
  • 网络Routine test;routine type
  1. 本文首先介绍了环境例行试验及其作用,给出了环境例行试验在某型号产品上的应用实例,指出了环境例行试验的不足之处。

    This paper introduces environmental routine test and its effect at first , gives an application example in delivering a product , and points out its deficiency .

  2. 高压直流试验是换流变压器的例行试验之一。

    HVDC test is one of routine tests on the converter transformer .

  3. 介绍了使用计算机自动控制的家用冰柜例行试验系统。

    An automatic routine examination system for refrigerators is proposed .

  4. 然后是测试仪的软硬件的设计和研制,仪器通过了国家的各项环境例行试验。

    Then is the design and develop of instrument soft and hardware .

  5. 家用冰柜自动例行试验系统

    An Automatic Routine Examination System for Refrigerators

  6. 建议变压器例行试验和运行变压器应增加有载分接开关偏移电压测量项目。

    The proposals for measurement of OLTC recovery voltage in transformer test and operation are made .

  7. 对一起高压隔离开关投运前,例行试验发现的隔离开关绝缘套管故障进行分析。

    This paper analyzes the malfunction of high voltage disconnectors insulated sleeve before running regular tests .

  8. 对所研制的传感器的工艺考核、性能测试、例行试验等进行测试,并对测试结果进行了比较和分析。

    The sensor was test for craft , capability , proceeds etc , and comparison with analyze .

  9. 例行试验、型式试验和特殊试验是保证电力变压器的生产质量和性能良好的至关重要的环节。

    The routine , type and special tests for power transformer are the key factor of its quality and characteristics .

  10. 产品全部通过国家变压器质量监督检验中心的例行试验、型式试验和特殊试验。

    All products have passed the regular test , type test and special test hold by the national transformer quality inspection and testing center .

  11. 机车、车辆整车称重试验台是为满足各种不同轨距、轴距的4轴、6轴机车,车辆整车出厂型式试验,例行试验称重而研制的测试设备。

    The weighting test device is designed for testing the weight of 4 & 6 axis locomotives and vehicles with different track gauge and wheelbase .

  12. 方法对383例行倾斜试验(HUTT)检查的不明原因晕厥(UPS)患者详细询问晕厥家族史,并记录建档。

    Methods Undergoing head-up tilt table test ( HUTT ), 383 patients with unexplained syncope ( UPS ) were carefully inquired familial syncope history and filed .

  13. 确诊病例组4例患者行。肾上腺素激发试验均为阳性,疑似病例组3例行此试验阳性率为33.3%。

    In final diagnosed group , 4 cases were screened positive result for epinephrine stimulating test , and in suspected diagnosed group , the positive percentage is 33.3 % .

  14. 方法:对EB病毒感染者44例行随机对照试验。

    Methods : 44 patients who infected with EB virus were studied .

  15. 方法:62例临床确诊特醛症患者中,11例行体位激发试验、26例行赛庚啶试验、11例行肾上腺静脉插管检查,62例行肾上腺B超及CT检查。

    Methods : Sixty-two patients clinically diagnosed with PA were examined with the postural stimulating test ( PST ), cyproheptadine test , and adrenal venous sampling ( AVS ) .

  16. 结果:5055例行平板运动试验者中,有11例未患心肌梗死而运动诱发心绞痛伴ST段抬高,发生率0.22%。

    Results : 11 of 5 055 patients who underwent test in our hospital complained chest pain and got ST segment elevation during treadmill exercise test .

  17. 19例行前抽屉试验检查,阳性12例。

    19 patients received ADT , and 12 were positive .

  18. 方法109例排粪造影,其中13例行结肠传输试验。

    Methods : 109 cases with constipation were studied with defecography , 13 cases of them had colon transition test .

  19. 45例行膀胱灌注试验确诊,2例因尿道断裂行尿道会师术时发现。

    45 cases were finally diagnosed with bladder perfusion , 2 were found in urethra reunion operation because of urethra disruption .

  20. 方法:分析外伤性膀胱破裂7例,6例行膀胱灌注试验确诊,1例因尿道断裂行尿道会师术时发现。

    Methods : 7 cases of the traumatic bladder rupture were reported . Of which 6 cases were confirmed by the test of bladder irrigation and 1 cases by operation .

  21. 方法28例冠心病患者,男26例,女2例,分别行心肌血流灌注和心肌代谢显像,全部28例均行冠状动脉造影,25例行心电图运动平板试验。

    Methods There were 28 patients with CAD ( 26 males and 2 females ) who got myocardial perfusion / melabolism imaging . Coronary angiography was performed in all of these patients and exercise electrocardiogram test was performed in 25 of them .