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  1. 摘要传阎立本《步辇图》是一幅写实风格的艺术作品,描述了唐太宗接见迎娶文成公主的吐蕃赞普使者历史场面。

    Yan liben 's painting Bunian Tu is a realist work which depicts Emperor Tang Taizong receiving as an emissary the Tubo King Songtsan Gampo who married Princess wencheng .

  2. 这是由于,它并不像跑步机那样,你的身材同时受着步辇儿或跑步的影响,椭圆练习仪更多的是被以为是在半空中步辇儿。

    This is because , unlike a treadmill in which your body absorbs the impact of walking and running , the Elliptical trainer if often described as walking in midair .

  3. 《步辇图》为唐代人物画,是现藏故宫博物院中国十大传世名画之一。

    The steps for a picture of the tang dynasty paintings chariot presently hides the Palace Museum , is one of China top ten painting handed down from ancient times .