
  • 网络optical imaging;Optical Image;photo-imaging
  1. 随着卫星光学成像分辨率的提高,遥感图像可提供更多的目标细节信息,同时可进行识别的目标种类也越来越多,这就需要更高效更可靠的算法对多类目标实现检测识别。

    With the improvement of the satellite optical imaging resolution , more details and categories of targets that can be recognized are provided by remote sensing images . Thus , algorithms of higher efficiency and more robustness are needed in detection and recognition of multi-class targets .

  2. 主要包括MRI、MRS、PET及光学成像等。

    Molecular imaging includes MRI , MRS , PET and optical imaging .

  3. 调制传递函数(ModulationTransferFunction,简称MTF),是光学成像系统成像质量的重要评价指标。

    MTF ( Modulation Transfer Function ) is a key indicator of digital imaging system .

  4. 基于MonteCarlo在体生物光学成像的光子传输模型

    Photon Propagation Model of In Vivo Bioluminescent Imaging Based on Monte Carlo

  5. 光学成像系统方面:对空间光调制器和CMOS摄像机的成像匹配进行了研究;

    For Optical imaging system : Imaging matching of SLM and CMOS camera is examined .

  6. 介绍了CCD立靶坐标测量系统的坐标测量原理及其目标光学成像特性。

    The coordinate measurement principle and target imaging characteristic of CCD vertical target coordinate measurement system are introduced .

  7. 用于DVD光学成像系统的非球面透镜设计

    Design of Aspherical Lens for Optical Imaging System of DVD

  8. 提出了一种基于MonteCarlo方法的在体生物光学成像中的光子传输模型。

    In this paper , a photon propagation model of bioluminescent imaging based on Monte Carlo method is proposed .

  9. 高速线扫描OCT的可行性与光学成像特性的研究

    Study on the Feasibility and Optical Imaging Properties of High Speed Line-Focused OCT

  10. 实验表明本文的ISAR成像结果与光学成像一致。

    ISAR imaging results of experiments are consistent with optical radar images .

  11. 中国农田N2O排放通量原位观测研究的汇总分析位相复原技术在光学成像质量测评中的应用

    A Summary of Field Studies on N_2O Measurements in Chinese Croplands During 1990-2008 Application of phase retrieval technology in evaluation of optical imaging system

  12. 通过实现光学成像系统与CCD探测系统的匹配设计,减小了欠采样噪声,改善了成像质量。

    The confusion in images is reduced and the quality of image is improved by matching an optical imagery system with a CCD detection system .

  13. 为分析成像侦察卫星的作战效能,针对光学成像侦察卫星和SAR卫星,建立了卫星识别目标的概率模型。

    To analyze operational effectiveness of imaging reconnaissance satellites , the probability of identifying targets models were built for optical image reconnaissance satellite and SAR satellite .

  14. 由于几乎已知的所有材料在x射线波段的折射率都非常接近于1,菲涅耳波带片在X射线的光学成像上显得尤为重要。

    As the refractive index is very close to unity for all materials at X-ray wavelengths , FZP plays a role of the most promising optical element in X-ray imaging .

  15. 分析了利用炽热钢板自身发光进行光学成像,采用高精度的线阵CCD作为测量传感器,对热轧中板宽度进行智能测量的专用红外光电仪表。

    This paper presents a special infrared optoelectronic instrument for measuring the hot-rolled plate width , which uses the high accuracy linear CCD as the measuring detector .

  16. 提出了一种基于TBM模型的异类传感器目标综合识别算法,充分利用了电子侦察和光学成像侦察提供的独立、互补的信息,获得了对目标的有效识别。

    This paper proposed a target combined identification algorithm based on TBM model by employing information of electronic and optical reconnaissance .

  17. 平面投影成像,如整体荧光光学成像(Whole-bodyFluorescenceOpticalImaging,WFOI),因其实现相对简单,得到广泛应用。

    Because it is easy relatively to implement , the planar imaging is adopted widely such as Whole-body Fluorescence Optical Imaging ( WFOI ) .

