
shī líng
  • not work;not work properly;be out of order;dysfunction
失灵 [shī líng]
  • [be out of order] 变得不灵敏或完全不起应有的作用

  • 开关失灵了

  • 指挥失灵

失灵[shī líng]
  1. 霸权主义的指挥棒失灵;

    The baton of hegemonism did not work .

  2. 第二部分从需求面角度分析了金融监管失灵的原因。

    Second part analyse the reason why financial supervision does not work From view of " demand range " .

  3. 我骑自行车下山到中途刹车失灵了。

    The brakes on my bike failed half way down the hill .

  4. 我正开车回家,突然刹车失灵了。

    I was driving home when my brakes went .

  5. 这辆车上的刹车完全失灵了。

    The brakes on this car are shot .

  6. 离合器因过热而失灵了。

    The clutch has burnt out .

  7. 紧急冷却系统有可能失灵,核反应堆有可能发生堆芯熔毁。

    Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur .

  8. 离合器失灵后,汽车只能在二挡行驶。

    When the clutch broke , the car was locked into second gear

  9. 辐射会损坏微处理器和电脑内存,使之失灵。

    The radiation can damage microprocessors and computer memories , causing them to malfunction

  10. 导航系统失灵,导弹未能命中目标。

    The guidance systems didn 't work and the missile couldn 't hit its target .

  11. 一次试运行中的引擎失灵使得日本的太空梦想遭受了挫折。

    Japan 's space ambitions have had a set-back after the failure of an engine in a test run

  12. 初步调查显示是空中客车上的制动系统失灵。

    Preliminary investigations show the braking system on the Airbus had failed .

  13. 每当下雨,我们的车就失灵。

    Every time it rains , our car acts up .

  14. 刹车失灵。

    The brakes wouldn 't act .

  15. 在高速公路上行驶时刹车失灵的后果是非常严重的。

    It 's no joke when your brakes fail on the motorway .

  16. 飞机引擎失灵,一个倒栽葱掉到海里了。

    The engine failed and the plane fell headlong into the sea .

  17. 资金流转失灵。

    The circulation of funds has broken down .

  18. 开关失灵了。

    The switch is out of order .

  19. 他鼠标的滚轴失灵了,正在修呢

    The malfunctioned roller of his mouse is under repair .

  20. 这种非常普遍的现象有个学名,我们称之为“大脑短路”。“大脑短路”是指暂时的大脑失灵,无法正确地进行推断。

    There 's a scientific term for this totally common phenomenon , which we like to call a " brain fart . " " Brain fart " is used to refer to a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly .

  21. 将失灵保护的启动回路和闭锁回路分为若干个特定Agent负责的部分,省略闭锁解除回路。

    The start-up circuit and locking circuit are assigned to specific responsible AGENT ; and the lock removing circuit is omitted .

  22. 第四部分是我国利用FDI的政府失灵与法律规制。

    The last part deals with the governmental failures and the legal measures on utilizing FDI .

  23. DU型组合机床转台反靠定位失灵的原因分析及诊断

    The Analysis and Diagnosis of Failure Actions of Backing Positioning in Rotary Table of the DU-type Modular Machine Tool

  24. 我国NPO志愿失灵的有效治理&兼论与第四域的融合

    Treatment for Will Failure of NPO in China & Amalgamation with the Forth Field

  25. AVS技术标准制定过程中的政府与市场双失灵&基于政策过程与工具分析框架的研究

    Market Failure and Government Failure in AVS Standard Setting : A Study based on Policy Process Instruments Framework

  26. 飞机同样会受到GPS失灵的影响,因为飞机经常需要在夜晚仪表飞行,并且基于地面上的灯光来假定他们的位置。

    Airplanes are likewise affected by the GPS system faltering , as they often must fly blind at night , and make assumptions on their location based on lights on the ground .

  27. 某500kV母线保护失灵元件误动分析

    Analysis of failure element maloperation of a 500 kV bus protection

  28. 220kV母差及失灵保护双重化技改的分析实施及现场运用

    Analysis and field implementation of 220 kV BBP-BFP dual technological transformation

  29. 由于imf的限制性条件过多,同时人们觉得,使用此类临时信贷额度的国家会损及声名,这种机制以往已失灵。

    Such mechanisms have failed in the past because of excessive IMF conditions and the perception that there was a stigma attached to countries that drew on such contingency lines .

  30. 特别是在我国目前证券市场市场效率经常失灵的情况下,对于长期投资者而言,EVA提供了一个投资选股的有效指标。

    Especially in our market , since the short failure of our market efficiency , it should be a important tool of choosing the stock to a long term investor .