
  • 网络Self-fulfilling prophecy;self fulfilling prophecy
  1. “自我实现预言”指的是直接或间接导致预言本身实现的一种预测。

    A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true .

  2. 这就是一个自我实现预言,因为当我们预期会被他人所接纳时,我们获得了接纳,而当我们预期不被接纳时,就不会被接纳。

    It 's a self-fulfilling prophecy because if we predict acceptance we get it , if not we don 't.

  3. 1957年,RobertMerton第一次提出了自我实现预言的概念,自此,人们逐渐开始认识到它在人类各个研究领域的价值和影响,尤其是在学校教育领域。

    Robert Merton first declared it in 1957 and since then people began to know its value and influence in many fields of human research , especially in schooling .

  4. 自我实现预言理论之我见

    A Personal Perspective of the Theory of Self - fulfilling Prophecy

  5. 自我实现预言的力量在于它能够使错误恒久化。

    This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error .

  6. 自我实现预言理论是关于社会和个人行为的理论,得到了西方学术界的普遍认同,并广泛为公众所知悉和应用。

    Merton 's theory of self - fulfilling prophecy is about the social and personal behavior .

  7. 目前,人们认识到自我实现预言的确对学生的发展有着重要影响。

    Now people believe that the self-fulfilling prophesy does have a most strong effect on student 's development .

  8. 如果我们希望学生成为具有创造力的人,那么教师和学生就有必要了解自我实现预言的影响力。

    Both teachers and students should know the incredible importance of the influence of the self-fulfilling prophesy , if we want our student to be a person with more creativity .

  9. 在某些情况下,投机者能够创造出自我实现的预言。

    In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies .

  10. 然而,在很多环境下,这是一种自我实现的预言。

    However , in many environments it is a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  11. 另些人们由于相信自己会失败所以产生了一个自我实现的预言。

    Others discover that believing they will fail becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  12. 从某种程度上说,它成了一个自我实现的预言。

    In a way , it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  13. 这种定型和压抑的力量就像一种会自我实现的预言。

    It is stereotyping and oppression as self-fulfilling : prophecy .

  14. 但这样的危言,有可能变成自我实现的预言。

    But such alarmism risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  15. 这一点很有可能会成为一个自我实现的预言。

    This could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  16. 这方面的担忧可能引发危机的另一个自我实现的预言。

    The fear of just this might cause yet another self-fulfilling prophecy of crisis .

  17. 那种认为西方影响力正走下坡路的看法,现在可能会变成一个自我实现的预言。

    The perception of declining western power now threatens to become a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  18. 产出下降可能变成自我实现的预言。

    Lost output can become a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  19. 如果央行接受这一状况,则供给增长疲软会变成自我实现的预言。

    If they accept it , weak growth of supply turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  20. 信念常常会成为自我实现的预言。

    Beliefs very often become self-fulfilling prophecies .

  21. 这就创造了一个自我实现的预言。

    This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  22. 信心是自我实现的预言。

    Beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies .

  23. 不要将一个坏的起点作为一个坏的结束这样自我实现的预言。

    Do not make a bad start turn into a self fulfilling prophecy for a bad ending .

  24. 反过来,悲观的想法、态度和预期也会自成因果:它们是能自我实现的预言。

    Conversely , negative thoughts , attitudes , and expectations feed on themselves ; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  25. 期望传递,也被称为自我实现的预言。这种现象的产生是由两个原因共同引起的。

    The phenomenon of transferred expectations , also called a self-fulfilling prophecy , occurs for a combination of two reasons .

  26. 期望传递,也被称为“自我实现的预言”。这种现象的产生是由两个原因共同引起的。

    The phenomenon of transferred expectations , also called a " self-fulfilling prophecy , " occurs for a combination of two reasons .

  27. 这个问题是一个自我实现的预言:高利率会导致偿债负担难以忍受,使得违约不可避免。

    The problem is a self-fulfilling prophecy : High interest rates will lead to an intolerable debt-service burden and the inevitability of default .

  28. 悲观主义者往往容易失败,部分原因就是一个人对自己的看法常常是一种能够自我实现的预言。

    The reason that a pessimist tends to fail is , in part , his own image of himself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  29. 被拒绝的推销员:期待否定的结果。消极的人吸引消极的环境并不是巧合。是一个自我实现的预言。

    Rejected Rep : EXPECTS negative outcomes . It 's not a coincidence that negative people attract negative circumstances . It 's a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  30. 在这种情况下,经济缓慢增长经常会变成胆小政府制造的一个自我实现的预言,这类政府既不会支持消费,也不会去解决大型银行的资本充足率问题。

    In such circumstances slow growth often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy produced by timid authorities , who neither supported spending nor dealt with the capital-adequacy problems at large banks .