
  • 网络bottom-up processing;bottom up processing
  1. 但现有研究对注意在变化盲视中的作用仅涉及到视觉干扰破坏自下而上加工过程,对于更深入的注意具体机制尚缺乏探索和印证。

    However , the question of what is the role of attention played in change blindness they only involves visual interruptions destroying bottom-up processing process . And the specific mechanism of attention in change blindness is also lack of deep exploration and evidence .

  2. 阅读是一个自下而上加工与自上而下加工的结合的过程,即材料驱动与概念驱动的有机结合的过程,而在二语阅读中这两种过程是相互作用的。

    , i. e. a process of organic combination of material drive and concept drive , which interact in second language reading .

  3. 对注意捕获的研究一直存在两种争论,即自上而下和自下而上的加工。

    There exists two arguments on the research of attentional capture , namely top-down and bottom-up processing .

  4. 根据图式理论,听力理解过程存在两种信息加工方式:即自上而下和自下而上的加工方式。

    According to schema theory , there are two ways in the process of listening comprehension , bottom-up process and top-down process .

  5. 注意捕获对揭示两种控制过程&自下而上的加工与自上而下的加工之间的关系有着重要的研究意义。

    Attentional capture is of great importance in revealing the relationship between two kinds of attentional control : bottom-up processes and top-down processes .

  6. 手写汉字的加工过程包含着自下而上的加工(原型匹配的过程)和自上而下的加工(有关部件组合关系的图式)。

    Handwritten Chinese character processing consists of a bottom-up processing ( prototype matching ), and a top-down processing ( schema of radical combination ) .

  7. 结果表明,在浏览图片时存在两种加工:以策略为导向的自上而下的加工和以刺激驱动的自下而上的加工。

    The result showed that two types of processing were used while viewing a picture , the strategy-driven top-down processing and the stimulus-driven button-up processing .

  8. 由于阅读理解中基于语言信息的自下而上的加工方式所占据的比重在一定程度上取决于学习者已有的词汇知识,学习者受益于基于输入的干预手段的程度也受到这一因素的影响。

    Since the role of bottom-up processing based on linguistic cues in reading comprehension is to some extent determined by learners ' existing vocabulary knowledge , the extent to which individual learners benefit from input-based interventions is also affected by that factor .

  9. 在微纳米加工领域,目前人们已经普遍认可了两种材料加工方式,即自上而下的减材加工方式和自下而上的增材加工方式。

    In micro and nanometer machining field , two material machining modes are popularly taken . One is reducing material top down , the other is increasing material bottom up .

  10. 本研究在分析前人研究的基础上,认为启动刺激熟悉性、刺激集和目标集容量、自下而上的策略性加工和自上而下的影响性加工等因素都会对阈下语义启动产生影响。

    In this study , based on analysis of previous studies , we think that the start stimulus familiarity , stimulus set and target set size , bottom-up " strategic " process and top-down " impact " of process , and other factors will affect the subliminal semantic priming .