  18. 但是,GPR跟光学成像设备不同,它不能直接反映目标的特征。

    However , GPR is different from optical imaging equipment as it is not able to reflect the feature of object directly .

  19. 对于活体人体研究,由于组织的吸收与发散特性,光学成像主要局限于表层位置,此时MRI或PET是比较合适的选择。

    For in vivo studies in humans , optical imaging is largely limited to superficial sites owing to the absorption and scattering properties of tissue , and MRI or PET are preferred modalities .

  20. 对所制备的Pickering乳剂进行了TEM形貌、光学成像和荧光成像等研究;对纳米凝胶乳剂的温敏性、pH敏感性、稳定性等进行了考察。

    Pickering emulsions were characterized using TEM , optical imaging , and fluorescence imaging . The thermo - and pH sensitivity , and stability were also investigated .

  21. PET、SPECT、光学成像及显微CT/MRT/PET/光学成相等,适用于分子、基因的显像和定位。

    PET . SPECT . optical image-forming , and micro CT / MRI / PET / optical image-forming , they are suitable for molecular and gene 's developing and orientation .

  22. 利用光学成像技术与线阵CCD信号串行输出相结合测量物体尺寸,存在着光学系统衍射引起的像边缘不确定带来的测量误差。

    Using optics imaging technology and the linear array CCD series outbound signal to measure object size , have the measurement error due to optical systematic diffraction arousing the indetermination of picture edge .

  23. 针对光刻模型的光学成像系统,本文介绍了基本的基于Hopkins公式的曝光系统模型以及Hopkins的近似算法,即所谓的基于特征函数的SOCS算法。

    An optical model with Hopkins and an approximate algorithm , so-called SOCS algorithm , are presented as well .

  24. 提出了一种相对位置和姿态估计的在轨自检校光学成像测量算法,可在解算相对位置和姿态参数同时,对CCD相机内参数进行实时检校。

    An optical measurement algorithm of seIf-calibration in orbit for relative pose estimation is presented . CCD camera interior parameters can be self-calibrated in this algorithm when relative pose parameters are gained . 6 .

  25. 由于FRFT与光学成像有着内在的联系,可用它来描述光学成像衍射过程,因而它非常适合于数字图像处理。

    The FRFT is closely connected with optical system and can describe all diffraction process of optical imaging system .

  26. 相对于传统的非在线检测和其它在线检测技术来说,光学成像技术在SF6气体泄漏检测方面,是一个比较大的突破。

    Compared with traditional off-line and other on-line detection technologies , optical imaging technology is a great breakthrough in the SF6 gas leakage detection .

  27. FrFT与光学成像有着密切的联系,可用它来描述光学成像衍射过程,因而它非常适合于数字图像处理,将FrFT用于数字图像处理领域中是图像技术发展的一个新方向。

    The FrFT is closely connected with the optical imaging system , which is very suitable for digital image processing .

  28. 在近距(150m~1.5m)空间交会对接中,CCD光学成像敏感器承担测量任务,CCD像机在观测视场角内如何捕捉到目标是首要问题。

    In spatial short-range ( 150m ~ 1.5m ) Rendezvous and Docking , CCD optical sensor is main measuring device . At measuring field of view , how CCD camera catches the targets is principal problem .

  29. 利用傅里叶光学成像理论,推导出了在4f系统中单个SLM像素成像的光强分布,并由此定量地分析了像素位置偏移对读出误码率的影响。

    The theory of lens imaging in Fourier optic to improve the imaging intensity of one SLM pixel in 4f system is used .

  30. 在计算机上通过模拟点扩散函数(PointsSpreadFunction简称PSF)、理想几何光学成像、单色光成像,成功地模拟了DOE的成像过程。

    The main works in this paper is that , by calculating Points Spread Function ( PSF ) and simulating the forming of images of monochromatic light and ideality geometrical optics on the computer , we have simulated successfully DOE imaging process .