
  1. 然后,为了更好地产生铅笔画的光线效果及其局部走势纹理,采用线积分卷积(LIC)的方法生成类似的效果,并且用适当的图像分割方法来获取有意义的区域进行LIC处理。

    Second , the line integral convolution ( LIC ) algorithm was used to get better effects of illumination and local texture of pencil drawing , and the image segment was applied to gain the significant areas .

  2. 主要研究内容包括海面建模与绘制;海洋场景中船航行特效仿真;天空和海洋环境的光线效果模拟。

    The main contents include the sea surface modeling and rendering , special effect simulation of ship navigation , sky and ocean simulation of lighting effect .

  3. 基于shader实现的光线透射效果

    Implementation of light-bleed effect based on shader

  4. 镜头光晕模拟相机镜头内的折射光线的效果。

    Lens Flares simulate the effect of lights refracting inside camera lens .

  5. 菜单图标的光线、效果和阴影。

    A view of light , effects , and shadows for launcher icons .

  6. 光线散射效果的真实感模拟一直是计算机图形学研究的热点和难点之一。

    Simulation of ray scattering effect has been a hotspot and one of the most difficult tasks in Compute Graphics .

  7. 同时,还模拟了透明材质的虚拟对象的光线折射效果,绘制出虚实融合的场景,产生全局照明的真实感效果,使虚实场景更具真实感。

    The refraction effect of synthetic object with transparent material is simulated and the scenes of mixing virtual and actual reality are rendered in real time , therefore , the global illumination effect is obtained and the rendering scenes are more realistic .

  8. 真实的模拟光线的透射效果是实时计算机图形学中一个非常令人关注的内容。

    The realistic representation of light-bleed effect is one of the key topics in real-time computer graphics .

  9. 我喜欢这种锐利的颜色和光线及光影效果。

    I like the sharpness of the color and the light and shadow on the face of the model .

  10. 第二章,当代绘画表现中的光线&明暗效果的成因。

    The second chapter in the " light " in the performance of contemporary painting-the causes of light and shade effect .

  11. 游戏场景系统为游戏提供基础支持、设定窗口的摄影机视角、建立游戏的时间与空间体系,并引入光线和渲染效果。

    The scene system provides basic support for the game , configures camera view for the window , creates time and space of the game , and provides lighting and particle effects .

  12. 此外,为了自然写实地表现光线及光的效果,颜氏同样进行科学研究。

    Light and the effect of lighting are also scientifically studied for the sake of realistic representation .

  13. 与户外灿烂的阳光相比,室内的光线有种催眠效果,这对双胞胎尤其明显。

    In contrast to the blaze of sunlight outside , the inner light had a soporific effect , especially on the twins .