
  • 网络optical system;optical train
  1. 曲线流有着非常广泛的应用。关于理想光具组横向放大率曲线的分析与运用

    Analysis and Application on curve of ideal optical system with lateral magnification

  2. 用矩阵方法解理想光具组问题

    Solving Problems of Ideal Optical System by Matrix Method

  3. 针对光学中繁琐的理想光具组问题,我们在本文中讨论用矩阵方法进行求解,并用C语言编出计算机解此类问题的程序。

    The problem how to solve the complex ideal optical system is discussed , and a program in C language for solving it is given .

  4. 给出了理想光具组系统矩阵的MATLAB计算程序,并借助MATLAB进行光线追迹与数值拟合,得到了像差(球差)的多项式及曲线图。

    A calculation program written by MATLAB for System Matrix in ideal lenses , and by light path tracing and numerical fitting the aberration ( spherical aberration ) polynomial and its curve are shown .

  5. 介绍了用横向放大率法确定两薄透镜组成的光具组基点的原理和方法,该方法采用线阵光电耦合器件(CCD)测量物经光学系统成像的横向放大率,进一步提高了测量精度。

    The theory and method of using lateral magnification to determine the cardinal point of compound optical system are introduced . Since CCD is used , the high measurement precision is obtained .

  6. 关于复合光具组基点公式的教学

    The Teaching about the Cardinal Point Formulas of Composite Optical Systems

  7. 理想光具组的纵向共轭性质

    The longitudinal conjugated property of ideal optical system

  8. 从理想光具组出发导出景深及超焦距

    Derived the Formulas of Field Depth and Hyperfocal Distance from an Ideal Optical System

  9. 测量光具组焦距和基点位置的简便方法

    A Simple Method to Measure the Focal Distance and Cardinal Points of a Compound Optical System

  10. 推导了重焦系统的成像公式,并利用成像公式讨论了重焦系统的成像特性,作为理想光具组理论的补充。

    The imaging formula of the overlapping focus system is derived , and the imaging characters of the system are discussed .