
  • 网络Light perception;light perception, LP
  1. 结果视神经损伤后光感或光感以上者20只眼中,18只眼视力不同程度提高;

    Results 18 of 20 eyes with light perception or better had improvement in the patients who was treated after injury .

  2. 术前视力光感~02;平均病史116月。

    The preoperative condition of vision was from light perception to 0.2 , and the average period of ill history was 11.6 months .

  3. 7d后,外颗粒层和光感受层几乎完全消失。

    The outer nuclear layer and photoreceptor layer were almost completely lost at 7 d.

  4. AMD引起视网膜光感细胞的崩解死亡,继而导致中心视力的进行性下降。

    AMD causes light-sensitive cells in the retina to break down , resulting in progressive loss of central vision .

  5. 分析VEP与伤后昏迷、伤后视力无光感等外伤性视神经病变危险因素之间的相关性。

    The correlativity among VEP , coma after trauma , and no light perception in initial vision after trauma were analyzed .

  6. 在中枢神经系统,MEL主要由松果体分泌,而在视网膜,则由光感器合成并释放。

    In CNS , MEL is secreted by the pineal gland , whereas it is synthesized and released by photoreceptors in the retina .

  7. 实验的第一步是校正光感测器电压信号值与Z轴压电驱动器位移之间的转换常数以及压印接触面积函数。

    The first step of the experiment was to calibrate the optical signal to Z piezo actuator displacement constant and the contact area function . Secondly , HCPP , a polymer , was indented with AFM .

  8. 术后视力:光感1眼,眼前数指2眼,0.1~0.2者5眼,0.3者2眼,≥0.5者3眼(联合ECCE加IOL植入术)。

    Post-operative visual acuity was light perception in 1 eye , finger counting in 2 eyes , 0.1-0.2 in 5 eyes , 0.3 in 2 eyes .

  9. 5人制足球仅限满足B1级别标准的运动员参赛。B1级别运动员的视力清晰度非常低,且/或无光感。

    Football 5-a-side is limited to athletes who meet the criteria of the B1 sport class , where they have a very low level of clarity and / or no light perception .

  10. 例如,视障运动员根据其视力的清晰度和光感程度被分为三个不同的等级(B1、B2或B3)。

    Visually impaired athletes , for instance , are divided into three different classes ( B1 , B2 or B3 ) based on the clarity of their vision and degree of light perception .

  11. 快速暗适应时间在1分钟以内,(3)视网膜光感绝对阈值,看到0.2×10~(-6)asb视标,时间不超过30分钟;

    Dark adaptation time within one minute ; ( 3 ) retinal photosensitivity ( absolute threshold ) down to 0.2 × 10 - (?) asb within 30 minutes ;

  12. 液晶叶绿素铂电极的光感电位

    Photo - induced potential of the liquid crystal chlorophyll platinum electrode

  13. 模拟了一个散射光感器和一个电离室。

    A scattering light sensor and an ionization chamber were simulated .

  14. 探索表现光感的可行性。

    Explore the feasibility of the performance of light perception .

  15. 影响猪皮绒面革丝光感的工艺分析

    Discussion on Factors Affecting Silky Gloss of Pigskin Suede Leather

  16. 开放性眼外伤无光感眼玻璃体切割术预后分析

    Vitrectomy of open globe injuries with no light perception

  17. 照片可以显现的光感纸。

    Light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed .

  18. 玻璃中光感生双折射效应的研究

    Investigation of laser beam induced birefringence effect in glasses

  19. 久而久之挂在壶身的茶锈形成唯美的光感

    The deposit left on the clay creates this beautiful patina over time .

  20. 结论:通过临床应用进一步论证青蒿琥酯有抑制变应性皮炎与抗光感作用,具有临床使用价值。

    Conclusions : Artesunate has its clinical value for allergic dermatitis and photosensitive reaction .

  21. 井下人群经口服鱼肝油丸治疗后,快速暗适应时间、微光近视力与强光刺激后暗适应恢复时间、视网膜光感绝对值均有明显改善。

    The express dark-adaptation abilities were improved obviously by taking pill of cod-liver oil .

  22. 分析了光折变晶体的简并二波耦合、四波混频以及光感应光散射等特性。

    Then the characteristics of two-wave coupling , four-wave mixing and light-induced scattering are analyzed .

  23. 伤后无光感的预后差。

    Loss of light perception immediately after injury would be followed by an unfavorable prognosis .

  24. 在实验室测试中,这些“光感”植物受到感染的时候变成了红色或者产生了荧光。

    In laboratory tests , these'photosensory'plants turn red or produce a fluorescent glow when infected .

  25. 陈列艺术中的光感与美感

    The Lighting and Pleasing in Exhibition Art

  26. 留意你是否对浅紫色光感到不舒服。

    Pay attention to whether or not one feels uncomfortable with the pale violet ray .

  27. 结论伤后视力无光感、昏迷、视神经管骨折是影响视神经损害预后的危险因素。

    Optic canal CT and VEP were an effective prognosis indicator in traumatic optic neuropathy .

  28. 无光感55眼。

    With no light perception 55 eyes .

  29. 肯定赞同中国画家在光感表现领域的成绩。

    Certainly agrees with the Chinese performance artist in the field of optical sense of achievement .

  30. 未治疗的1只眼随访1.5年后进展至无光感。

    The visual acuity decreased to no light perception in an untreated eye after 1.5-year follow-up .