
shī xiào
  • lose efficacy;lose effectiveness;cease to be effective;be no longer in force;expire;invalidity;lapse
失效 [shī xiào]
  • [expire;lose efficacy] 失去原有的效力

  • 合同失效

失效[shī xiào]
  1. 煤矿机械轴承失效分析方法及其预防

    Method and Prevention of Coal Mine Mechanical Bearing Lose Efficacy Analysis

  2. 电连接器的常见失效分析

    Analysis on common lose efficacy of electrical connector

  3. 现在签订的合同可能在将来的某一天就会失效。

    A contract signed now might be invalidated at some future date .

  4. 要记住的是,一旦结婚,原遗嘱自动失效。

    It is worth remembering that previous wills are nullified automatically upon marriage .

  5. 如果把防晒霜在盥洗室的壁橱里放一个冬天,就有可能失效。

    Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet .

  6. 由于锅炉的安全阀失效,居民们听到了砰的一声巨响。

    Residents heard an enormous bang as a safety valve on the boiler failed .

  7. 这毫无疑问会使该举措完全失效,而仅仅只是加速通货膨胀。

    This , of course , would nullify the effect of the move and merely accelerate inflation .

  8. 这药已失效了。

    The medicine no longer has any effect .

  9. 这张证明已失效。

    This certificate is invalid .

  10. 她的财产权失效了。

    Her right to the property has lapsed .

  11. 再婚会使原有的一切遗嘱失效。

    Remarriage would revoke all previous wills .

  12. 如果厂里的规章制度失效了,生产就要陷入混乱。

    If the plant 's rules and regulations collapsed , production would get into a mess .

  13. 世界卫生组织的水健康专家詹姆斯·巴特拉姆说:“过于严苛的标准通常会失效。”

    " Overly strict standards often fail , " James Bartram , a WHO water-health expert , said .

  14. 撤销,解除[债务]:以取消或偿付的办法使一笔债务失效

    Cancellation : Voiding a debt by annulling or paying it .

  15. 开关可使卡带架上的钮键失效

    The HOLD switch deactivates the buttons on the cassette holder . HOLD

  16. 什么能使爆色板在银行内就失效

    Is there any way the dye pack malfunctioned back at the bank ?

  17. 新规则使以前的所有规则失效。

    The new rule overrides all the previous ones .

  18. 第二传票是取代因无法送达或者因其他原因失效的传票之传票。

    Alias summons is a subsequent summons issued to replace one that could not be served or otherwise failed .

  19. 在一些例子中,这个按钮可能一直在使用中,但可能已经失效,或在安装维修中失去了功能;在少数例子中,安装这种按钮是为了让人们满意,类似于安慰剂。

    In some cases the button may have been functional2 , but may have failed or been disabled during installation or maintenance or was , in a relatively3 small number of cases , installed to keep people contented4 , much in the same way as placebos5 .

  20. SiC电热元件的高温失效分析

    Failure Analysis of SiC Electrical Heating Element at High Temperature

  21. 通过失效分析,进一步优化和改善了LED的制造技术,达到提高质量和可靠性的目的。

    Through failure analysis , the technique of LED was further optimized and improved for raising the quality and reliability .

  22. 合成气压缩机TM调速器传动齿轮失效分析

    Failure Analysis of the TM Governor Drive Gear of Synthetic Gas Compressor

  23. 添加剂对Cr2O3涂层热震失效寿命的影响与涂层的实际选用

    The Effects of Additive on Thermal Shock Life of Cr_2O_3 Coating and the Choice of Coating

  24. LPG碱洗罐人孔法兰开裂失效分析

    The failure analysis for flange 's cracking on cylinder of LPG alkali washing tank

  25. 数字芯片ADC模块的常见失效分析

    Digital microcontroller ADC module 's usual fault diagnosis

  26. 进一步的研究指出:6063铝合金中的合金元素Mg是使钎剂失效和恶化钎缝质量的主要原因。

    Further research shows that element Mg in 6063 is the main cause making the flux ineffective and the quality of brazed seam degraded .

  27. VLSI金属互连线1/f~γ噪声指数与电迁移失效

    Correlation between Frequency Exponent of 1 / f ~ γ Noise and Electromigration Failure in VLSI Interconnections

  28. IrO2+Ta2O5系钛基改性涂层阳极和失效特点

    The Surface Modifications and Failure Mechanism for IrO_2 + Ta_2O_5 Coated Titanium Anodes

  29. 分析PWM逆变器驱动的变频牵引电机定子绕组内部电压分布特性,对研究定子绕组绝缘失效和进行绝缘结构设计有重要意义。

    Analyzing voltage distribution characteristic in windings of inverter-fed traction motor is significant while studying failure mechanism of traction motor insulation and designing insulation structure .

  30. 研究表明:MOS电路等微电子器件,在ESD作用下确实存在潜在性失效问题。

    It shows that the problem of latent failure exists for MOS circuit after the ESD stresses imposed on it .