
  1. 据目击者称,他对女王殿下极其冷淡。

    He was , according to witnesses , extremely wintry with Her Royal Highness .

  2. 女王殿下本人长年以来一直保持和数字时代的各种进展同步。

    Her Majesty has long been keeping up with digital advances .

  3. 女王殿下就会为我们唱一首歌。

    Her majesty may sing us a song .

  4. 我非常敬仰女王殿下,为她演奏钢琴将让我倍感荣幸。

    The Queen is someone who I respect greatly and it would be an absolute honor to perform for her .

  5. 然而,其用意似乎很明了:女王殿下属于过去,而这是现在,里德是一位现代男性。

    The meaning , however , seemed clear : her Majesty was then , this is now , and Reid is a modern kind of guy .

  6. 请为吉诺瓦女王殿下安妮?海瑟薇起身!女王殿下于本周庆祝了这部史上伟大的电影——《公主日记》的17周年纪念日。

    Please stand up for her royal highness , Queen of Genovia Anne Hathaway , who this week celebrated the 17th anniversary of the greatest movie of all time , The Princess Diaries .

  7. 卡斯卡特小姐曾在2011年主持了传奇歌手保罗·麦卡特尼的婚礼,她表示:“我非常乐意。威斯敏斯特市政厅登记了女王殿下和查尔斯王子、威廉王子还有哈里王子的出生信息,可以让传统继续很棒。”

    Miss Cathcart , who presided over Paul McCartney 's 2011 wedding , said : ' It was a pleasure . Westminster City Council registered the birth of the Queen and Prince Charles and Princes William and Harry , so it 's great to see that tradition continue . "

  8. 女王陛下与公主殿下游览了青年中心并随后为一块纪念匾揭幕。

    Her majesty and her royal highness toured the youth centreand later unveiled a commemorative plaque .

  9. 随后他走向前,领着现场观众向女王陛下欢呼三次,之后他深情地亲吻了女王陛下的手,说:卑职向女王殿下致敬,我们的三次欢呼都献给您!

    As he drew to a close , he led the audience in giving three cheers for the Queen , before kissing her hand affectionately and adding : So Your Majesty we offer you our humble duty and with it three resounding cheers for our Majesty The Queen !

  10. 后来,天空放晴,女王与丈夫—菲利普王子,Edinborough公爵以及其他的火炬手和官员们一同观看了火炬传递。女王殿下还近距离查看了火炬是如何点燃的。

    Thenas the skies cleared the Queen and her husband Prince Philip , the Duke of Edinborough , met with several other torch-bearers and officials . Shewas also given an up close look at how a torch is lit .