
lónɡ yǎ xué xiào
  • school for deaf-mutes;blind and dumb school
  1. 聋哑学校教室照明设计

    Architectural Lighting Design in the School for Deaf-mutes

  2. 文章总结了推行《温岭市聋哑学校学生日常行为规范达标活动实施方案》的经验。

    This article is a summary of the experienceachieved by the Wenting School for Deaf-Mutes in implementing the daily conduct norm education .

  3. Pendred综合征基因热点突变筛查赤峰市聋哑学校大前庭水管综合征患者

    Patients suffered from enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome in Chifeng deaf and dumb school detected by Pendred 's syndrome gene hot spot mutation screening

  4. 研究工具为H-T-P绘画测验和90项症状清单(SCL-90),被试为西安市某聋哑学校的62名听障中学生及西安市某普通高中的68名健听中学生。

    The research tools were the H-T-P and the the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) . The 62 hearing-impaired subjects were from a deaf-mute school in Xi ' an and the 68 hearing subjects were from a high school in Xi ' an .

  5. 很快许多国家都有了聋哑学校。

    Soon there were schools for the deaf in many countries .

  6. 汕头市聋哑学校的学生。

    Is comprised of students of the Shantou deaf and mute school .

  7. 聋哑学校目前没有统一编写的体育教材。

    There is no deaf-mute school uniform materials prepared by the sports .

  8. 我在一所聋哑学校教历史。

    I teach history for a school for the deaf .

  9. 她是聋哑学校的孩子,姓周。

    She 's the student from deaf and dumb school named syou .

  10. 特定于无声处&南阳市聋哑学校规划及单体设计

    In the Silent World : Design and Planning of Nanyang School of Deafmutes

  11. 深入开展聋哑学校体育教学的研究,加强科研工作。

    Depth development of deaf-mute school of physical education , strengthen scientific research work .

  12. 盲校/盲聋哑学校教师随班就读的态度研究

    Study on Teachers ' Attitude toward the Programs for Handicapped Pupils in Regular Class

  13. 方法调查对象来自赤峰市聋哑学校学生141例。

    Methods DNA were extracted from peripheral blood of 141 students of Chifeng Deaf and Dumb school .

  14. 初进聋哑学校,我讶异于苍穹之下残缺的生命何以如此之多!

    Early into the deaf school , I surprised at how the lives of handicapped under the firmament so much !

  15. 组成手势语的牧师1760年在巴黎也建立了第一个聋哑学校。

    The priest who made up the finger alphabet also founded the first school for the deaf in Paris in 1760 .

  16. 欠发达地区农村聋校学生厌学情绪原因调查与对策研究&以浙江省衢州市聋哑学校为例

    Reasons for Deaf Students ' School-Weariness in Undeveloped Rural Areas and Its Strategies & A Case Study of Quzhou School for the Deaf

  17. 1955年,在马萨诸塞州北安普顿市的“克拉克聋哑学校”,女学生们在课间休息时打排球。

    At the Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton , Massachusetts , female students played volleyball during a break between classes in 1955 .

  18. 在母亲的督促下,蒂姆进步得很快,没多久就能跟聋哑学校的孩子们自如交流了。

    With the supervision of his mother , Tim improved so rapidly that he could communicate with other children in the school freely soon .

  19. 我从小在聋哑学校学习文化和绘画,后来学习陶艺和刻瓷。

    I received a general education and studied painting in a Special School as a child , and later turned to pottery and porcelain .

  20. 调查结果显示:(1)江苏省聋哑学校体育课开展正常,学科地位受到重视。

    Survey results showed that : ( 1 ) Jiangsu Province , deaf-mute school physical education to conduct normal , the subject position of attention .

  21. 逐步改善聋哑学校体育物质条件,政府应该投资改善聋哑学校的体育场地、设施和器材。

    Gradually improving material conditions of the deaf school sports , the Government should invest in improving the deaf-mute school sports venues , facilities and equipment .

  22. 目的:了解宜昌市聋哑学校8&12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童患龋情况及口腔卫生状况。

    Objective : To investigate the status of caries and oral hygiene among 8-12 year-old blinded , Weak-minded and deaf-muted children from Yichang school for deaf-mutes .

  23. 聋哑学校的所有老师都知道这意味着什么,对于我偏向虎山行的勇气,他们也表示出了赞同意见。

    All teachers of the deaf know what this means , and only they can at all appreciate the peculiar difficulties with which I had to contend .

  24. 聋哑学校体育教师的教学方法和学生的学习方法比较传统,没有重视启发式教学方法以及创新一些新的学习方法。

    Deaf-mute school physical education teachers in the teaching methods and students learn more traditional methods , not to heuristic teaching methods and innovative new learning methods .

  25. 聋哑学校中用于体育教学的经费很少,导致场地、器材等基本的教学设施严重缺乏。

    For the deaf-mute school in physical education for very little , leading to venues , the basic equipment , such as a serious lack of teaching facilities .

  26. 聋哑学校聋生的心理危机主要表现为紧张焦虑、自卑、攻击和敌意、依赖性强等;

    Anxiety , sense of inferiority , hostility , and dependence , are the main symptoms of psychological crisis of the deaf students in schools for the deaf and mute .

  27. 在我的瑞士祖先中,有一个人曾是苏黎世聋哑学校的首位教师,他曾写过一本有关教学生涯的书——这似乎具有某种一脉相承的偶然性;

    One of my Swiss ancestors was the first teacher of the deaf in Zurich and wrote a book on the subject of their education - rather a singular coincidence ;

  28. 方法:随机抽取聋哑学校98名8&12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童进行口腔卫生状况、龋病调查,参照全国第2次口腔流行病学调查方案调查。

    Method : Consulting the criterion formulated by the second national epidemiological survey program for oral diseases , 98 8-12 year-old disabled children were extracted at random for oral hygiene and caries investigation .

  29. 母亲狠下心把蒂姆送到了聋哑学校,她知道要想让儿子早日从阴影里走出来,就必须尽快接受现实。

    The mother made a tough decision that Tim would be sent to the school for deaf mutes , as she knew that only by accepting the reality as soon as possible could Tim get out of the shadow soon .

  30. 江苏省聋哑学校体育教学内容的一般性教学内容比较多,对于有助于矫正聋哑学生的身体缺陷,提高聋哑学生的适应能力的有关体育教学内容比较缺少。

    Jiangsu Province , deaf-mute school physical education content of more general teaching content , help to correct physical defects of deaf students , improve the ability to adapt to the deaf students in the comparative lack of physical education content .
