
  • 网络Step Stress;step-up-stress testing;ssalt;STRIEF
  1. 论加速可靠性增长试验(Ⅶ)步进应力试验方案的统计分析

    Research on accelerated reliability growth test (ⅶ) Statistical analysis of step stress test schemes

  2. 步进应力试验在提高某型液晶显示器可靠性中的应用

    The Use of Step Stress Test to Improve Reliability of a Certain Type of LCD

  3. 文章通过步进应力试验的方法设计出可靠性加速寿命试验方案。

    A plan for acceleration lifetime test is designed on the basis of step-stress tests .

  4. 结果表明:和目前常用的步进应力试验相比较,步降应力试验应用于该类寿命评估可以较大幅度地缩短试验周期,从而降低评估试验代价。

    The results reveal that SDS-ALT is more efficient than the widely used step-up-stress ALT ( SUS-ALT ) when applicable to this kind of life evaluation , and that it may reduce testing cost consequently .

  5. 从这单一失效机理出发,基于失效物理的方法,通过恒定结合步进应力加速试验,计算出有机污染接触失效机理的激活能。

    Based on the single failure mechanism and the failure physics , combining constant and step stress accelerated test , the activation energy of failure mechanism from organic vapor-pollutants was calculated .

  6. 步进应力加速寿命试验中成败型数据的Bayes统计分析

    Bayes Analysis for Success failure Type Data under Step stress ALT

  7. 在交叉步进应力加速寿命试验中,假定在各组应力下产品的寿命分布为指数分布,对于定数截尾样本,求加速方程中系数的线性无偏估计(BLUE)。

    In the alternate stepwise stress accelerated life test , Under type ⅱ censoring of data from Exponential distribution , we give the linear unbiased estimates ( BLUE ) of the coefficients in acceleration equation .

  8. 本文是针对损伤失效率模型(TFR)模型就Weibull分布产品在步进应力加速寿命试验下研究了参数的点估计。

    This article gives the point estimation of parameters based on tampered failure rate model for Weibull distribution under step-stress accelerated life testing .

  9. 几何分布截尾样本场合步进应力加速寿命试验TFR模型下的统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Geometric Distribution with Censored Sample Based on Tampered Failure Rate Model under the Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing

  10. 基于步进应力加速寿命试验的硅压力传感器寿命预测

    Life prediction for silicon pressure sensor based on step-stress accelerated life-test

  11. 可修产品的步进应力加速寿命试验统计分析

    Statistical analysis of step-stress accelerated life testing for repairable product

  12. 幂律一威布尔模型下简单步进应力加速寿命试验的区间估计

    Interval estimates of simple step-stress accelerated life testing for the power-Weibull model

  13. 指数模型步进应力加速寿命试验的区间估计

    Interval Estimation in the Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing based on the Exponential Model

  14. 真空荧光显示屏恒定及步进应力加速寿命试验的研究

    Study on Constant - Step Stress Accelerated Life Test of Vacuum Fluorescent Display

  15. 竞争失效产品定数截尾步进应力加速寿命试验的优化设计

    Optimum of Step-Stress Accelerated Life Tests with Competing Causes of Failure under Exponential Distribution

  16. 总定数先定时截尾情况下简单步进应力加速寿命试验的优化设计

    Optimum design of simple step-stress accelerated life tests under total type I and earlier type ⅱ

  17. 威布尔分布恒定&步进应力加速寿命试验可靠性统计分析方法及软件包

    Statistical analysis of reliability with software of constant & step-stress accelerated life testing for Weibull distribution

  18. 指数分布场合定时和定数截尾步进应力加速寿命试验的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of types I and II censoring data from step-stress accelerated life testing models under the exponential distribution

  19. 对用于分析步进应力加速寿命试验的累积损伤模型进行时间变换,保留模型对数据拟合的灵活性的同时简化了数学计算。

    The time-transformation of the cumulative exposure model used to analyze step-stress accelerated life testing simplifies the mathematical mode without sacrificing flexibility for fitting data .

  20. 依据该引信步进应力加速寿命试验结果和数据处理方法,计算出该引信在正常应力水平下的可靠贮存寿命约为17a。

    Based on test data and method of data processing , the reliable storage life of fuzes approximating 17 years under normal stress levels is predicted .

  21. 通过反复迭代,可修系统在步进应力加速寿命试验过程中产生的故障数据可以折合到相同试验条件下。

    After failure data were converted to the same stress condition by the way of iterative algorithm , the three-parameter Weibull process that includes the position element with Peck accelerated model was utilized to fit them .