
  1. 采用Boost的两级式光伏发电并网逆变系统

    Boost-based Two-level Grid-connected Photovoltaic Inverter System

  2. 并网仿真采用两级式逆变系统,将MPPT集成到DC/DCboost环节,,第二级DC/AC环节使并网电流跟踪电网电压相位,并以此模型为基础讨论光伏发电并网对电网的影响。

    Grid-connected simulation uses the two-stage inverter system , integrate the MPPT to the DC / DC boost stage , the second stage of DC / AC make the grid-connected current track the grid voltage phase .

  3. 在此背景下,本文针对光伏发电并网逆变器进行分析研究。

    In this background , this paper analyzes photovoltaic power grid inverter .

  4. 太阳能光伏发电并网电站设计与研究

    A Design and Study on Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Station

  5. 本文完成了对光伏发电并网的关键技术及其并网后对电网的影响等的分析,为光伏发电的规划和并网提供参考依据。

    It can provide a reference for photovoltaic power generation and network planning .

  6. 居民太阳能光伏发电并网引起的问题研究

    Research on Problems Caused by Grid Connection with Photovoltaic Power Generated with Solar Energy by Residents

  7. 全球光伏发电并网系统的总装机容量在过去的五年内已经达到了数千兆瓦。

    Assemble power of photovoltaic power generation grid-connected system in the whole world has reached thousands of megawatts ( MW ) in the past five years .

  8. 最后,本文讨论了光伏发电并网后对电网造成的影响,主要从系统调峰和电网电能质量两个方面进行计算和分析。

    Finally , the article discusses the impact on grid after the photovoltaic connect with the grid , mainly including the system peak shaving and power quality .

  9. 在太阳能开发和利用过程中,光伏发电并网系统以其运行成本低和供电稳定性,越来越受到人们的重视。

    With the development and utilization of solar power , photovoltaic power generation grid-connected system is paid more attention with its low running costs and power supply stability .

  10. 另外,大规模光伏发电并网产生的孤岛效应和微网环流也严重危害着电力系统的安全性和稳定性。

    In addition , island effect and microgrid circulation , which caused by photovoltaic connecting grid cosmically , also seriously endanger the safety and stability of the power system .

  11. 基于DSP的光伏发电系统并网技术的仿真研究

    Simulation and Research of Technology in PV-connected System Based on DSP

  12. 搭建了实验平台,完成了光伏发电单元并网、离网运行模式的实验研究。

    Then the experimental platform has been built , and experiments of PV power generation units during grid-connected mode and island mode have been completed .

  13. 本文主要对光伏发电系统并网控制及孤岛检测进行了深入的研究,主要的工作内容如下:首先,光伏并网发电系统中,滤波器和并网控制策略直接影响电流质量。

    The main contents are as follows : First , in the Grid-Connected PV System , the filter and the control strategy directly affect on the quality of current .

  14. 本论文主要针对这两个部分进行研究,主要研究内容如下:首先,对光伏发电三相并网逆变器系统常用的几种电路拓扑结构进行分析,并比较其优缺点。

    In this thesis , the studies around this two aspects to study , the main contents are as follows : Frist , Analyze several circuit topology about photovoltaic power generation three-phase grid inverter system used commonly , and compares their advantages and disadvantages .

  15. 目前光伏发电主要为并网应用。

    Presently , PV power generation is mainly used ingrid-connected application .

  16. 分析了光伏发电系统及其并网的技术特点,简要阐述了光伏发电并网问题的研究现状。

    This paper presents special characteristics of PV and its interconnection with the large power system , and reviews the status of the grid-connected PV .

  17. 研究表明光伏发电与所并网系统相比容量较小时,其输出功率波动对配网电压和频率的影响均可忽略不计。

    Studies show that when the capacity of photovoltaic generation is smaller than the grid system , the influence of the output power fluctuations on the voltage and frequency of distribution network can be ignored .

  18. 现今光伏发电系统大多采用并网的方式来提供电能。

    In current , photovoltaic power generation systems mostly adopt the way of grid to provide electricity .

  19. 光伏并网发电是利用太阳能的有效途径之一,光伏并网发电技术在于并网逆变器及并网控制方案。

    Photovoltaic ( PV ) grid-connected generation is one of the effective ways of using solar energy , and the key of PV grid-connected technology is grid-connected inverter and grid-connected control scheme .

  20. 将基于单周控制的有源滤波器引入了光伏并网发电系统中,并对其进行仿真,结果表明基于单周控制的有源滤波器能够有效地补偿因为光伏发电系统并网引起的谐波。

    The APF based on one-cycle control is added into the grid-connected PV systems , and its simulation results show that the APF based on one-cycle control can effectively compensate for harmonics wave generated by photovoltaic power generation system connected to grid .