
  • the deaf;deaf people;hearing impaired person;the dumb
  1. 安德鲁被送到特为聋人办的学校去了。

    Audrea was sent to a special schools for the deaf .

  2. 聋人也可以学习手势语字母的。

    The deaf were also taught to use a finger alphabet .

  3. 电脑简化了教聋人阅读这一艰巨的工作。

    The computer has simplified the difficult task of teaching reading to the deaf .

  4. 教授是聋人,因此我们不能讲话。

    The professor was deaf and any talking was prohibited .

  5. 在过去的一年里,克拉拉一直在学习手语,以帮助盲人和聋人,她知道自己可以用手指将拼写写在这个男人的手掌上。

    Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help blind and deaf people and she knew she 'd be able to finger spell into the man 's palm .

  6. 聋人使用美式手语(AmericanSignLanguage,orASL)来交流或许没有什么困难。

    Deaf people may English words through American Sign Language , or ASL .

  7. 通过美国手语(americansignlanguage,orasl),聋人可以无障碍地表达英语单词。

    Deaf people may have no trouble communicating English words through American Sign language , or asl .

  8. 方法应用PCR和DNA序列分析技术,对一个有明确氨基糖苷类抗生素应用史的母系遗传耳聋家系共18人(包括聋人和听力正常者)的线粒体DNA进行研究。

    Methods The mutation of mitochondrial DNA from all 18 family members of a chinese pedigree with maternally inherited aminoglycoside antibiotic-induced deafness was detected by PCR and DNA sequencing .

  9. 目前,对聋人的文化身份认同(DeafIdentity)的研究成为国外聋人社会性发展研究的热点。

    Currently , research on deaf identity has become one of the focused works in the psychosocial development of deaf people in western countries .

  10. 聋人枕叶视皮层对频率刺激反应规律的事件相关fMRI研究

    Study on the Visual Cortical Response to Stimulus Frequency in Deaf with Event Related fMRI

  11. 但是对ASL使用者进行的调查发现,受过教育的聋人的平均阅读水平却只相当于九岁儿童。

    But studies of ASL users show that , , educated deaf adults are likely to read at the level of a nine-year-old .

  12. 国际聋人周(IWD)于每年九月的最后一个整周举行。

    The International Week of the Deaf ( IWD ) is observed annually during the last full week of September .

  13. 但是通过对ASL使用者的研究发现,受过教育的成年聋人的平均阅读水平可能只有相当于九岁儿童。

    But studies of ASL users show that , on average , educated deaf adults are likely to read at the level of a nine-year-old .

  14. 南非聋人团体成员称,纳尔逊&12539;曼德拉(NelsonMandela)通过电视直播的追悼会上的手语翻译自创手语手势,让其无法理解这位刚去世的政治家的追悼会上到底发生了什么。

    Members of South Africa 's deaf community have accused a sign-language interpreter at Nelson Mandela 's televised memorial of making up his hand gestures , rendering the service for the late statesman all but incomprehensible .

  15. 与这一政策相一致的是福利和人口发展部已经资助了南非聋人联合会(DEAFSA)和自由州大学以培训手语翻译。

    In line with this policy , the Ministry for Welfare and Population Development has already funded a joint project of DEAFSA and the University of the Free State to train interpreters in sign language .

  16. 基于网络的聋人高等教育模式探讨

    The Mode of High Education for the Deaf Based on Network

  17. 聋人高等工科教育教学的特殊性

    The Specific Characteristics of Higher Engineering Education for the deaf Students

  18. 阅读对丧失听觉能力的聋人具有不同寻常的重要意义。

    FOR THE PEOPLE Reading is very important for deaf people .

  19. 中国聋人英语学习是三语的语言环境&汉语书面语、中国手语以及英语;

    The Chinese deaf learn English in trilingual and bicultural environment ;

  20. 一种有效的聋人语言与思维形成的方法&格式化语言教学方法

    An Effective Method of Producing Language and Thinking for Deaf People

  21. 聋人与正常人内隐记忆的比较研究

    COMPARE Comparative study on Implicit memory between Deaf and Hearing people

  22. 聋人和听力正常人对复杂图形信号辨认反应时和反应正确率的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Visual Cognition of Deaf and Hearing Children

  23. 我国聋人社会和文化是客观存在的。

    The existence of deaf community and deaf culture is objective .

  24. 聋人与听力正常人汉语字词加工认知途径的比较(英文)

    Cognitive processing of Chinese characters between hearing-disabled and normal people ;

  25. 并且聋人世界中的人也说,

    and that the people in the deaf world who said ,

  26. 聋人足球比赛中裁判员执法特点和规律

    Working features and rules of referees of football match of deaf

  27. 海伦名气相当大,她帮助了许多盲人,聋人。

    Helen was very famous.She helped many blind and deaf people .

  28. 聋人大学生就业是一个重要的社会问题。

    Employment of deaf college students is an important social issue .

  29. 个体聋人身份认同是聋人心理发展的重要内容。

    Deaf Identity is essential to psychological development of deaf people .

  30. 因此,聋人的社会性发展实际上都离不开耳聋这一事实。

    The psychosocial development of deaf people is encircled with the deafness .