
  • 网络stepping motor driver;Stepper Motor Driver
  1. 一种小功率混合式步进电机驱动器的开发

    The Development of a Kind of Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver

  2. 此外,本文设计了一套与NI运动控制卡协同工作的步进电机驱动器,增强运动控制卡脉冲信号的带负载能力,驱动芯片台工作。

    In addition , a stepper motor driver was designed for drive chip carrier , which could enhance the load capacity of the pulse generated by NI motion control card .

  3. 由DSP处理器、步进电机驱动器、步进电机、电子罗盘形成一个闭环控制系统。

    A closed-loop control system is formed involving the DSP processor , step motor driver , step motor and electronic compass .

  4. 步进电机驱动器中MOSFET的驱动设计

    Design of MOSFET Driver Used in the Stepping-motor Driver

  5. 采用CPLD大大简化了系统的外围硬件电路结构,提高了系统的抗干扰性能,缩短了步进电机驱动器的设计周期。

    Adopting CPLD will simplify the complexity of circuit of the system and improve its ability to resist EMI .

  6. 计算机控制步进电机驱动器输出脉冲信号驱动步进电机转动,从而实现AFM的探针一样品自动逼近,提高了操作的简便性和系统的自动化程度。

    The computer is in control of the stepper motor driver to output impulse signals that are used to drive the stepper motor .

  7. 介绍一种利用C8051F020单片机为控制核心的步进电机驱动器。

    This paper introduces a kind of stepper motor driver with the key of MCU C8051F020 .

  8. 本文首先对直线电机的发展情况以及本课题的研究内容进行了介绍,然后讨论了直线步进电机驱动器的发展和本文所研究的样机的概况,接着对DSP控制器作了详细地介绍。

    This article introduces the status quo of linear stepping electric motor and research content of this topic , then discusses the development of linear stepping motor drive unit and general situation of the researched sample unit , furthermore supply the detailed introduction to DSP controller .

  9. 由SI-7502构成的五相步进电机驱动器

    Five-phase Stepper Motor Controller Constructed with SI-7502

  10. 介绍了一种采用专用芯片L6506的步进电机驱动器设计。

    This paper introduced the design of one stepper motor driver using dedicated chip L6506 .

  11. 提出采用斩波式电流型开关电源结合单片式步进电机驱动器TA8435H,构成一种电机驱动电路的方案。

    A method of stepping motor driver circuit was given , composed by a chopper type current mode switch regulator and a monolithic stepping motor driver TA8435H .

  12. 基于单片机的改进型五相混合式步进电机驱动器设计

    Design of five-phase hybrid stepping motor reformative driver based on MCU

  13. 脉冲电流源型步进电机驱动器的研究

    Research of the stepping motor driver with switch constancy current source

  14. 基于L297/298芯片混合式步进电机驱动器的研制

    Development of Blending Step Motor Driver Based on L297 / 298 Chip

  15. 基于集成芯片的步进电机驱动器设计

    Design of the stepping motor driver based on integrated chip

  16. 介绍步进电机驱动器的一种设计方法。

    A method of designing stepping motor driver is given in this paper .

  17. 基于双极性桥式电路的两相制步进电机驱动器设计

    The Design of Quarter-phase Stepper Motor Driver Based on Dual Bridge Driving Circuit

  18. 二相混合式步进电机驱动器的优化设计

    Design of 2 - phase Hybrid Stepping Motor Driver

  19. 本设计重点研究了高性能步进电机驱动器及其控制系统。

    The design focuses ona high-performance step motor driver and its control system .

  20. 新型三相混合式步进电机驱动器

    Novel Three - phases Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver

  21. 控制装置由微机、A/D转换器、脉冲信号发生器和步进电机驱动器组成,被控对象则是带动天线转台转动的步进电机。

    The control object is the step motor which makes the antenna platform rotate .

  22. 复杂可编程逻辑器在步进电机驱动器中的应用

    The Application of CPLD in Step Motor Driver

  23. 数字调频激励器可预置步进电机驱动器

    Digit FM Exciter The Preset Step-Motor Driver

  24. 组蛋白密码可预置步进电机驱动器

    Histone Code The Preset Step-Motor Driver

  25. 四相步进电机驱动器

    Four phase stepping motor driver

  26. 此外通过驱动电路的设计实现步进电机驱动器的细分,充分保证了电机运行的精度。

    Moreover , the driving circuit design realizes step-motor division driving , which ensures the high accuracy .

  27. 改进现有步进电机驱动器,从现有驱动器控制芯片中引出电机初相位信号,并输入运动控制卡,配合运动控制卡进行电机回原位动作的控制,提高电机回原位动作的定位精度。

    Take out phase signal from current step motor driver . Cooperate with motion control card to enhance the precision of origin return .

  28. 用单片机组成的智能化步进电机驱动器使机床在快速、精度和降噪方面达较高水平。

    An intelligent SM driver , equipped with a monolithic microprocessor , offered outstanding advantage on raising speed , improving accuracy and independent operating .

  29. 该文设计了一种新型的步进电机驱动器。该驱动器用于驱动三相反应式步进电机。

    A new type of stepping motor driver has been designed in the paper which is used to drive three - phase reaction stepping motor .

  30. 电脑绣花机系统中现有五相混合式步进电机驱动器存在诸多不足之处:低频转矩振荡、高频输出转矩不足和多电源供电等。

    Five-phase hybrid stepping motor drivers in the computerised embroidery machine have a good many defects such as low frequency torque vibrations , high frequency inadequate torque output and multi power supplies .