stage theory again after refer-encs [ 3 ] , which has the theoretical and economical significance .

  27. 通过逐条分析GATT的最惠国待遇条款、国民待遇条款和例外条款,就现阶段来说,不能说美国的碳关税违反了WTO的基本规则。

    Through a detailed analysis of " most-favored-nation treatment clause "," national treatment " and " exception " of GATT , at this stage , we cannot say the carbon tariffs of the United States broke the basic rules of WTO .

  28. 渡性阶段,也就是说,北韩要彻底放弃核项目。”

    Korea being completely out of the nuclear business . "

  29. 经济进入生产过剩阶段,也就是说消费力不足的阶段。

    The economy had reached a stage of overproduction , or under-consumption .

  30. 根据人格理论,我们对D阶段又该怎么说呢?

    What should we say about Phase D , on the personality theory ?