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  • tuberculoma
  1. 所有病例行同层动态CT增强扫描,并与同期行动态CT增强的肺结核球15例进行对照研究。

    Dynamic enhanced CT were applied to them , and the results were compared with 15 pulmonary tuberculoma .

  2. 结论:螺旋CT动态增强扫描对肺癌、肺结核球、炎性假瘤的鉴别诊断有一定的帮助。

    CONCLUSION : Helical incremental dynamic CT is helpful in differential diagnoses of lung carcinoma , pulmonary tuberculoma , and inflammatory pesudotumor .

  3. 周围型肺癌与结核球的CT征象分析

    Analysis of CT features of peripheral lung cancer and tuberculoma

  4. 肺结核球的高分辨率CT诊断分析

    Diagnosing and Analysing Spheral Tuberculosis of Pulmonary by HRCT

  5. 不典型肺多发结核球的CT诊断1例及文献复习

    CT Diagnosis of Nontypical Multiple Pulmonary Tuberculoma : One Case and Literature Review

  6. 结节周围支扩征在CT诊断肺结核球中的价值

    The Value of the Peripheral Bronchiectasis Sign in Diagnosis of Lung Tuberculoma on CT Imaging

  7. 肺癌与结核球的MRI增强研究

    Gd DTPA enhanced MRI in bronchogenic carcinoma and tuberculoma

  8. 肺结核球的CT表现

    CT Appearances of Pulmonary Tuberculomas

  9. 孤立性肺结核球薄层动态CT扫描及病理对照研究

    Trends Solitary Pulmonary Tuberculoma : Comparative Study of Spiral Dynamic CT of Thin Collimation and Pathological Findings

  10. 结果按照病变的CT表现分为4型,Ⅰ型:胸膜结核球,12例;

    Results According to CT findings of the tuberculous lesions , 31 cases could be divided into 4 types , i.

  11. 肺癌组平均增强71%,明显高于结核球组(41%,P<0.01);

    The average degree of enhancement of bronchogenic carcinoma was 71 % significantly different from that of tuberculoma ( 41 % , P < 0.01 ) .

  12. CT对周围型肺癌、炎性假瘤、结核球定性诊断的准确性优于X线(Ρ0.05)。

    The accurate diagnostic rates of peripheral lung cancer , inflammatory pseudotumor and tuberculoma with CT was superior those of contrast X-ray (Ρ 0.05 ) .

  13. 结论胸膜结核球结合完整的病史;依靠切线位片、CT及胸部透视即可诊断。经积极的抗结核治疗可避免手术。

    Conclusion Dignosis of pleural tuberculoma need an integrated history , tangential position X-ray film , CT and fluoroscopy of chest and sufficient antituberculous treatment may avoid operation .

  14. 结论结合临床病史分析肿块的CT表现,肺内炎性肿块的CT表现有一定的特点,可以与结核球、尘肺大阴影及周围型肺癌鉴别。

    [ Conclusion ] The CT manifestation of the lung inflammatory masses exhibited specific features that can be distinguished from the show of tuberculosis , pneumoconiosis and lung cancer .

  15. CT显示血管切迹征20例,病理证实分别为腺癌,鳞状细胞痼,乳头状腺癌,肺泡细胞癌和结核球。

    CT " Vascular Notch Sign " was shown on CT scans in 20 cases . Pathologically , these 20 cases included adenocarcinoma , squamous carcinoma , papillary adenocarcinoma , bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and tuberculoma .

  16. 目的探讨结节周围支扩征(PBS)诊断肺结核球的价值。

    Objective To evaluate diagnostic value of the peripheral bronchiectasis sign ( PBS ) in diagnosis of lung tuberculoma .

  17. 方法选择周围型肺癌41例和肺结核球20例,病灶平扫后静脉注入对比剂,行同层动态增强CT扫描,测量增强前后病灶CT值,计算最大净增值,并观察其强化类型。

    Methods Single-location dynamic enhanced CT was performed on 41 patients with peripheral pulmonary carcinoma and 20 patients with tuberculoma . The CT values were compared before and after enhancement , and the enhancement type were observed .

