
  • AMNESIA;Memory Loss;Transient global amnesia
  1. 对于自己在该事件中所扮演的角色,罗宾斯先生患上了选择性失忆症,因此几乎在每次庭审中都会受到其他证人的反驳。

    Mr Robins , suffering from selective amnesia about his role in the affair , was contradicted in nearly every instance by other witnesses .

  2. “数字失忆症”指因为过度依赖手机和互联网储存信息而导致的基本记忆能力丧失,比如,连手机号码、约会日期等基本事项都记不住,没有导航就不知道怎么到达目的地,没有计算器就不会算术,等等。

    Digital amnesia refers to the inability to remember basic things , such as telephone numbers , dates , how to get somewhere without a GPS , or how to do math without using a calculator , etc. as a result of over-reliance on mobile phones and the Internet for storing information .

  3. 我昨晚给大学老师打电话。结果遭遇电话失忆症,竟然想不起这个老师的名字了。

    I called my college teacher last night , then I experienced a terrible phonesia that I couldn ’ t remember her name .

  4. Phonesia(电话失忆症)可能指a)拨通某个电话号码,等对方接电话时突然忘记你是在给谁打电话;

    Phonesia may refer to a ) The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer .

  5. 一组专家将对他的失忆症进行会诊。

    A group of experts will meet to treat his amnesia .

  6. 他说过严重的惊吓也会引起失忆症吗?

    ID he say that a shock can also cause amnesia ?

  7. 看起来像某种集体失忆症,长官。

    Seems like some kind of mass amnesia , sir .

  8. 但患有失忆症的人仅能描述他们看到的一些简单基本的东西。

    But the amnesiacs were far more basic in what they saw .

  9. 医生说是“逆行性失忆症”

    They call my condition " focal retrograde amnesia . "

  10. 看来你的失忆症只体现在对脸部的识别上。

    It seems your amnesia only applies to faces .

  11. 好吧你可能得了失忆症

    Well ... you 're supposed to have amnesia .

  12. 失忆症中的记忆丧失足以使我们失去自我。

    The loss of memory in amnesia can cause us to lose ourselves .

  13. 希望失忆症不会是永久性的。

    Hopefully the amnesia won 't be permanent .

  14. 用石头砸他们的脑袋,希望他们得失忆症?

    Hit them over the head with a rock , hope they get amnesia ?

  15. 告诉我,医生,你以前诊断的有几个是真正的失忆症。

    Tell me , doctor , how many times have you diagnosed actual amnesia ?

  16. 失忆症患者所犯的错误要多得多,尤其是基底前脑受创的患者。

    Amnesic patients made far more errors , especially those with basal forebrain damage .

  17. 失忆症有很多都是选择性失忆。

    There are as many amnesias as amnesiacs .

  18. 从本质上讲,我们大家都身体天使失忆症与一个巨大的问题。

    In essence , we are all physical Angels with a giant amnesia problem .

  19. 有趣的是,茴香霉素用于动物模型中诱导失忆症。

    Interestingly , anisomycin has found use for the induction of amnesia in animal models .

  20. 童年的失忆症的调查几乎全部集中于成年人的最早的记忆。

    Investigations of childhood amnesia have almost exclusively focused on the earliest memories of adults .

  21. 手术后患者均未发生失语症与失忆症,可说是间接证明了瓦达试的准确性。

    There were neither aphasia noted postoperatively , which gave indirect evidence to the accuracy of ISA procedure .

  22. 如果你因为所谓的失忆症不能填补记忆的空白无法想起过去

    If you 're having trouble filling in the holes of your past due to your so-called amnesia ,

  23. 失忆症隐喻的是对“自我”虚幻性的猜疑和试探,也是对“自我”依赖性的体现。

    Amnesia as metaphor was suspicion and test to imaginary I , however , it was dependence on I more .

  24. 考虑到富裕世界各地住宅类房地产的形势,或许这些受害者们正在经历创伤后的失忆症吧。

    Given the state of residential property around the rich world , perhaps the victims are suffering from post-traumatic amnesia .

  25. 即使他们不明白背后的神经源失忆症,竞选阵营的战略家们却可以利用它来传播错误信息。

    Even if they do not understand the neuroscience behind source amnesia , campaign strategists can exploit it to spread misinformation .

  26. 小说的开篇设在但丁最爱的城市、意大利弗洛伦撒的一家医院里,患上失忆症的兰登从昏迷中醒来。

    The novel opens in Dantes beloved city , Florence , where Langdon wakes up in a hospital bed suffering from amnesia .

  27. 第三组是脑部受创、但受创部位不在颞叶也不在基底前脑,而且没有失忆症的患者。

    The third group was composed of patients without amnesia who had damage in places other than the temporal lobe or basal forebrain .

  28. 因此,他同时患有顺行性与逆行性失忆症:他既无法形成新记忆,也唤不起旧有的记忆。

    Accordingly , he has both anterograde and retrograde amnesia : he cannot form new factual memories and he cannot recall old ones .

  29. 发作性失语患者高代谢区位于左额颞叶区,失忆症患者高代谢区位于双侧海马区。

    The hypermetabolism was in the left frontotemporal region in patients with ictal aphasia and in the bilateral hippocampal region in the patient with amnesia .

  30. 研究人员昨日称,一种可以整天连续拍照的便携式自动相机,可能会改变失忆症患者的生活。

    An automatic wearable camera that takes photos continuously through the day can transform the life of patients with memory loss , researchers said yesterday .