  18. 材料与方法:对19例原发周围型支气管肺癌,10例结核球行常规和动态增强MRI检查,分析其表现并与病理对照。

    Materials and methods : Conventional and dynamic Gd DTPA enhanced MRI of peripheral bronchogenic carcinoma ( 19 cases ) and tuberculoma ( 10 cases ) were analyzed and compared with the pathologic findings .

  19. 方法选择直径<4cm的孤立性肺结节、有完整CT资料并经最后证实的肺结核球27例和周围型肺癌35例。

    Methods Sixty two of solitary pulmonary nodules were chosen among standard CT and high resolution CT ( HRCT ) , including 27 tuberculomas and 35 peripheral lung cancers which were proved by operations and pathology or follow up .

  20. 结果62例中,在高分辨率CT片(HRCT)上发现周围支扩征13例。其中11例为结核球,2例为周围型肺癌,两者间存在显著性差异(P<0.001)。

    Results Among 62 nodules , 13 PBS was found on HRCT films , which includes 11 tuberculomas and 2 peripheral lung cancers , with a significant differences between them ( P < 0.001 ) .

  21. 结论:HRCT能较好的显示结核球的边缘形态及内部密度,增强扫描后密度的变化有助于对该病的正确诊断及鉴别诊断。

    Conclusion HRCT may show the verge and density of preferable . The change of density after enhancement was helpful in diagnosing and differential diagnosis of the PST .

  22. 另按CT序号收集同期病理证实≤3cm周围型肺癌30例,结核球15例与之鉴别。

    In additon , 30 cases with peripheral cancer of lung (≤ 3 cm in diameter ) and 15 cases with tuberculoma confirmed by pathology were collected in responding period for differentiating diagnosis .

  23. 方法选择直径≤4cm的周围型肺癌29例和肺结核球7例,行同层动态CT增强研究,绘制其时间-密度曲线。

    Methods Dynamic enhanced CT in the patients with peripheral bronchogenic carcinoma ( diameter 4 cm , 29 cases ) and tuberculoma ( 7 cases ) were analyzed and the time-attenuation curves were created .

  24. 目的:探讨应用最大似然法鉴别周围性肺癌、肺错构瘤及结核球3种孤立性肺结节(SPN)的诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic values of discrimination method of large log-likelihood study in differentiating the3 kinds of SPN among peripheral lung carcinoma , hamartoma and tuberculoma .

  25. 结果:绝大多数肺癌在团注造影剂后明显强化,3~10min达到高峰,随后信号逐渐下降,而多数结核球主体无明显强化,动态曲线平坦。

    Results : Majority of malignant tumors showed a strong enhancement on the dynamic contrast enhanced MRI and reach the peak at about 3 10 minutes , then the signal intensity gradually decreases while that of most tuberculomas fluctuates on one level .

  26. 结果:肺癌和肺炎性结节显著强化,肺结核球和肺错构瘤轻度强化或不强化,肺癌和肺结核在75s和135s时间段增强比较中均有统计学显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results : All malignant and inflammatory nodules showed significant enhancement , but tuberculomas and hamartoma showed little or no enhancement at all . Lung cancer had significant difference from tuberculomas at the time 75 and 135 minutes ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 肺结核球中结核菌药敏实验结果的临床意义

    The Clinical value of tubercle bacillus culture in lung tuberculoma

  28. 周围型肺癌与肺结核球的计量判别诊断

    Quantitative Discriminatory Diagnosis of Peripheral Lung Cancer and Pulmonary Tuberculoma

  29. 肺部结核球疑似周围性肺癌11例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 11 cases of suspected peripheral lung cancer from tuberculoma

  30. 肺结核球手术指征的探讨

    A discussion on surgical indication to the lung tuberculoma